Top 71 - 80 Saltwater Fish All Time

Rated #71: Saltwater Fish - Amblyeleotris Guttata - Orange Spotted Goby Stocking In 60 Gallons Tank

Rated #71: Saltwater Fish - Amblyeleotris Guttata - Orange Spotted Goby Stocking In 60 Gallons Tank - orange spotted goby paired with pistol shrimp.
Username: ohio
Country: United States
Rank: #71 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: ohio on
Ratings: 6.26
Number of votes: 23
Quote: I love this hobbie
About Yourself: I started my tank about 3 months ago and i'm loving it.
Fish Kept: Drangon pipe fish,Chevron Tang,Engineer Goby,Orange Spotted Goby with a paired pistol shrimp.
Corals/Plants: Many diff zoo's,Open brain,and many more to come.
Tank Size: 60 gallons
Advice: My advice for new hobbyists take your time do little by little and seat back and enjoy the hobby.
Description: orange spotted goby paired with pistol shrimp.

Rated #72: Saltwater Fish - Naso Lituratus - Naso Tang Stocking In 120 Gallons Tank

Rated #72: Saltwater Fish - Naso Lituratus - Naso Tang Stocking In 120 Gallons Tank - Naso Tang and Kuda Seahorse are Lovers!
Username: Kelly
Country: United States
Rank: #72 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Kelly on
Ratings: 6.26
Number of votes: 23
Quote: "Fish are Friends Not Food."
About Yourself: :) addicted to my tank. Special thanks to SeaCave in Erie, Pa
Fish Kept: 1 Harelquin Tuskfish 1 Naso Tang Blue hippo tang Yellow tang 1 Kuda Seahorse 5 Stripped Cardinals 2 Green Mandarin Gobies 1 Red HawkFish 1 Harlequin Shrimp 3 Anenomies 2 Giant Clams lots of Starfish and lots of crabs
Corals/Plants: 2 Meaty Brains Duncans Orange tree Sponge Torch corals Hammer corals Colt corals Kenya trees waving hands zoanthids mushrooms frogsspawn chili coral sun coral dendrophylia flower pots candy coral some other randoms
Tank Size: 120 gallons
Advice: :) Just Keep Swimming
Description: Naso Tang and Kuda Seahorse are Lovers!

Rated #73: Saltwater Fish - Pterois Volitans - Volitan Lionfish Stocking In 130 Gallons Tank

Rated #73: Saltwater Fish - Pterois Volitans - Volitan Lionfish Stocking In 130 Gallons Tank - my lovely volitan
Username: andy sannyoto
Country: Indonesia
Rank: #73 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: andy sannyoto on
Ratings: 6.26
Number of votes: 81
Quote: be patient
Fish Kept: bluestone,scorpion fish
Corals/Plants: liverock
Tank Size: 130 gallons
Advice: be patient and always analize everyday
Description: my lovely volitan

Rated #74: Saltwater Fish - Pseudanthias Pictilis - Pictilis Anthias Stocking In 75 Gallons Tank

Rated #74: Saltwater Fish - Pseudanthias Pictilis - Pictilis Anthias Stocking In 75 Gallons Tank - Blue-Eyed Anthias
Username: anthias
Country: United States
Rank: #74 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: anthias on
Ratings: 6.25
Number of votes: 56
Quote: cecap + Deltec + Tunze + Neptune AC + BB = Pure Success
About Yourself: Reefing 24/7
Fish Kept: 1. False Percs (2) 2. Naso Tang 3. Yellow Tang 4. Blue-Eyed Anthias Female (3) 5. Lyretail Anthias Male 6. Algae Blenny 7. Solar Wrasse 8. Emperor Angel
Corals/Plants: All SPS BABY!!!
Tank Size: 75 gallons
Advice: Take it slow!
Description: Blue-Eyed Anthias

Rated #75: Saltwater Fish - Pterosynchiropus Splendidus Var. - Red Mandarin Stocking In 140 Gallons Tank

Rated #75: Saltwater Fish - Pterosynchiropus Splendidus Var. - Red Mandarin Stocking In 140 Gallons Tank - Closeup of my Mandarin
Username: Robert
Country: New Zealand
Rank: #75 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Robert on
Ratings: 6.25
Number of votes: 44
Fish Kept: Tangs (Blue,Yellow)Goby,Blennie,Coral Beauty,2 x Perc Clowns etc
Corals/Plants: All softies :-)
Tank Size: 140 gallons
Advice: Read,read,read and ask questions.
Description: Closeup of my Mandarin

Rated #76: Saltwater Fish - Chelmon Rostratus - Copperband Butterflyfish Stocking In 46 Gallons Tank

Rated #76: Saltwater Fish - Chelmon Rostratus - Copperband Butterflyfish Stocking In 46 Gallons Tank - Copperband Butterflyfish
Username: Tiffany
Country: United States
Rank: #76 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Tiffany on
Ratings: 6.23
Number of votes: 22
Quote: .
About Yourself: I sell alot of my stuff from my tank and ship it all across the us. Keeps things from over growing! I love helping others so if you have any questions let me know.
Fish Kept: Engineer Goby, Blue Hippo Tang, Yellow Tang, Atlantic Yellow Tang, 2 True Percula Clowns
Corals/Plants: SPS, LPS, Zoanthids, Palythoas, Mushrooms Ricordeas, Leathers, Soft Coral, White Pom Pom Xenia
Tank Size: 46 gallons
Advice: Research! Do every bit of research on products that you can before you buy them.
Description: Copperband Butterflyfish

Rated #77: Saltwater Fish - Holacanthus Ciliaris - Queen Angelfish Stocking In 250 Gallons Tank

Rated #77: Saltwater Fish - Holacanthus Ciliaris - Queen Angelfish Stocking In 250 Gallons Tank - queen angel
Username: Eric
Country: United States
Rank: #77 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Eric on
Ratings: 6.22
Number of votes: 46
Fish Kept: Queen and Emperor angels, harlequin tusk, zebra eel, lots of tangs, triggers and puffers
Corals/Plants: lots
Tank Size: 250 gallons
Advice: Don't overstock!
Description: queen angel

Rated #78: Saltwater Fish - Zebrasoma Flavescens - Yellow Tang - Hawaii

Rated #78: Saltwater Fish - Zebrasoma Flavescens - Yellow Tang - Hawaii
Username: dragon
Country: United States
Rank: #78 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: dragon on
Ratings: 6.21
Number of votes: 85

Rated #79: Saltwater Fish - Epinephelus Summana - Spotted Grouper Stocking In 125 Gallons Tank

Rated #79: Saltwater Fish - Epinephelus Summana - Spotted Grouper Stocking In 125 Gallons Tank - What kind of grouper is it?
Username: jonah
Country: United States
Rank: #79 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: jonah on
Ratings: 6.19
Number of votes: 21
Fish Kept: Volitans Lionfish, some kind of grouper (not sure), brown banded cat shark
Corals/Plants: none
Tank Size: 125 gallons
Advice: People think starting with a 10 gallon is a good idea bc it will be easier. It isn't, its harder to keep a 10 gallon as healthy as a larger aquarium. People often think salt water is soooooooo much harder to keep up, it isn't. You just add salt, thats it. Your first tank should be at least a 29 gallon, 50 range would be better.
Description: What kind of grouper is it?

Rated #80: Saltwater Fish - Amphiprion Ocellaris - Ocellaris Clownfish Stocking In 42 Gallons Tank

Rated #80: Saltwater Fish - Amphiprion Ocellaris - Ocellaris Clownfish Stocking In 42 Gallons Tank - Pairing twitching Clowns
Username: Tyler
Country: Australia
Rank: #80 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Tyler on
Ratings: 6.18
Number of votes: 11
Fish Kept: 2 Blue Green Chromis, 2 Clown, 2 Kaudern's Cardinals, sea star, stromb snail and hermit crabs
Corals/Plants: Macro Algae
Tank Size: 42 gallons
Advice: Take it slow in SW. Nothing good happens fast. Avoid using chemicals.
Description: Pairing twitching Clowns



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