Top 41 - 50 Saltwater Fish All Time

Rated #41: Saltwater Fish - Synchiropus Splendidus - Green Mandarin Stocking In 90 Gallons Tank

Rated #41: Saltwater Fish - Synchiropus Splendidus - Green Mandarin Stocking In 90 Gallons Tank - Ooops, a Mandarin Snack. Bad Donut!
Username: Peter Roina
Country: United States
Rank: #41 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Peter Roina on
Ratings: 6.6
Number of votes: 20
Quote: "That's what I said setting booby traps" Goonies
About Yourself: I am new to Salt, been playing with cichlids for a few years, breeding them, collecting beautiful ones, just had to graduate to salt. I now have 5 salt tanks, and 7 cichlid tanks. We figure, since we can't live next to the water, we'll bring it to us, a tank in every room gets us through life.
Fish Kept: Pair Ocillarus clowns, foxface rabbitfish, yellow eye tang, firefish, chromis', target mandarin goby, derasa clowns
Corals/Plants: Rose anemone, mixed euphelia (including octopus), mixed zoos, stoneys, toadstool, donut coral, dendro, candycane, red flowerpot, red acans, lots of maze brains, favita, etc
Tank Size: 90 gallons
Advice: Enjoy the process. The only thing that happens quickly in a reeftank is failure.
Description: Ooops, a Mandarin Snack. Bad Donut!

Rated #42: Saltwater Fish - Opistognathus Rosenblatti - Blue Spot Jawfish Stocking In 90 Gallons Tank

Rated #42: Saltwater Fish - Opistognathus Rosenblatti - Blue Spot Jawfish Stocking In 90 Gallons Tank - Bluespot Jawfish
Username: Matt
Country: United States
Rank: #42 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Matt on
Ratings: 6.59
Number of votes: 41
Quote: These snozberries taste like snozberries
About Yourself: I have been doing this for many years and this tank was moved to kansas from California about 7 months ago
Fish Kept: In the tank: 3 yellow tangs, 3 azure damsels, 3 neon gobies, 2 scooter blennies, and a bangaii cardinal
Corals/Plants: SPS, LPS, Softies, Zoos, Clams, Anemones
Tank Size: 90 gallons
Advice: Dont start off small!
Description: Bluespot Jawfish

Rated #43: Saltwater Fish - Zebrasoma Xanthurum - Purple Tang Stocking In 72 Gallons Tank

Rated #43: Saltwater Fish - Zebrasoma Xanthurum - Purple Tang Stocking In 72 Gallons Tank - My purple tang swimming about.
Username: Tracy
Country: United States
Rank: #43 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Tracy on
Ratings: 6.55
Number of votes: 42
Fish Kept: Purple tang,Blue tang,Yellow tang,Brown tang,Clownfish,Diamond back goby,Fireshrimp,Starfish, wrasses
Corals/Plants: Mushrooms,Frogspawn,Zoos,anemone
Tank Size: 72 gallons
Description: My purple tang swimming about.

Rated #44: Saltwater Fish - Premnas Biaculeatus - Maroon Clownfish

Rated #44: Saltwater Fish - Premnas Biaculeatus - Maroon Clownfish - like fish
Username: ryan
Country: United States
Rank: #44 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: ryan on
Ratings: 6.55
Number of votes: 77
Quote: bottoms up
Description: like fish

Rated #45: Saltwater Fish - Acanthurus Sohal - Sohal Tang Stocking In 120 Gallons Tank

Rated #45: Saltwater Fish - Acanthurus Sohal - Sohal Tang Stocking In 120 Gallons Tank - Acanthurus sohal 
7 yo
Username: clio
Country: Italy
Rank: #45 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: clio on
Ratings: 6.55
Number of votes: 22
About Yourself: ...
Fish Kept: acanthurus sohal naso lituratus paracanthurus hepatus zebrasoma veliferum zebrasoma flavescens gramma loreto premnas biaculeatus
Corals/Plants: symphillya red/green ricordea florida trachiphillya geoffrey turbinaria sp. sinularia actinodiscus blue caulastrea furcata montipora digitata red montipora digitata grey pocillopora damicornis
Tank Size: 120 gallons
Advice: ...
Description: Acanthurus sohal 7 yo

Rated #46: Saltwater Fish - Spotted Mandarin (synchiropus Pi Stocking In 240 Gallons Tank

Rated #46: Saltwater Fish - Spotted Mandarin (synchiropus Pi Stocking In 240 Gallons Tank - My Green spotted Dragonet
Username: Steven Grant
Country: Australia
Rank: #46 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Steven Grant on
Ratings: 6.53
Number of votes: 51
About Yourself: Walked into a LFS and fell in love with the colors & fish.
Corals/Plants: Mostly Lps. couple of sps.
Tank Size: 240 gallons
Advice: Tank your time & ask lots of questions
Description: My Green spotted Dragonet

Rated #47: Saltwater Fish - Zebrasoma Veliferum - Sailfin Tang Stocking In 180 Gallons Tank

Rated #47: Saltwater Fish - Zebrasoma Veliferum - Sailfin Tang Stocking In 180 Gallons Tank - Zambrasoma veliferum
Username: Richard Durso
Country: United States
Rank: #47 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Richard Durso on
Ratings: 6.53
Number of votes: 57
Quote: Nothing good happens fast in reef keeping.
About Yourself: Been keeping reef tanks over 10 years. My tank has been featured as tank of the month on-line several times and is the cover image of "Simplified Reefkeeping" book recently published.
Fish Kept: Tangs, Gobies, Rabbitfish, Anthias, Blennies, dozens of other types.
Corals/Plants: LT Anemones (which spawned several times), Tridacnid Clams, Gorgonians, Hammer, Elegance, Octobubble, dozens of acropora and monitipora species.
Tank Size: 180 gallons
Advice: Read some good books and find a mentor with a tank you love!
Description: Zambrasoma veliferum

Rated #48: Saltwater Fish - Amphiprion Ocellaris - Ocellaris Clownfish Stocking In 29 Gallons Tank

Rated #48: Saltwater Fish - Amphiprion Ocellaris - Ocellaris Clownfish Stocking In 29 Gallons Tank - My fish are photogenic...but I need a macro lens like crazy. They pose for you see. :)
Username: Michael Gallagher
Country: United States
Rank: #48 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Michael Gallagher on
Ratings: 6.52
Number of votes: 27
Quote: what goes around comes around
About Yourself: Im only 20 years old but I live in Florida an love the florida keys. I like scuba diving and really feel that the reefs should be preserved. I figured it was time to get my own piece of reef in my home so I could enjoy the beauty every day and show people why it needs to be protected. My goal is to have a full blown reef in the top ten on this site and the nicest 29 gallon reef in the world. Its a challenge..........but im up for it.
Fish Kept: Two clowns, sixline wrasse, 100ish nassarious snails, sea cucumber, and 4 turbo snails.
Corals/Plants: in my refuge I have brown red and green algaes as well as 60 mangroves. I have acropora, birdsnest,mushrooms,hammer corals, galaxy corals, fungi plate coral, xenia, and even palys and zoas.
Tank Size: 29 gallons
Advice: Be PATIENT. Thats why I got into this, to help me with my patients. You rush and you will fail.
Description: My fish are photogenic...but I need a macro lens like crazy. They pose for you see. :)

Rated #49: Saltwater Fish - Zebrasoma Flavescens - Yellow Tang - Hawaii Stocking In 90 Gallons Tank

Rated #49: Saltwater Fish - Zebrasoma Flavescens - Yellow Tang - Hawaii Stocking In 90 Gallons Tank - My 90 gal
Username: Francis Chu Foon
Country: Trinidad Tobago
Rank: #49 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Francis Chu Foon on
Ratings: 6.52
Number of votes: 29
Fish Kept: • One Hippo Tang, One Yellow Tang, One six line wrasse, One Coral Beauty & three Evan's Anthias
Corals/Plants: 17 different types
Tank Size: 90 gallons
Advice: Don't keep fish !!!! keep your water !!!!
Description: My 90 gal

Rated #50: Saltwater Fish - Hippocampus Reidi - Brazilian Reidi Seahorse Stocking In 100 Gallons Tank

Rated #50: Saltwater Fish - Hippocampus Reidi - Brazilian Reidi Seahorse Stocking In 100 Gallons Tank - My babies
Username: goats
Country: UN
Rank: #50 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: goats on
Ratings: 6.51
Number of votes: 43
Quote: I love fishes cuz they are so delicious
Fish Kept: mermaids, italian plumbers, pregnant male seahorse
Corals/Plants: life mushrooms
Tank Size: 100 gallons
Advice: don't discover the water. stay fishey.
Description: My babies



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