Top 51 - 60 Saltwater Fish All Time

Rated #51: Saltwater Fish - Zebrasoma Xanthurum - Purple Tang Stocking In 50 Gallons Tank

Rated #51: Saltwater Fish - Zebrasoma Xanthurum - Purple Tang Stocking In 50 Gallons Tank - Purple Tang
Username: Tiffany
Country: United States
Rank: #51 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Tiffany on
Ratings: 6.5
Number of votes: 26
Fish Kept: A pair of percula clowns, a purple tang, a blue linkia starfish, a red fire shrimp, a coral banded shrimp, a midas blenny, a japanese borbonious, and a Valencia Goby.
Corals/Plants: Pipe organ, Alvapora, Mushrooms, Hammer, Frogspawn, Green Candy Cane, Plate Corals, elegance coral (need updated photo)
Tank Size: 50 gallons
Advice: It's worth it
Description: Purple Tang

Rated #52: Saltwater Fish - Ecsenius Bicolor - Bicolor Blenny Stocking In 144 Gallons Tank

Rated #52: Saltwater Fish - Ecsenius Bicolor - Bicolor Blenny Stocking In 144 Gallons Tank - Bi-color blenny in cowrie shell
Username: Tim.
Country: United States
Rank: #52 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Tim. on
Ratings: 6.48
Number of votes: 23
Fish Kept: Scissor Tail Goby (1), Lyre Tail Anthias (2 female, 1 male), Majestic Foxface, Scribbled Rabbitfish (4), Sailfin tang, Coral Beauty Dwarf Angel, Purple Lobster, Blue Spot Watchman Goby, Percula Clown (2), Black Ocellaris Clown (2), Marine Betta, Black Long-spine Urchin, Royal Tuxedo Urchin, Purple Linkia Star fish, Orange Linkia Star fish, Gold Rim Tang, Cleaner Wrasse, Sand-sifting stars (2), Hermits (?), Astrea snails (?), Mexican Turbo Snails (?).
Corals/Plants: Small plate coral, Blue ridge coral, Xenia, Pineapple Coral, Purple Fan, Large frogspawn, Large Hammerhead, Metallic green star polyp colony, Sun Polyps, 2 clams, Rose Bubble-tip anemone, Blueberry Gregonian, Green polyp Toadstool Leather, approx. 20 small Uma Mushrooms.
Tank Size: 144 gallons
Advice: Enjoy it. Go one step above what you think you need. Better to have equipment that will do a better job than you need rather not good enough.
Description: Bi-color blenny in cowrie shell

Rated #53: Saltwater Fish - Balistoides Conspicillum - Clown Triggerfish Stocking In 180 Gallons Tank

Rated #53: Saltwater Fish - Balistoides Conspicillum - Clown Triggerfish Stocking In 180 Gallons Tank
Username: Mr.Paul
Country: United States
Rank: #53 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Mr.Paul on
Ratings: 6.47
Number of votes: 38
Quote: I wanna go BIGGER!!!!
About Yourself: been into fish since I was a kid, always wanted to do a reef tank ,finally had the courage.
Corals/Plants: different types
Tank Size: 180 gallons
Advice: take your time, don't be afraid to ask and ask, and ask again if you are not sure.

Rated #54: Saltwater Fish - Serranocirrhitus Latus - Fathead Sunburst Anthias Stocking In 20 Gallons Tank

Rated #54: Saltwater Fish - Serranocirrhitus Latus - Fathead Sunburst Anthias Stocking In 20 Gallons Tank - My Sunburst Anthias
Username: Nicholas Wheeler
Country: United Kingdom
Rank: #54 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Nicholas Wheeler on
Ratings: 6.47
Number of votes: 17
Fish Kept: 4 x Pyjama Cardinalfish which breed regulary 1 x Midas Blenny 1 x Wheeler Goby with pistol shrimp
Corals/Plants: Several types of Acropora and Montipora, Duncan coral, Red Aussie Acanthastrea, Hammerhead, Pocillipora, Blastomussa, Fungia. Turbo snails, hermit crabs, Lots of frags
Tank Size: 20 gallons
Advice: Take your time when stocking and do regular water changes
Description: My Sunburst Anthias

Rated #55: Saltwater Fish - Acanthurus Lineatus - Clown Tang Stocking In 125 Gallons Tank

Rated #55: Saltwater Fish - Acanthurus Lineatus - Clown Tang Stocking In 125 Gallons Tank - My favorite picture of my clown tang 
It is at night under a blue moon light
Username: kevin
Country: United States
Rank: #55 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: kevin on
Ratings: 6.47
Number of votes: 45
Fish Kept: Lion fish, clown tang, emperor juv, flame angle, cleaner wrasse, neon goby, maroon clown and a mandarin
Corals/Plants: just a couple of softies
Tank Size: 125 gallons
Advice: go larger
Description: My favorite picture of my clown tang It is at night under a blue moon light

Rated #56: Saltwater Fish - Paracanthurus Hepatus Var. - Blue & Yellow Hippo Tang Stocking In 120 Gallons Tank

Rated #56: Saltwater Fish - Paracanthurus Hepatus Var. - Blue & Yellow Hippo Tang Stocking In 120 Gallons Tank - African yellow belly blue tang
Username: sean mohsenzadegan
Country: United States
Rank: #56 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: sean mohsenzadegan on
Ratings: 6.46
Number of votes: 26
Fish Kept: tangs, wrasses, angels, triggers, butterflys, gobys,
Corals/Plants: sps zoas
Tank Size: 120 gallons
Advice: dont quit
Description: African yellow belly blue tang

Rated #57: Saltwater Fish - Amphiprion Ocellaris - Ocellaris Clownfish Stocking In 50 Gallons Tank

Rated #57: Saltwater Fish - Amphiprion Ocellaris - Ocellaris Clownfish Stocking In 50 Gallons Tank - clown fish
Username: Mike Fox
Country: United States
Rank: #57 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Mike Fox on
Ratings: 6.43
Number of votes: 42
Quote: none
About Yourself: none
Fish Kept: none yet
Corals/Plants: none yet
Tank Size: 50 gallons
Advice: none
Description: clown fish

Rated #58: Saltwater Fish - Paracanthurus Hepatus - Blue Tang

Rated #58: Saltwater Fish - Paracanthurus Hepatus - Blue Tang - rate it
Username: harris
Country: United States
Rank: #58 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: harris on
Ratings: 6.42
Number of votes: 19
Fish Kept: 1
Corals/Plants: ?
Advice: rate it
Description: rate it

Rated #59: Saltwater Fish - Cirrhilabrus Lineatus - Lineatus Fairy Wrasse Stocking In 75 Gallons Tank

Rated #59: Saltwater Fish - Cirrhilabrus Lineatus - Lineatus Fairy Wrasse Stocking In 75 Gallons Tank - Erik's Lineatus wrasse
Username: Sophia
Country: United States
Rank: #59 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Sophia on
Ratings: 6.42
Number of votes: 38
Quote: Do your research before buying new livestock.
About Yourself: I am a college student that has progressed through many differnent size aquariums and am working my way up to 200+g.I started out with a bio cube and a 2g mini reef tank. I am quickly out growing my current 75g. I am addicted to this hobby and escape to the aquarium stores when ever I get a chance. Happy reefing....
Fish Kept: Fairy Wrasse, Fathead Sunburst Anthias, Dispar Anthias, Leopard Wrasse
Corals/Plants: 60+ species of corals, sps and lps
Tank Size: 75 gallons
Advice: Research and learn before blowing your money!
Description: Erik's Lineatus wrasse

Rated #60: Saltwater Fish - Amphiprion Frenatus - Tomato Clownfish Stocking In 3 Gallons Tank

Rated #60: Saltwater Fish - Amphiprion Frenatus - Tomato Clownfish Stocking In 3 Gallons Tank - tomato clown and a host anemone
Username: kyle
Country: United States
Rank: #60 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: kyle on
Ratings: 6.41
Number of votes: 22
About Yourself: 17 and new to the buisness
Fish Kept: n/a
Corals/Plants: mushrooms, leather, zenia, polops, anemone.
Tank Size: 3 gallons
Advice: water changes and water parimeters.
Description: tomato clown and a host anemone



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