Top 91 - 100 Saltwater Fish All Time

Rated #91: Saltwater Fish - Acanthurus Sohal - Sohal Tang Stocking In 375 Gallons Tank

Rated #91: Saltwater Fish - Acanthurus Sohal - Sohal Tang Stocking In 375 Gallons Tank - Sohal Tang
Username: DanH
Country: United States
Rank: #91 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: DanH on
Ratings: 6.11
Number of votes: 57
Quote: .
About Yourself: I started with a 120 gallon tank, progressed to 180, and now a 375. Going from 120 to 180 wasn't hard. The move to 375 was very challenging. Reef keeping becomes exceedingly difficult as the water volume increases.
Fish Kept: Green Chromis Sohal Tang Kole Tang Clown Tang Sailfin Tang Zebra Striped Gobies Red Fire Fish Gobies Kaudern's Cardinal Pyjama Cardinal Clown Goby Sunburst Anthias Ruby Wrasse Laboutei Wrasse Scott's Fairy Wrasse Copperbanded Butterfly Green Mandarin Lawnmower Blenny Midas Blenny
Corals/Plants: Acropora: Prostrata, Austera, Tortuosa, Yongei, Millepora, Abrolhosensis, Solitaryensis, Pariis, and Cardus. Montipora: Danae, Capricornis, Digitata, Spongodes. Pocillopora: Damicornis and Hystrix. Soft Coral: Xenia
Tank Size: 375 gallons
Advice: Patience and 10% water changes every 2-3 weeks.
Description: Sohal Tang

Rated #92: Saltwater Fish - Naso Lituratus - Naso Tang Stocking In 125 Gallons Tank

Rated #92: Saltwater Fish - Naso Lituratus - Naso Tang Stocking In 125 Gallons Tank - naso tang w/ streamers 12"
Username: Patrick
Country: United States
Rank: #92 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Patrick on
Ratings: 6.09
Number of votes: 47
Fish Kept: mated pair of ocellaris clowns, mated pair of yellow watchman gobies, lunar wrasse, did have a mated pair of pink skuns the female jump out. one hippo tang, orange spot file fish. lots of critters
Corals/Plants: pearl coral, pink tip plate coral, large finger leather, toadstool leather, yellow leather, long tentical anemone, buble tip anemone, christmas worm rock, coco worm with a baby attached, metallic green gonapora, branch gonapora, some zoanthids and some mushrooms.
Tank Size: 125 gallons
Advice: Find a good LFS
Description: naso tang w/ streamers 12"

Rated #93: Saltwater Fish - Synchiropus Picturatus - Spotted Mandarin Stocking In 75 Gallons Tank

Rated #93: Saltwater Fish - Synchiropus Picturatus - Spotted Mandarin Stocking In 75 Gallons Tank - target dragon
Username: trinity
Country: United States
Rank: #93 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: trinity on
Ratings: 6.06
Number of votes: 18
Quote: cant have too much... ;)
About Yourself: names kk fun motorcycle ridin reef chick ;) got into reefing after wanting to smile had to look in my tank to take the bad thoughts away! the beauty of corals are so stunning they can almost take your breath away!! enjoy reefers ;)
Fish Kept: 3 disbar anthias 1 purple square male anthia 1 yellow female anthia 1 bristle tooth tang 1 fox face butterfly 2 purple queen anthias 2 blue chromis 1 midas blenny and 1 blue spot jaw fish
Corals/Plants: natalies 1st audition southern star chalice, chads stary night chalice hollywood stunner chalice unknown chalice hot pink bubble gum chalice, sunny chalice green slimer acro lime light acro purple pink tip unknow acro colony ice tort acro hawkins, blue unknown acro red planet acro palmers blue acro blue horrida acro hot pink mili baby blue mili colony rose mili colony rouge mili tubs pink sprinkles two large colonies of tyrees true undata large colony chli pepper denae idaho grape monti cap many differnt lobos tons of frags tyree pohnape birdsnest electric birdsnest and much much more.......
Tank Size: 75 gallons
Advice: its addicting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Description: target dragon

Rated #94: Saltwater Fish - Paracanthurus Hepatus - Blue Tang Stocking In 150 Gallons Tank

Rated #94: Saltwater Fish - Paracanthurus Hepatus - Blue Tang Stocking In 150 Gallons Tank - Band Of Brothers
Username: jose
Country: United States
Rank: #94 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: jose on
Ratings: 6.05
Number of votes: 21
Quote: never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake
About Yourself: I'm a surgical assistant. Married to a wonderful woman, have two beautiful girls. I 've been in the hobbie on or off for 15 years. Started freshwater tropical fish, moved to african cichlids, and much later came saltwater fish and reef tank. The demands of my job are stressfull, so i relax tinkering with my tank
Fish Kept: Hippo tang, yellow tang, sailfing tang, tomato clown,watchman goby, mandarin, bicolor blennie,gumdrop goby, cleaner shrimp, 20 or so hermit, red tip crabs, turbo snails.
Corals/Plants: star polyps, yellow polyps, red ,orange, pink and green zooanthids, orange florida ricordia, montipora,brown, red , green mushrooms, toadstool leather, finger leather, frogspawns, pulsating xenias, candy cane, galaxia, brain corals, green/blue acropora.
Tank Size: 150 gallons
Advice: Very expensive hobby, buy as if you are setting up for your next bigger size tank, this will save you some money later. Start with soft hardy corals and work your way to the stony corals later.
Description: Band Of Brothers

Rated #95: Saltwater Fish - Nemateleotris Magnifica - Firefish Stocking In 55 Gallons Tank

Rated #95: Saltwater Fish - Nemateleotris Magnifica - Firefish Stocking In 55 Gallons Tank - Firefish
Username: Mike
Country: United States
Rank: #95 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Mike on
Ratings: 6.04
Number of votes: 24
Quote: "You spent how much on a stupid rock?"
About Yourself: New to the hobby of Marine almost 2 years ago. Bought the tank for my girl on her birthday, now I am hooked (obsessed), but she still loves it too.
Fish Kept: Mated pair of true percula clowns, watchman goby, Diamond "Sand Sifter" Goby, 1 juvenile Yellow Tang (to be moved to bigger tank soon, Randall's Pistol shrimp (Alpheus randalli), and basic cleaners, incl. Astria and Nassarius snails, hermits.
Corals/Plants: New frags added: pulsing xenia, kenya tree coral, devils hand, sarcophyton (toadstool), finger leather, mushrooms, bright green zoanthids. Torch coral, open brain coral, trumpet coral, green star polyps, bubble coral, fuzzy mushrooms. 65lb Fiji live rock, 50lb mixed Fiji Pink and Flamingo Pink live sand.
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Advice: Never stop reading, researching, testing, and caring for your tank.
Description: Firefish

Rated #96: Saltwater Fish - Brown Banded Bamboo Shark

Rated #96: Saltwater Fish - Brown Banded Bamboo Shark - Adult Brown Banded Bamboo Shark
Username: Nmocean
Country: United States
Rank: #96 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Nmocean on
Ratings: 6.04
Number of votes: 80
Quote: Knowledge is Power!
Description: Adult Brown Banded Bamboo Shark

Rated #97: Saltwater Fish Stocking In 53 Gallons Tank

Rated #97: Saltwater Fish Stocking In 53 Gallons Tank - The finding nemo
Username: chandra
Country: Indonesia
Rank: #97 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: chandra on
Ratings: 6.03
Number of votes: 31
About Yourself: Lps lover
Corals/Plants: Acan lord,mushroom,echino, sponge, rechordea,blastomussa, polip/zoa
Tank Size: 53 gallons
Advice: Dont stop if you not yet succesfully
Description: The finding nemo

Rated #99: Saltwater Fish - Acanthurus Leucosternon - Powder Blue Tang Stocking In 100 Gallons Tank

Rated #99: Saltwater Fish - Acanthurus Leucosternon - Powder Blue Tang Stocking In 100 Gallons Tank - This is my Powder Blue Tang named Dora. These fish are supposed to be peaceful, but Dora is the KING FISH in my tank and she doesn't let the other fish forget it!
Username: Diana Perez
Country: United States
Rank: #99 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: Diana Perez on
Ratings: 6.02
Number of votes: 50
Quote: Live each day as if it's your last
Fish Kept: 2 Percula Clowns 1 Powder Blue Tang 1 Red Wrasse 1 Anthias
Corals/Plants: Bubble, Frogspawn, Gorgonians, Clam, Ricordea mushrooms, Zoos, Cup Coral, Candy Cane Coral, Torches, Plates, Xenia and much, much more.
Tank Size: 100 gallons
Advice: Owning a Saltwater tanks is an expensive hobby but, having live corals makes the hobby VERY costly.
Description: This is my Powder Blue Tang named Dora. These fish are supposed to be peaceful, but Dora is the KING FISH in my tank and she doesn't let the other fish forget it!

Rated #100: Saltwater Fish - Pseudanthias Squamipinnis - Lyretail Anthias Stocking In 120 Gallons Tank

Rated #100: Saltwater Fish - Pseudanthias Squamipinnis - Lyretail Anthias Stocking In 120 Gallons Tank - male and female lyre-tail Anthia
Username: sal
Country: United States
Rank: #100 out of 688 Saltwater Fish submitted all-time
Submitted By: sal on
Ratings: 6
Number of votes: 19
About Yourself: wanted to be a marine biologist didnt have the ambition so im going to the next best thing
Fish Kept: 1sailfin tang,3 ocellaris clown fish , 1 blue damsels ,1 clarkii clown,3 lyretail anthias, mandarin dragonet,1foxface, 1coral beauty angel, 1line spot flasher &1 filamented flasher wrasse, 1 firefish gobie ,2scooter blennies red &black, (INVERTS) 2 peppermint shrimp , 1 blood fire shrimp, 30 or so turbo snails, 40+ hermits scarlets blue legs and zebra's 50 dwarf cerith's, 10 cerith snails, 30 nassarius snails, sand sifting star ,30 nerite snails, i think thats it for now
Corals/Plants: 6 ricordea mushrooms,1open brain , hammer coral, frogspawn,pumping xenia, hydnopora, neon green torch, toadstool leather, 1 elegance asst acros and montis
Tank Size: 120 gallons
Advice: patience ,patience ,patience if you rush you will fail and lose a lot of money and everything in moderation
Description: male and female lyre-tail Anthia



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