Top 10 Planted Tanks 2006
Rated #1: 40 Gallons Planted Tank
![Rated #1: 40 Gallons Planted Tank - this is the last layout in this tank (Juwel rio180) i am waiting for the current glosso carpet to fill out before posting the current pic. but for the time being here it is with a riccia carpet. Rated #1: 40 Gallons Planted Tank - this is the last layout in this tank (Juwel rio180) i am waiting for the current glosso carpet to fill out before posting the current pic. but for the time being here it is with a riccia carpet.](
Username: james Flexton
Country: United Kingdom
#1 out of 205 Planted Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
james Flexton on
Number of votes:
if it aint broke dont fix it!
About Yourself:
i'm a 25 year old headhunter. got into the hobby by looging onto fishforums when i had a problem with my basic fish tank and never looked back. i dont own any fish/plant related books and have learnt everything from members of that planted tank forum. i actually have 3 planted tanks the 180, a juwel rekord 60 with a sandy layout and a 50G cube.
Fish Kept:
28 cardinal tetras
2 sailfin gibbiceps (10cm and 6cm)
1 adult angel
1 platy (rehomed for a friend)
1 flying fox
3 sterbai corys
5/6 amano shrimp (not that i ever see them)
Amazon swords (bhleri), java fern, tiger lotus lillys, echinodorus "red flame", glosso, Echinodorus "rubin" var "Narrow", java moss, anubias nana and anubias nana petite.
Tank Size:
40 gallons
for a planted tank setup i cant emphasise enough the use of laterite and CO2. one of the main reasons for failing with swords etc (heavy root feeders)is a lack of nutrients at the roots. laterite is reasonably affordable and will last years. on the co2 front, adding a basic yeast type co2 kit will improve any planted tank in one simple step. i will always use some kind of co2 in any planted tank regardless of lighting levels.
and more importantly than anything weekly ewater changes (if adding dry ferts 50% to dilute the last weeks fertaliser leftovers)
this is the last layout in this tank (Juwel rio180) i am waiting for the current glosso carpet to fill out before posting the current pic. but for the time being here it is with a riccia carpet.
Rated #2: 125 Gallons Planted Tank
![Rated #2: 125 Gallons Planted Tank - Malawi Redux Rated #2: 125 Gallons Planted Tank - Malawi Redux](
Username: Travis
Country: United States
#2 out of 205 Planted Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Travis on
Number of votes:
The computer allows you to make mistakes faster than any other invention, with the possible exception of handguns and tequila.
Fish Kept:
Pseudotropheus demasoni "Pombo Rocks"
Pseudotropheus acei "Luwala Reef"
Pseudotropheus elongatus "Usisya"
Labidochromis caeruleus "Lion's Cove"
Labeotropheus fuelleborni "OB"
Pogostemon helferi (Downoi), Pogostemon stellata "Broad-leaf", Cryptocoryne wendtii "Green Gecko," Hottonia palustris, Anubias barteri v nana, Cryptocoryne spiralis, Limnophila aromatica, Sagittaria weatherbiana, Hydrocotyle verticellata, Ammania sp. "Bonsai," Rotala rotundifolia "Colorata," Hemianthus micranthemoides "Erect," Hemigraphis traian, Hydrotriche hottoniiflora, Cyperus helferi, Cryptocoryne ciliata, Elatine triandra, Potamogeton gayi, Riccia fluitans, Micranthemum umbrosum, Limnophila sp., Hygrophila polysperma "Rosanervig," Microsorum pteropus "Narrow," Ludwigia repens "Rubin," Ranunculus papulentus, Anubias barteri var nana "Petite"
Tank Size:
125 gallons
Never fight a land war in Asia.
Malawi Redux
Rated #3: 33 Gallons Planted Tank
![Rated #3: 33 Gallons Planted Tank - 33 gal. Nature Aquarium Rated #3: 33 Gallons Planted Tank - 33 gal. Nature Aquarium](
Username: George
Country: United Kingdom
#3 out of 205 Planted Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
George on
Number of votes:
I like the cheese - Borat
About Yourself:
Been in the hobby for almost 4 years. Aquascaping is my passion as well as the science. I now write for Practical Fishkeeping magazine and am their high-tech planted tank expert. I also moderate on three planted tank internet forums. Married with two girls and a dog. I currently service Harrier jump jet ejection seats for a living.
Fish Kept:
Cardinal tetras, Amano shrimp
Microsorium pteropus, Glossostigma elatinoides, Sagittaria platyphylla, Crinum calimistratum, Anubias nana
Tank Size:
33 gallons
The internet is a great source of info with plenty of good forums. Be wary of the hear-say factor though. Listen to experience.
33 gal. Nature Aquarium
Rated #4: Planted Tank
![Rated #4: Planted Tank - Tank 35 gall
Light 4X30W
Fluval 204
2XCO2 nutrafin
Special project for an amano style tank. . A great challenge.
Glossostigma, riccia fluitans, vallisneria spiralis, Lysicmachia aurea, lileaopsis novaezelandiae, Crinum calamistratum
Neon tetra, amano shrimp Rated #4: Planted Tank - Tank 35 gall
Light 4X30W
Fluval 204
2XCO2 nutrafin
Special project for an amano style tank. . A great challenge.
Glossostigma, riccia fluitans, vallisneria spiralis, Lysicmachia aurea, lileaopsis novaezelandiae, Crinum calamistratum
Neon tetra, amano shrimp](
Username: Sébastien
Country: Canada
#4 out of 205 Planted Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Sébastien on
Number of votes:
Have to trim riccia every day...
Glosso requiers a lot of CO2...and needs a rich substrat.
Tank 35 gall
Light 4X30W
Fluval 204
2XCO2 nutrafin
Special project for an amano style tank. . A great challenge.
Glossostigma, riccia fluitans, vallisneria spiralis, Lysicmachia aurea, lileaopsis novaezelandiae, Crinum calamistratum
Neon tetra, amano shrimp
Rated #5: 40 Gallons Planted Tank
![Rated #5: 40 Gallons Planted Tank - aquabase substrate top up with fine black river stone.
2 x 30W + 2 x 35w floresent arcadia tubes
900/ltr canister filter x 1, Eheim 2213 x 1
2 x Hagen c02 diffuser (with DIY yeast mix)
plant: water wisteria, Stargrass, pennywoth, Indian fern, Riccia on driftwood, amazon sword and Rotala. Glosso
fish stock: 6 tiger barb, 5 Harequin, 5 Lemon Tetra, 2 flying fox, 5 Odessa Barb Rated #5: 40 Gallons Planted Tank - aquabase substrate top up with fine black river stone.
2 x 30W + 2 x 35w floresent arcadia tubes
900/ltr canister filter x 1, Eheim 2213 x 1
2 x Hagen c02 diffuser (with DIY yeast mix)
plant: water wisteria, Stargrass, pennywoth, Indian fern, Riccia on driftwood, amazon sword and Rotala. Glosso
fish stock: 6 tiger barb, 5 Harequin, 5 Lemon Tetra, 2 flying fox, 5 Odessa Barb](
Username: Brett Chin
Country: New Zealand
#5 out of 205 Planted Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Brett Chin on
Number of votes:
Good enough is not good enough
About Yourself:
Keep the Jungle Green, Ocean Blue....
Fish Kept:
tropical, odessa bard as my favourite
riccia is easy.........
Tank Size:
40 gallons
keep it simple to begin with, improve on it later.
aquabase substrate top up with fine black river stone.
2 x 30W + 2 x 35w floresent arcadia tubes
900/ltr canister filter x 1, Eheim 2213 x 1
2 x Hagen c02 diffuser (with DIY yeast mix)
plant: water wisteria, Stargrass, pennywoth, Indian fern, Riccia on driftwood, amazon sword and Rotala. Glosso
fish stock: 6 tiger barb, 5 Harequin, 5 Lemon Tetra, 2 flying fox, 5 Odessa Barb
Rated #6: 47 Gallons Planted Tank
![Rated #6: 47 Gallons Planted Tank - Front view of my 180 liters tank Rated #6: 47 Gallons Planted Tank - Front view of my 180 liters tank](
Username: Roberto Moretti
Country: Italy
#6 out of 205 Planted Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Roberto Moretti on
Number of votes:
You can only obey to nature keeping an aquaria.
About Yourself:
I'm an Information Technology professional but my brain is under the water with my plants.
Fish Kept:
14 Cardinal Tetras, 5 Angel Fishes, 4 Coridoras spp, 7-8 Otocinclus Affinis, 6-8 Caridina Japonica.
Micranthemum umbrosum, Rotala rotundifolia, Ludwigia repens, Microsorum Pteropus, Microsorum pteropus "Windelow", Anubias Barteri nana, Cryptocorine wenditi "brown"
Tank Size:
47 gallons
Know each tank you set up the most you can, try to know each plant signal, try to find nutriet shortages as soon as you can.
Front view of my 180 liters tank
Rated #7: 55 Gallons Planted Tank
![Rated #7: 55 Gallons Planted Tank - Updated 2 month picture, to me this tanks just gets nicer an nicer. Lots of pruning! Rated #7: 55 Gallons Planted Tank - Updated 2 month picture, to me this tanks just gets nicer an nicer. Lots of pruning!](
Username: Travis
Country: United States
#7 out of 205 Planted Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Travis on
Number of votes:
Its not worth doing if you dont do it right
About Yourself:
Been keeping fish tanks for 15 years or so, this is my first attempt at a planted tank. Have had 10-125 gal tanks saltwater, reef, and fish only. This hobby never gets boring.
Fish Kept:
4 fancy guppies, 10 neon tetras, 10 black neon tetras, 10 bloodfin tetras, 3 threadfin rainbows, 10000000 snails
ludwigia, hornwort, crystal val, giant hygro, gymnocromis, altgranathcra, parvulus, difformis, ozelot, anubias afzelli, cryptocoryn lucens, java fern. Some spelling probably off
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Do it the right way, not the quick way.
Updated 2 month picture, to me this tanks just gets nicer an nicer. Lots of pruning!
Rated #8: 53 Gallons Planted Tank
![Rated #8: 53 Gallons Planted Tank - My first big planted freshwater aquarium. Rated #8: 53 Gallons Planted Tank - My first big planted freshwater aquarium.](
Username: Hugo Ferreira
Country: Portugal
#8 out of 205 Planted Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Hugo Ferreira on
Number of votes:
There is no spoon.
Fish Kept:
Poecilia Reticulata, Guppy; Xiphophorus Maculatus, Platy; Paracheirodon Inessi, Tetra Neon; Hasemania Nana, Tetra Silver Tip.; Ancistrus sp.; Otocinclus affinis; Corydoras Paleatus, Aenus and Panda; Crossocheilus Siamensis, SAE; Neocaridina Denticulata Sinensis, Red-Cherry Shrimp.
Glossostigma Elatinoides; Valisneria Spiralis; Hygrophila Polysperma; Vesicularia Dubyana; Echinodorus (unknown); Nesaea Crassicaulis; Rotala Boshi-Nanjenshan; Didiples Diandra; others...
Tank Size:
53 gallons
Do it slowly...
My first big planted freshwater aquarium.
Rated #9: Planted Tank
![Rated #9: Planted Tank - Aquarium 150 x 60 x 50 ///
Filter... external, foam, 4,5 galons ///
Light ... 6 x 36 watt ///
CO2 ... yeast + sugar ///
UV sterilization ... DeBary 15 watt /// Rated #9: Planted Tank - Aquarium 150 x 60 x 50 ///
Filter... external, foam, 4,5 galons ///
Light ... 6 x 36 watt ///
CO2 ... yeast + sugar ///
UV sterilization ... DeBary 15 watt ///](
Username: Petr
Country: Czech Republic
#9 out of 205 Planted Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Petr on
Number of votes:
Aquarium 150 x 60 x 50 ///
Filter... external, foam, 4,5 galons ///
Light ... 6 x 36 watt ///
CO2 ... yeast + sugar ///
UV sterilization ... DeBary 15 watt ///
Rated #10: 36 Gallons Planted Tank
![Rated #10: 36 Gallons Planted Tank - Colourfull water garden Rated #10: 36 Gallons Planted Tank - Colourfull water garden](
Username: Adam
Country: Poland
#10 out of 205 Planted Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Adam on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
I set up this tank in January 2006. This is my first real tank. I used to have a tiny one when I was a child.
Fish Kept:
19 Brabus tetrazona, 10 Otocinclus affinis, 2
crossocheilus siamensis, 3 verious pleco
Rotala sp., Cryptocorune sp., Microsorium, Alternanthera reineckii, Ludwigia repens, Hygrophiila polysperma, Hygrophiila difformis, Vesicularia dubyana, Sagittaria subulata, Valissneria spiralis, Heterantera zoesterifolia, Eleocharis
Tank Size:
36 gallons
Do not exagerate with water tests, just let it grow!
Colourfull water garden