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Size: 100 x 40 x 45 cm
Lighting: 2x39W T5 - 4000°K in the background and 6500°K on the foreground
Filtration: ext canister flt. Eheim 2224
CO2: 3Kg equipment, 90 drops/min, 35 ppm dissolved. No CO2 in the night (electrical valve)
Bottom: 8-10 cm quartz gravel with Seachem Fluourish Tabs
Watere fert. : KNO3 2ppm NO3 weekly, K2SO4 4ppm K every 2 days, Seachem Fluourish weekly, Fluourish Excel 7ml every two days, Fluourish Iron 0,1ppm every 2 days, Fluourish Trace as Seachem Advices say.
Water changes: 30% every 20-30 days.
Know each tank you set up the most you can, try to know each plant signal, try to find nutriet shortages as soon as you can.
Fish Kept:
14 Cardinal Tetras, 5 Angel Fishes, 4 Coridoras spp, 7-8 Otocinclus Affinis, 6-8 Caridina Japonica.
Micranthemum umbrosum, Rotala rotundifolia, Ludwigia repens, Microsorum Pteropus, Microsorum pteropus "Windelow", Anubias Barteri nana, Cryptocorine wenditi "brown"
Tank Size:
47 gallons
You can only obey to nature keeping an aquaria.
About Yourself:
I'm an Information Technology professional but my brain is under the water with my plants.