Top 10 Freshwater Fish 2017

Rated #1: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 29 Gallons Tank

Rated #1: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 29 Gallons Tank - Zebra veil angel
Username: Cat Robertson
Country: United States
Rank: #1 out of 21 Freshwater Fish submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Cat Robertson on
Ratings: 6.44
Number of votes: 25
Corals/Plants: Dwarf hair grass, amazon sword, java fern.
Tank Size: 29 gallons
Advice: Read, read, read. That's how I learned about keeping an aquarium. I never stop reading.
Description: Zebra veil angel

Rated #2: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 150 Gallons Tank

Rated #2: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 150 Gallons Tank - Red shoulder severum
Username: Dan Goble
Country: United States
Rank: #2 out of 21 Freshwater Fish submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Dan Goble on
Ratings: 6.32
Number of votes: 25
Fish Kept: Electric Blue Jack Dempsey, Jack Dempsey, Green Severum, Whiptail Cat, Red/Blue Columbian Tetra
Corals/Plants: Anubis, java fern, hornwort
Tank Size: 150 gallons
Advice: Research everything before buying- never buy a fish on impulse.
Description: Red shoulder severum

Rated #3: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 40 Gallons Tank

Rated #3: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 40 Gallons Tank - Power struggle between two albino auratus and female auratus while two unlikely johanni suiters look on.
Username: Malcolm Starr
Country: United States
Rank: #3 out of 21 Freshwater Fish submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Malcolm Starr on
Ratings: 6.27
Number of votes: 26
Quote: "No day in which you learn something is a complete loss. ". David Eddings
About Yourself: Just an old hippie who loves the peace and tranquility of fish tanks. Currently, I have nine running, ranging from five to sixty gallons in a small apartment affectionately known as "The Hobbit Hole".
Fish Kept: Red Zebra Cichlid, Cobalt Blue Zebra Cichlid, Electric Yellow Cichlid, Auratus Cichlid, Johanni Cichlid, Sailfin Pleco (L-83)
Corals/Plants: Amazon sword, Java fern, rotala, hysop, dwarf sagittaria several types of grasses
Tank Size: 40 gallons
Advice: Study tanks wherever you see them, decide what you love, then learn, learn, LEARN!
Description: Power struggle between two albino auratus and female auratus while two unlikely johanni suiters look on.

Rated #4: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 52 Gallons Tank

Rated #4: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 52 Gallons Tank - Ruby shark
Username: Anth
Country: United Kingdom
Rank: #4 out of 21 Freshwater Fish submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Anth on
Ratings: 6.22
Number of votes: 23
Fish Kept: Loads and loads
Corals/Plants: loads
Tank Size: 52 gallons
Advice: keep easy fish
Description: Ruby shark

Rated #5: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 30 Gallons Tank

Rated #5: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 30 Gallons Tank - My German Blue Ram, Gordon Ramsey
Username: Erica Pasyk
Country: Canada
Rank: #5 out of 21 Freshwater Fish submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Erica Pasyk on
Ratings: 6.08
Number of votes: 25
Fish Kept: Red Minor Serpae Tetra, Common Pleco
Corals/Plants: Sage subulata, Amazon Sword, Anubias cofefolia, Anubias barteri, hygro difformis, hygro rose, green ozelot sword
Tank Size: 30 gallons
Advice: Take it slow. Don't try to get everything accomplished at once. Slowly let things acclimate to the tank so that levels can in turn balance better. Otherwise things die pretty fast and that's money going down the drain...get it?
Description: My German Blue Ram, Gordon Ramsey

Rated #6: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 55 Gallons Tank

Rated #6: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 55 Gallons Tank - Venustrus
Username: Donald
Country: United States
Rank: #6 out of 21 Freshwater Fish submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Donald on
Ratings: 5.6
Number of votes: 25
About Yourself: I've been in the hobby for about 3 years. It got started when I was never allowed to have a legit pet and a buddy got me really into his beautiful jewel and white tail acei cichlid. We started building tanks together and after a year I did other things. Here I am and here is my little peice of heaven that I call my pets home. I also have to move frequently so the tank has never been in established for more then 8months. I will be moving again in the summer of 17 and do not look forward to putting my fish through the stress again a
Fish Kept: Bumblebee Cichlid, Sailfin Pleco (L-83), Sailfin Pleco (L-83), Bumblebee Cichlid, Bumblebee Cichlid, Venustus Cichlid, Acei Cichlid, Convict Cichlid, Convict Cichlid, Blood Parrot, Common Pleco, White Blushing Angel, Pictus Catfish, Pictus Catfish
Corals/Plants: They eat them, they always eat them. Or tear them to shreds.
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Advice: RESEARCH and more RESEARCH. Expect the occasional failure it happens but do be sure to learn from it.
Description: Venustrus

Rated #7: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 75 Gallons Tank

Rated #7: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 75 Gallons Tank - German Blue Ram
Username: KC Jackson
Country: United States
Rank: #7 out of 21 Freshwater Fish submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: KC Jackson on
Ratings: 5.4
Number of votes: 25
Fish Kept: Elephantnose fish, African Knife fish, African Butterfly fish, Leopard Ctenopoma, African Red Eyed Tetra, Senegalus Bichir, Pelvicachromis pulcher (Krib), African Butterfly Cichlid, Synodontis Nigriventris (upside down cat), Synodontis multipunctatus (cuckoo cat)
Corals/Plants: Frogbit, banana, moneywort, amazon sword, java fern, anubias nana for now. More to come
Tank Size: 75 gallons
Advice: Biotopes make more fun communities!
Description: German Blue Ram

Rated #8: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 135 Gallons Tank

Rated #8: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 135 Gallons Tank - Feeding Frenzie
Username: Edward
Country: United States
Rank: #8 out of 21 Freshwater Fish submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Edward on
Ratings: 5.2
Number of votes: 25
About Yourself: Received my first tank, a 10gal for a ninth grade Graduation present and kept going since. I have had just about every size, color, and species of fish from one time to another including Marine since the 80's. Then I took a few well needed years away from even looking at a tank. i think it gave me a new outlook on the hobby when I ran across pictures of different types of Shrimp and the many colors. I dove in, I started my first "Live Plant" tank. After several disappointments trying all kinds of plants, I found a few that work for the equipment I owned already. Shrimp followed soon after and I purchased eight Cherry Shrimp. Now I have hundreds. I sell the excess back to the same pet shop that sold me the first eight and I have a gift card that continues to build equity, Since, I have had Cory babies and I am hopeful that the Kuhlies will begin breeding as well.
Fish Kept: 3-Panda Cory Cat, 3-Peppered Cory Cat, 11-Albino Aeneus Cory Cat, 3-Dwarf Cory, 7-Kuhlii Loach, 1-Assassin Snail, 300-Cherry Shrimp, 4-Crystal Shrimp, 4-Amano Shrimp, 1-Bamboo Shrimp, 2-Rubber lip Pleco, 2-Candy Stripe Pleco
Corals/Plants: Rotala Indica, Valisneria Spiralis, Giant Hair Grass, Spike Rush, Pigmy Sword, Java Moss, Moss Ball, Pellia Moss, Baby Tears
Tank Size: 135 gallons
Advice: Start small, but always think big. Trial and error is the fastest way to learn what not to do. just keep using common sense, have a lot of patience, and your vision will come true.
Description: Feeding Frenzie

Rated #9: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 180 Gallons Tank

Rated #9: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 180 Gallons Tank - Discus twins
Username: Nelson
Country: United States
Rank: #9 out of 21 Freshwater Fish submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Nelson on
Ratings: 5.07
Number of votes: 28
Corals/Plants: Mostly reef fish and sps varieties.
Tank Size: 180 gallons
Advice: Patience and make small changes to water chemistry. Stability is the key to success!
Description: Discus twins

Rated #10: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 44 Gallons Tank

Rated #10: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 44 Gallons Tank - Convict - The boss
Username: John
Country: United Kingdom
Rank: #10 out of 21 Freshwater Fish submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: John on
Ratings: 4.6
Number of votes: 25
Corals/Plants: 3 Potted plants not known and 10 bunched mainly grasses
Tank Size: 44 gallons
Advice: Keep going with it. Been keeping a fish tank for about 20 years now and only in the last few years have i got the hang off it. Everyday is a learning day and still a long way to go but it has been fun. Listen to all advice and do a lot of forum searching to answer questions.
Description: Convict - The boss
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