Photo #7 - Convict - The Boss - Convict Cichlid, Koi Angel, ...

fish tank picture - I've tried to go for a rocky feature in one corner with lots of caves and hiding places for the fish plus breeding potential for the Convict Cichlids. Then i have overloaded the back with artificial plants to give the smaller fish escape routes and hiding places. Smaller rocks in opposite corner all at the minute i am consistently changing my mind on the layout and have to refrain from changing it to much :) I have recently added the LED lighting bubbles which does give off a great effect at night i feel and will add to additional pics. Desc: Aqua Oak 110Cm (200l): 110cm x 45cm x 136cm Aquarium Dimensions: 99.5cm x 40cm x 50cm External Filter: AquaManta 200 External Filter: AquaManta 300 Internal Filter: Aquael 500 Fluval E Advanced Electronic Heater, 300w Temp Kept at 77f/25c Hailea Air Pump X4 Interpet LED Bubble 34cm 5050LKED Bubbles Light Fish: Koi angelfish - x2 Clown Loach - x2 Weather Loach - x3 Gibbiceps - x1 Convict Cichlid - x2 Spotted Severum - x2 Rambo (Rhombo) Barb - x4 Pictus Catfish - x1 Humbug Catfish - x1 Red Wag SwordTail - x2 Gold Red Fin Barb - x1 Black Kuhli Loach - x4 Butterfly Goodeif (Split Fin) - x5 Green Tiger Barbs - x3 Golden Tiger Barb - x3 Pakistani Loach - x4 Rabbit Snail - x2
freshwater fish stocking in 44 gallons tank - Convict - The boss
fish tank picture - Spotted Severums
Convict - The boss
Submitted By: John on
Photo Caption: Convict - The boss

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fish tank picture - I've tried to go for a rocky feature in one corner with lots of caves and hiding places for the fish plus breeding potential for the Convict Cichlids. Then i have overloaded the back with artificial plants to give the smaller fish escape routes and hiding places. Smaller rocks in opposite corner all at the minute i am consistently changing my mind on the layout and have to refrain from changing it to much :) I have recently added the LED lighting bubbles which does give off a great effect at night i feel and will add to additional pics. Desc: Aqua Oak 110Cm (200l): 110cm x 45cm x 136cm Aquarium Dimensions: 99.5cm x 40cm x 50cm External Filter: AquaManta 200 External Filter: AquaManta 300 Internal Filter: Aquael 500 Fluval E Advanced Electronic Heater, 300w Temp Kept at 77f/25c Hailea Air Pump X4 Interpet LED Bubble 34cm 5050LKED Bubbles Light Fish: Koi angelfish - x2 Clown Loach - x2 Weather Loach - x3 Gibbiceps - x1 Convict Cichlid - x2 Spotted Severum - x2 Rambo (Rhombo) Barb - x4 Pictus Catfish - x1 Humbug Catfish - x1 Red Wag SwordTail - x2 Gold Red Fin Barb - x1 Black Kuhli Loach - x4 Butterfly Goodeif (Split Fin) - x5 Green Tiger Barbs - x3 Golden Tiger Barb - x3 Pakistani Loach - x4 Rabbit Snail - x2
fish tank picture - LED Bubble Bar
fish tank picture - LED Bubble Bar
fish tank picture - LED Bubble Bar
fish tank picture - Front View
freshwater fish stocking in 44 gallons tank - Convict Cichlid - Female i think
freshwater fish stocking in 44 gallons tank - Convict - The boss
fish tank picture - Spotted Severums
44 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Front view of 200l Freshwater Tank

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Ranked #2945 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 60.7% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.6
This picture has been rated : 25 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.43

More Info

Country: United Kingdom
Description: Aqua Oak 110Cm (200l): 110cm x 45cm x 136cm. Aquarium Dimensions:99.5cm x 40cm x 50cm. External Filter: AquaManta 200. External Filter: AquaManta 300. Internal Filter: Aquael 500 x2. Fluval E Advanced Electronic Heater, 300w. Temp Kept at 77f/25c. Hailea Air Pump X4. Interpet LED Bubble 34cm. 5050LKED Bubbles Light. Airstones x2.Fish:Koi angelfish - x2. Clown Loach - x2. Weather Loach - x3. Gibbiceps - x1. Convict Cichlid - x2. Spotted Severum - x2. Rambo (Rhombo) Barb - x4. Pictus Catfish - x1. Humbug Catfish - x1. Red Wag SwordTail - x2. Gold Red Fin Barb - x1. Black Kuhli Loach - x4. Butterfly Goodeif (Split Fin) - x5. Green Tiger Barbs - x3. Golden Tiger Barb - x3. Pakistani Loach - x4. Rabbit Snail - x2.
Advice: Keep going with it. Been keeping a fish tank for about 20 years now and only in the last few years have i got the hang off it. Everyday is a learning day and still a long way to go but it has been fun. Listen to all advice and do a lot of forum searching to answer questions.
Corals/Plants: 3 Potted plants not known and 10 bunched mainly grasses
Tank Size: 44 gallons


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