Top 10 Reef Tanks 2013
Rated #1: 120 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: Mike
Country: United States
#1 out of 54 Reef Tanks submitted 2013
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Mike on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
In hobby for
12 years
And still enjoying it
Fish Kept:
Maroon Clownfish, Heniochus Black & White Butterflyfish, Yellow Tang - Hawaii
Tank Size:
120 gallons
Water changes for me weekly 15 gallons
Living the reef hobby and loving it
Rated #2: 67 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: Dave Owen
Country: United Kingdom
#2 out of 54 Reef Tanks submitted 2013
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Dave Owen on
Number of votes:
What will be, will be!!!
Fish Kept:
Scopas Tang, Yellowtail Damselfish, Sailfin/Algae Blenny, Purple Pseudochromis, Cleaner Wrasse, Yellow Wrasse, True Percula Clownfish, True Percula Clownfish, Six Line Wrasse, Six Line Wrasse
Loads of soft corals
Tank Size:
67 gallons
Be patient, let the tank mature, don't rush to put loads of fish in and just remember the size the fish can grow to and the type of fish it is "reef safe" or not!!!
Plus always ensure best water quality you keep the water clean your fish will thrive aling with corals etc!!
Updated photo 12/3/2013
Rated #3: 150 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: James Woodard
Country: United States
#3 out of 54 Reef Tanks submitted 2013
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
James Woodard on
Number of votes:
Perfection is worth every penny
About Yourself:
Professional Aquarium Maintenance Guy!
Fish Kept:
Firefish, Blue Tang, True Percula Clownfish, Clown Tang, Sailfin Tang, One Spot Foxface, Blue/Green Reef Chromis, Diamond Watchman Goby
Tank Size:
150 gallons
Test, Test & water change. Don't be cheap buy the best you can afford. Never stop wanting to approve the water quality!
New tank, only been setup for 7 months. All corals are aquaculture to reach show size before being placed. Thanks for looking
Rated #4: 110 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: Nick
Country: Australia
#4 out of 54 Reef Tanks submitted 2013
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Nick on
Number of votes:
We keep water not fish ( daniel knop)
Fish Kept:
Watnabi angel, eibli angel, multifaciatis angel, candied hogfish, 6 line wrasse, scooter blennie, tiny snowflake eel, multipule chromis yellow and blue, and the peice de resistance 1 fluro pink rhinopias
Stags, monties, gonioporas, assorted acros, assorted rhodactis, and a few softies
Tank Size:
110 gallons
Read read read and look at tank of the month
Sps tank
Rated #5: 45 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: Aaron Ball
Country: United States
#5 out of 54 Reef Tanks submitted 2013
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Aaron Ball on
Number of votes:
Fish Kept:
Blue/Green Reef Chromis, Tomato Clownfish, Coral Beauty Angelfish, Royal Gramma Basslet
soft: hot pink ricordea yuma, green flourecent mushrooms, lavender mushrooms, muticolored mushrooms, colt coral, lots of green star polyps, xenia, clove polyps, several diferent colonies of zoanthids, protopalythoa,
lps: two colonies of duncans (several heads on each), pearl bubble, branching hammer, torch, pagoda, frogspawn, green lobed brain, multicolored lobophylia
non-photosynthetic: dendrophylia aka: large polyp sun coral
inverts: cleaner shrimp, peppermint shrimp, about fifty astrea turbo snails (very small, theyre always breeding and my shrimps help keep the population down), six nessarius snails,
Tank Size:
45 gallons
patience is key, and money, that helps also!
front shot of aquarium
Rated #6: 125 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: Ramon
Country: United States
#6 out of 54 Reef Tanks submitted 2013
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Ramon on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
I love ocean life. As a child, my dream was to be a marine biologist. This is the closest I can come to that. Dealing with unforeseen issue like cyanobacteria and things like that, bring challenges to the hobby which educate you on a daily basis.
Fish Kept:
Black and White Clown
Yellow Tang
Diamond Goby
Yellow Tail Damsel
Blue Damsel
six line Wrasse
Lawn Mower Blenny
4 Green Chromis
2 Fire Shrimp
1 Harlequin Shrimp
2 Emerald Crabs
5 Red Scarlett Crabs
20 Blue leg Crabs
11 Brittle Stars
20 Snails
250 lbs of live Rock
11 Colonies of Acans(Many Colors)
1 colony of stripper pink zoos
2 colonies of hammer coral with 12 to 15 heads each
1 colony of frogspawn with 10 to 12 heads
1 colony of neon trumpet corals with 7 heads
2 colt coral
3 blue mushrooms
1 pulsating zenia
1 kenia tree
1 green montipora
2 pipe organ colonies
1 alien eye chalice
1 meteor shower cyphastrea
3 Candy Apple Pocillipora
12 Candy Apple Pocillipora frags.
1 Neon Green Wellsophelia
1 Zenia
Tank Size:
125 gallons
Patience, Patience, Patience! DO NOT CUT CORNERS! This will only cost your more money in the long run. You will be better to save a little money and do the job right before it kills or damges your livestock. Pay special attention to your parameters. Dont believe the hype of some companies claiming to eliminate nitrates and such. These are temporary fixes that will create a bigger issue later. Do your homework. The more you research and test within your own tank, the more you will learn about fish, coral, suppliments, parameters, lighting etc the better you will be off.
Reef tank
Rated #7: 75 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: Sophia
Country: United States
#7 out of 54 Reef Tanks submitted 2013
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Sophia on
Number of votes:
Do your research before buying new livestock.
About Yourself:
I am a college student that has progressed through many differnent size aquariums and am working my way up to 200+g.I started out with a bio cube and a 2g mini reef tank. I am quickly out growing my current 75g. I am addicted to this hobby and escape to the aquarium stores when ever I get a chance. Happy reefing....
Fish Kept:
Fairy Wrasse, Fathead Sunburst Anthias, Dispar Anthias, Leopard Wrasse
60+ species of corals, sps and lps
Tank Size:
75 gallons
Research and learn before blowing your money!
Erik's 75 gallon bow-front
Rated #8: 210 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: shane black
Country: Canada
#8 out of 54 Reef Tanks submitted 2013
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
shane black on
Number of votes:
git er done
About Yourself:
reefing for 10 years, started with a 29 gallon, went through all sizes, sold the rest, one 210 now, its a husband & wife hobby. We both work in collision repair, this is stress relief. Most of the time.
Fish Kept:
Yellow Tang - Hawaii, Purple Tang, Flame Angelfish, Coral Beauty Angelfish, Kaudern's Cardinal, Ocellaris Clownfish, Blue Tang, One Spot Foxface, Blue Throat Triggerfish, Fiji Blue Devil Damselfish, Lyretail Anthias, Cleaner Wrasse, Tassle Filefish
mix of lps & sps
Tank Size:
210 gallons
consistant water changes, test for nitrates, phosphates (buy a phosban reactor!) after algae problem we bought a 24" vertex 2.0 liquifiing reactor, used phosguard for 2 weeks, then rowaphos, problem solved!
210 gallon display, 70 gallon sump, led lights
Rated #9: 90 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: Garrett
Country: United States
#9 out of 54 Reef Tanks submitted 2013
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Garrett on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
Just another guy enjoying the hobby, kinda got adicted fast and went full throtal and i love it every day i learn somthing new. always fraging so if ur in ther area iv got a locals fb page similar to rc i suppose where locals can ask questions trade and sell its called tank trader feel free to friend the page and ill be happy to accept you
Fish Kept:
Yellow Tang - Hawaii, Blue Tang, Blue/Green Reef Chromis, Green Mandarin, Ocellaris Clownfish, Cleaner Wrasse
20 head metalic frog/octospawn
10 head purple tip green tentacle frog
20 head green tantacle purple tip frog
3 head teal frog (similar to sideshow bob frogspawn)
4 head side show bob frog
2 head green tntacle orange tip frog
25+ head acid tentacle purple tip hammer
10 head acid tentacle purple tip hammer
25+ head bi color acid hammer
10+ head green tip hammer
10 head teal hammer
8 to 10 head pink hammer
2 head acid torch
8 head purple torch
6 or 7 head green tip torch
2 head green tentacle purple tip torch
11 head whisker duncan
bubble coral
bleeding apple scolly
war paint scolly
tangerine scolly
large red and teal scolly not sure of name
green scolly not sure of name
10 head blasto
painted open brain
green and yellow open brain
5 or so inch green plate
small flat brain
40 head sun coral
large pink monti cap beging to morph in sour apple green
stag horn acro
various birdsnests
monti digita
porcela pora
gsp various shrooms, rics, yumas, hairy,orange, flame, watermellon....
variuos pallys and zoos, nuke greens eagle eyes.....
large sea fan
2 corceia clams
adding ALLLLLL the time
Fish and other inverts
yellow tang
tamoni tang
hippo tang
2 oc clowns
psychedelic manderine
3 blue chromise
cleaner wrasse
orange anthis
tiger conche
feather dusters
cleaner shrimp
various hitchhiker crabs snails etc
large assortment of snails and hermits
Tank Size:
90 gallons
Take ur time at first. dont rush the initial set up and really plan it out imagining as many scenarios as possible to be sure there nothing that needs to be changed, dont cheap out on equipment and keep it simple, u dont u dont need the thousands of gadgets i see on s many tanks to be sucessfull, from what if seen the simpler the more successful the tank is
Old shot let me know what you think, ill try and get a new one today, Mind you this was taken with an Iphone so quality is no the best
Rated #10: 125 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: John
Country: United States
#10 out of 54 Reef Tanks submitted 2013
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
John on
Number of votes:
I always do my best and sometimes that is not enough....
About Yourself:
been in the hobby since 1992 started with freshwater and a 10gal tank, then moved up to a 55 gal and then 75 gal, I got a 125 and decided that was to large for fresh water so I got the nerve to try saltwater fish and now I will not have anything else...
Fish Kept:
Flame Angelfish, Blue Tang, Yellow Tang - Hawaii, True Percula Clownfish, Blue Velvet Damsel
maxima cam polyps mushrooms leather toadstool frogspawn pink tip frogspawn green tip hammer coarl
Tank Size:
125 gallons
rsearch and lots of it, ask questions and lots of them. Always go plus 1 yup I learned the hard way....
My 125 gal reef aquarium