Top 10 Planted Tanks 2014

Rated #1: 3 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #1: 3 Gallons Planted Tank - 9 months after establishment
Username: tjhd36
Country: United States
Rank: #1 out of 81 Planted Tanks submitted 2014
all-time top 10
Submitted By: tjhd36 on
Ratings: 6.66
Number of votes: 261
About Yourself:
Fish Kept: Neocaridina heteropoda var. red, Caridina multidentata
Corals/Plants: Cabomba pulcherrima, Didiplis diandra, Eleocharis parvula, Hemianthus callitrichoides, Lilaeopsis brasiliensis, Limnophilia indica, Ludwigia arcuata, Ludwigia palustris, Marsilea quadrifolia, Micranthemum umbrosum, Pogostemon helferi, Rotala rotundifolia
Tank Size: 3 gallons
Advice: Don't underlight.
Description: 9 months after establishment

Rated #2: 190 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #2: 190 Gallons Planted Tank - My tank.
Username: Juha
Country: Finland
Rank: #2 out of 81 Planted Tanks submitted 2014
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Juha on
Ratings: 6.62
Number of votes: 244
About Yourself: A boy from up north. Had an aquarium since I was 10. It's just getting bigger and bigger... ;)
Fish Kept: Pterophyllum Scalare Surinam, Diamond Tetra, Ghost Glass Cat, Bolivian Ram, Black neon tetra, Pencil Fish, Ottos.
Corals/Plants: Echinodorus Kleiner Bar Staurogyne Repens Cryptocoryne Legroi Bolbitis heudelotii Limnophila hippuridoides Nymphaea lotus red Didiplis Diandra Echinodorus Bleheri Microsorum pteropus "narrow" Cyperus Helferi Ammannia Cracilis Java "Trident" ...and more.
Tank Size: 190 gallons
Advice: Patience is the key. Learn first, do after :)
Description: My tank.

Rated #3: 70 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #3: 70 Gallons Planted Tank - Planted african cichlids tank
Concept: healthy plants with the most colorful fish with character to rival marine aquariums
Username: TSENG
Country: Netherlands
Rank: #3 out of 81 Planted Tanks submitted 2014
all-time top 10
Submitted By: TSENG on
Ratings: 6.58
Number of votes: 246
Fish Kept: Aulonocara Jacobfreibergi Aulonocara Dragonblood Aulonocara Fire fish Aulonocara Stuartgarti Neolamprologus Brichardi Neolamprologus Leleupi Neolamprologus Tretocephalus Astatotilapia Latifasciata Haplochromis Obliquidens Hemichromis Lifalili Danio Malabaricus Epalzeorhynchos Bicolor
Corals/Plants: Anubias Barteri Anubias Congensis Anubias Hastifolia Anubias Nana Anubias Nana Yellow Heart Ammania Gracilis Cryptocoryne Beckettii Cryptocoryne Tropica Cryptocoryne Wendtii Eleocharis Acicularis Hygrophila Corymbosa Limnophila Sessiliflora Ludwigia Repens Rubin Microsorum Pteropus Microsorum Pteropus Windelov Nymphaea Zenkeri Rotala Rotundifolia
Tank Size: 70 gallons
Advice: Do research first and determine possibilities before proceeding.
Description: Planted african cichlids tank Concept: healthy plants with the most colorful fish with character to rival marine aquariums

Rated #4: 31 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #4: 31 Gallons Planted Tank - Great Oak
Username: John Bond
Country: New Zealand
Rank: #4 out of 81 Planted Tanks submitted 2014
all-time top 10
Submitted By: John Bond on
Ratings: 6.42
Number of votes: 252
Fish Kept: Just about everything...
Corals/Plants: Just about everything with preference for Cryptocoryne in freshwater and Euphyllia in Marine.
Tank Size: 31 gallons
Advice: Keep it simple: lights, filter, java fern can't go wrong...
Description: Great Oak

Rated #5: 24 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #5: 24 Gallons Planted Tank - The Claws......
Username: Abhis
Country: India
Rank: #5 out of 81 Planted Tanks submitted 2014
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Abhis on
Ratings: 6.35
Number of votes: 263
Quote: Later
About Yourself: Later
Fish Kept: Cardinal Tetra 12 Autocynclus 4 Red Sakura Shrimp(50+)
Corals/Plants: Plants: -------- >Hemianthus Callitrichoides “Cuba”, >Elochoris Acicularis
Tank Size: 24 gallons
Advice: Keep patience.........
Description: The Claws......

Rated #6: 6 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #6: 6 Gallons Planted Tank - Iwagumi style tank! With 15 crystal red shrimps and 3 otocinclus fish
Username: Charlie Nguyen
Country: United States
Rank: #6 out of 81 Planted Tanks submitted 2014
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Charlie Nguyen on
Ratings: 6.26
Number of votes: 224
Fish Kept: None
Corals/Plants: Dwarf Baby Tears
Tank Size: 6 gallons
Advice: Be patient...very patients
Description: Iwagumi style tank! With 15 crystal red shrimps and 3 otocinclus fish

Rated #7: 55 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #7: 55 Gallons Planted Tank - Updated pic of 55 gallon
Username: mike
Country: United States
Rank: #7 out of 81 Planted Tanks submitted 2014
all-time top 10
Submitted By: mike on
Ratings: 6.22
Number of votes: 244
Fish Kept: Neon Tetra Jumbo, Platy, Glowlight Tetra, Emerald Green Cory Cat, Chinese Algae Eater
Corals/Plants: Java fern, money wart, star grass, baby tears, clover, moss, ludwiga, wendtii red and bronze, red melon sword, baby amazon, ozalot sword, indaca, and 2 others
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Advice: Experiment it will soon come
Description: Updated pic of 55 gallon

Rated #8: 75 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #8: 75 Gallons Planted Tank - My 6ft low-tech planted tank
Username: Sahib Singh
Country: Australia
Rank: #8 out of 81 Planted Tanks submitted 2014
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Sahib Singh on
Ratings: 6.14
Number of votes: 248
Corals/Plants: Baby's tears Micro swords Chinese fern
Tank Size: 75 gallons
Advice: The bigger the aquarium, the lower the maintenance
Description: My 6ft low-tech planted tank

Rated #9: 20 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #9: 20 Gallons Planted Tank - Tank after weekly maintenance
Username: Patrick
Country: Belgium
Rank: #9 out of 81 Planted Tanks submitted 2014
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Patrick on
Ratings: 6.09
Number of votes: 245
About Yourself: I have had fishtanks sice young age, sometimes stopped some years but always returned. Since a few years paused on plants and how to keep them.
Fish Kept: Red Platy
Corals/Plants: Ammanai bonsai, eleocharis parvula, rotala macrandra, rotala green, limnophila aquatica,
Tank Size: 20 gallons
Advice: If you struggle with algae, don't give up and read as much as can, you will succeed!
Description: Tank after weekly maintenance

Rated #10: 90 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #10: 90 Gallons Planted Tank - 48 x 24 x 18 inches (low tech/ natural method) Latest image taken with java ferns.
DIY lighting system with 1 x 28 watt blue lamp (subdued light) and 4 x 28 watt T5 tube all on timer. DIY overhead filter with enclosed pre-filter inside a very large plant box. DIY CO2 (yeast) directly injected at the moment with powerhead. Top Substrate is sieved construction gravel (2-3 mm) while underneath is a combination of dirt and potting soil. 8 gallon up to 50%  weekly water change depending on my mood. DIY excel daily while DIY fertilizer formula and DIY trace element on schedule basis. The application regimen is carried-out by daughter and wife (only home at weekends). Air pump on at 6pm and off at 6am.
Username: Andros Rosario
Country: Phillippines
Rank: #10 out of 81 Planted Tanks submitted 2014
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Andros Rosario on
Ratings: 6.08
Number of votes: 261
Quote: DO, or DO NOT, There is no try.
About Yourself: Aquarist for more than 20 years. Tried reef with this tank but had to work outside the country. (very sad when I euthanized it). This is also an in-house management training for the whole family. Team work plays a vital role in this tank maintenance specially if I only come home on weekends. (Anyway, family members requested to revive this.) Most of us enjoy watching the "foodball" during feeding and non- feeding time. Well, so far, so good, this has been with us for more than 6 months now.
Fish Kept: Siamese Algae Eater (2), Siamese Flying Fox (7), Long finned Cory, Peppered Cory Cat, Albino Aeneus Cory Cat, Yoyo Loach, Clown Loach, Red Minor Serpae Tetra (14), True Rummynose Tetra (4), Albino Rainbow Shark (2), Koi Angel(3)
Corals/Plants: elephant ear, crypt. wenditii, eleocharis, microsword, java moss, anubias nana, water sprite, red lotus, hair grass, and a lot.
Tank Size: 90 gallons
Advice: Don't be afraid to try something after doing a thorough research on what you wish to apply.
Description: 48 x 24 x 18 inches (low tech/ natural method) Latest image taken with java ferns. DIY lighting system with 1 x 28 watt blue lamp (subdued light) and 4 x 28 watt T5 tube all on timer. DIY overhead filter with enclosed pre-filter inside a very large plant box. DIY CO2 (yeast) directly injected at the moment with powerhead. Top Substrate is sieved construction gravel (2-3 mm) while underneath is a combination of dirt and potting soil. 8 gallon up to 50% weekly water change depending on my mood. DIY excel daily while DIY fertilizer formula and DIY trace element on schedule basis. The application regimen is carried-out by daughter and wife (only home at weekends). Air pump on at 6pm and off at 6am.
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