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This picture looks better than 83.62% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.06
This picture has been rated : 18 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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United States
75 gallons of fun! proflex #4 sump filtration ;) few korila power heads and my lovely skimmer! running 8 sunbright led lights
its addicting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fish Kept:
3 disbar anthias 1 purple square male anthia 1 yellow female anthia 1 bristle tooth tang 1 fox face butterfly 2 purple queen anthias 2 blue chromis 1 midas blenny and 1 blue spot jaw fish
natalies 1st audition southern star chalice, chads stary night chalice hollywood stunner chalice unknown chalice hot pink bubble gum chalice, sunny chalice green slimer acro lime light acro purple pink tip unknow acro colony ice tort acro hawkins, blue unknown acro red planet acro palmers blue acro blue horrida acro hot pink mili baby blue mili colony rose mili colony rouge mili tubs pink sprinkles two large colonies of tyrees true undata large colony chli pepper denae idaho grape monti cap many differnt lobos tons of frags tyree pohnape birdsnest electric birdsnest and much much more.......
Tank Size:
75 gallons
cant have too much... ;)
About Yourself:
names kk fun motorcycle ridin reef chick ;) got into reefing after wanting to smile had to look in my tank to take the bad thoughts away! the beauty of corals are so stunning they can almost take your breath away!! enjoy reefers ;)