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This picture looks better than 86.15% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 6.19
This picture has been rated : 21 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 2.47
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North Carolina
United States
6' * 18" * 22*
50/50 light
home made sump
People think starting with a 10 gallon is a good idea bc it will be easier. It isn't, its harder to keep a 10 gallon as healthy as a larger aquarium. People often think salt water is soooooooo much harder to keep up, it isn't. You just add salt, thats it. Your first tank should be at least a 29 gallon, 50 range would be better.
Fish Kept:
Volitans Lionfish, some kind of grouper (not sure), brown banded cat shark
Tank Size:
125 gallons