Top 51 - 60 Corals & Inverts All Time
Rated #51: Corals Inverts - Zoanthus Sp. - Colony Polyp, Assorted Stocking In 140 Gallons Tank

Username: Kevin Reim
Country: United States
#51 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By:
Kevin Reim on
Number of votes:
Once I thought I was wrong,but I was mistaken.
Fish Kept:
Purple Tang
Hippo Tang
Fox Face- (now 10 years in captivity)
Midas Blenny
Bicolor Dwarf Angel
Cleaner Shrimp
Coral Banded Cleaner Shrimp
Misc Red & Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
Red/White HardTube Worm
Firefish - (Goby)
Torch Coral
Green Gonipora (hard)
Zenia (soft)
Green Star Polyps (soft)
Green Mushrooms (soft)
Brown Zoo's
Misc tubeworms
Tree Coral (soft)
Tank Size:
140 gallons
Take your time and don't enter hobby if you cannot be patient. Research fish and corals for compatibility.
Ask Questions. Devote a budget to maintain your investment.
Enjoy your hobby. That's the point isn't it?
Midas Blenny and Brown Zoo's
Rated #52: Corals Inverts - Zoanthus Sp. - Colony Polyp Stocking In 90 Gallons Tank

Username: tobiaap.reefs
Country: United States
#52 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By:
tobiaap.reefs on
Number of votes:
These are not the driods you are looking for.
About Yourself:
I'm a retail manager.
Fish Kept:
1 Naso tang, 1 Japanese Wrasse, 5 Green Cromas, 1 Clown, 1 Randell Goby, 1 Spoted Mandrian, 1 Sea Serperant, 2 Cleaner shrimp, 3 Peppermint Shirmp, 1 Sandsifting Star Fish, 1 Double Star Star Fish, 25 Blue Leg Crabs, 4 Mex Turbo Snails, 4 Bumble Bee Snails, 100 Snails.
Galaxia, Xenia, Ridged Tongue, Red Mushrooms, Blue Spotted Mushrooms, Frog spawn, Hammer, Chilli, Green Staghorn, Orange Cap Montipora, Purple Cap Montipora, Orange / Bue / Geen/ Rose / Yellow Florida Recordas, Green Brain Coral Head, Green Duncan Wiskers, 2 Clams, Feather Duster, Coco Worm, Orange Sun Coral, Orange Encrusting Montipora, Green and Purple Acan, Green Cup. At least 7 mother coloines of diffrent color Zoos. 5 more frags of new colors of zoos were just added to our collection.
Tank Size:
90 gallons
Buy some books... read them. Buy a test kit... use it. Buy some water... change it.
Zoo's Farm in 90 Gal Reef - :eft side of tank
Rated #53: Corals Inverts - Sarcophyton Sp. - Toadstool Mushroom Leather Coral Stocking In 75 Gallons Tank

Username: Jamy
Country: United States
#53 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By:
Jamy on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
I went to Maui scuba diving in the reef... I was hooked! I always had tanks as a kid so it was only natural to end up with a giant reef of my own...I love it! I have had it going for four years now, so I say its not going anyware!! Its a lot of upkeep, but so am I, so no problems for me here!! lol... I enjoy it more than watching tv!! theres always drama happening in that little world they live in too...its like the discovery channel live.
Fish Kept:
3 blue chromis 1 sailfin tang 1blue tang 1 niger trigger, sand sifting guy, and a purple yellow"jerk"!
Toad stool star polyps open brain red plate brown purple rim plate clams acros millie trumpet coral green ricordias colt coral blue and brown stag im sure more, I see things growing in it all the time I never purchased...creeping out of the live rock..mystery polyps and sponges and the colt coral.. its all over and I never bought it.. I sure have to trim it all the time. but its pretty so whatever...
Tank Size:
75 gallons
If it looks good...DONT touch it.
do regular water changes!
always use ro/di
side shot ... 75 gal with a monster toad stool, acons, red plate green star polyps, and a long spiny urchin...who always manages to stab me when im cleaning the inside... ouch... but hes cool to look at, so he stays....
Rated #54: Corals Inverts - Tubastrea Faulkneri - Yellow Sun Coral Stocking In 400 Gallons Tank

Username: Craig
Country: United Kingdom
#54 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By:
Craig on
Number of votes:
Kind of Squarely
About Yourself:
Been into Fish tank for around 15 years. Reefs for 7 years.
Probably all started though when my Grandad had a 3 foot trop setup when I was a kid. Im in the IT industry and love doing Track days on my Gixxer.
Fish Kept:
15 * Anthias - 5 species,
Lion Fish - (Radiata and Antennata) and a Voliton,
Aussie Tuskfish,
Naso Tang,
Atlantic Blue Tang,
Yellow Tang,
Niger Trigger,
Blue Throat Trigger,
Pink Tail Trigger,
Manderin Fish,
Peacock Wrasse,
Cleaner Wrasse,
Wild Aussie Percs - Pair,
Maldives Anemonefish - Pair,
Bangaii - 3 (2 have paired),
Pajama Cardinal,
Regal Angel,
SPS, LPS mainly. Few Softies.
Including 19 Sun Corals (fixed to Rock and Left hand Weir) All fed Daily.
Tank Size:
400 gallons
Be aware this hobby is EXPENSIVE
Sun Coral Zone
All fed Daily using Frozen Mysis and Cyclop-eeze to entice them out. Had some die back in the early days but now I've got the feeding sussed they are recovering very well and even new heads are growing.
Rated #55: Corals Inverts - Tubastrea Faulkneri - Orange Sun Coral Stocking In 30 Gallons Tank

Username: Mate'
Country: United States
#55 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By:
Mate' on
Number of votes:
live life to the fullest
Fish Kept:
Tomato Clownfish, coral beauty, midas blenny, yellow tang,Red Flame Scallop, Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, snails,crabs,bubble tip Anemone.
Button Polyp Corals/ Chaetomorpha ,sun coral, starburst polys, red & purple mushrooms, toad stool,frog spawn,yellow button polys.
Tank Size:
30 gallons
do your homework before buying anything.
sun coral
Rated #56: Corals Inverts - Actinodiscus Sp. - Red Mushroom Stocking In 75 Gallons Tank

Username: Matthew
Country: United States
#56 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By:
Matthew on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
I am a college student, I started off with a 20 gallon tank with live rock and a freshwater filter. I soon realized if I was gonna have any kind of life in my tank I would need to invest in better equipment; I upgraded to a 38 gallon tank and bought a crappy Nano Remora protein skimmer. After three years of learning and messing things up, I have a 75 gallon tank with a sump tank, and some pretty awesome corals.
Fish Kept:
28. Yellow Tang
29. Flame Angelfish
30. Midas Blenny
31. Psychedelic Mandarin
32. Six-Line Wrasse
33. Pajama Cardinal Fish
34. Clown Fish (2)
35. Orchid Dotty-Back
36. Cleaner Shrimp
37. Pistol Shrimp
38. Sea Apple
39. Hawaiian Feather Duster
40. Other Feather Duster
41. Snails (multiple)
42. Coco worm
1. Montipora capricornus
2. Pulsating Xenia
3. Toadstool Leather
4. Red Kelp
5. Aussie Acan lordhowensis
a. Bright orange w/ green
b. Pink with white outline
c. Red with green strip
d. Rainbow
e. Mint green w/ bright orange stripes
6. Frogspawn
7. Orange branching spider sponge with white polyps
8. Pearl Bubble Coral
9. Bubble Coral
10. False Rose Anemone
11. Anthelia
12. Neon Green Star Polyps
13. Mushrooms
a. Green Rodactis
b. Red discus
c. Teal with strips discus
d. Metallic
e. Ricordia florida
f. Fuzzy Green Rodactus
g. Fuzzy Purple Rodactus
h. Red with blue strips
i. Flat red dotted
j. Silky reddish/maroon
k. Dotted purple/blue
l. Other mushrooms (left of the tank, behind orange sponge)
14. Yellow Polyps
15. Giant Clam
16. War Coral
17. Sponge
a. White
b. Pink
c. Green/Yellow
d. Ball Sponge
18. Zooanthids
a. Green
b. Multi-colored
19. Reddish-brown Palythoa
20. Green Palythoa
21. Periwinkle Polyps
22. Green favia
23. Green Acropora
24. Multi colored brain coral
25. Purple and green chalice
26. Lobophylia green w/ purple
27. Lobophylia purple w/ orange outline
Tank Size:
75 gallons
Don't buy the expensive corals in the beginning, it takes months if not years to gain enough experience to not screw them up.
Assorted mushrooms!
Rated #57: Corals Inverts - Sarcophyton Elegans - Yellow Fiji Leather Coral Stocking In 125 Gallons Tank

Username: David
Country: United States
#57 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By:
David on
Number of votes:
Fish Kept:
Tangs:Regal, yellow
Angel: Flame
Chromis Green
Too many
Tank Size:
125 gallons
Water Changes
Full Reef 6 years old
Rated #58: Corals Inverts - Euphyllia Ancora - Hammer / Anchor Coral Stocking In 170 Gallons Tank

Username: Patrick aka Sea Man
Country: United States
#58 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By:
Patrick aka Sea Man on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
I got into the hobby by a close friend. Basically he bought me my first fish. A betta, red, blue and black. After that i got into south american ciclids, Jack dempsey, oscar and others. soon graduated to brackish fish, needle nose gar, datnoid, puffers, scats, bichirs (not brackish, but adaptable)knife fish. Then i got a job at the local pet store. I learned the basics to salt water and gradually increased to a preportional size. Now i have a couple of years behind my belt in aquatics, Salt and fresh. But there is so much knowledge to be had and developed, i will never stop learning. I love to encourage and give advice to new reefers I have a small buisiness setting up and servicing reef tanks and love to problem solve.
Fish Kept:
3 Black Percula,
4 green chromis,
3 3-spot damsel,
Pacific Blue Surgion,
Sailfin Tang,
Vlimingii unicornfish,
Royal Gramma,
Flame Cardinal,
Black Sailfin blenny,
Yellow headed gobie,
Orange dartfish,
6-line wrasse,
Emerald crabs,
2 arrow crabs,
skunk cleaner shrimps,
peppermint shrimp,
hermit crabs,
astrea snails,
Green wolf eel,
Horshoe crab,
Decorator crabs (spider, and short leg)
Marine betta
Green Carpet anemone,
Green Bubble tip aneamone,
Rose aenemony
Pearl coral ,
Bubble coral (Green and White),
Frog spawn (branching),
Green Montipora ,
scroll coral,
Green Stag Acropora,
White acropora,
orange montipora,
"superman" moat danae montipora.
Blue polyp montipora
White Sinularia,
Ass. colors of polyps,
Pink, green and purple people eaters,
Yellow and green star pollyp,
Leather coral,
Giant cup mushroom,
Daisy pollyp,
Pinnaple coral,
fox coral,
galaxea coral,
assorted ricordia, dicosoma, and rhodactus mushrooms,
feather, bubble/disc, red bubble caulerpa,
Bladed sea grass
other Assorted macro and micro algea
Tank Size:
170 gallons
Read and go slow
A vivid Blue Tang next to an Anchor Coral.
Rated #59: Corals Inverts - Acanthastrea Sp. - Acan Stocking In 100 Gallons Tank

Username: benny
Country: United States
#59 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By:
benny on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
i did fresh water for 4 years was allwase interested in a reef but was afraid n just decided to pull my finger out of my a.... n do it n im so glad i did
im a diesel mechanic n that takes up most of my time the rest is my wife n tank no kids yet so dont know what the hell ill do then .
Fish Kept:
purple tang,watchman goby,manderin,sixline wrass,bicolor blenny
pagoda,candy cane,torch, ass zoos,frog spawn,green mushrooms,red n green scolimia, rock anenamy,blassto wellsi , eligance n still stocking
Tank Size:
100 gallons
lots of patiance i didnt at first n learnd the hard way but at least i learnt from them.find a really good retailer you can trust go to several thats how you tell who is honest n who is a sailsman,im lucky i found 2 really great dealers
my latest addition acan
Rated #60: Corals Inverts - Condylactis Gigantea - Condy Anemone Stocking In 90 Gallons Tank

Username: josh
Country: United States
#60 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By:
josh on
Number of votes:
Fish Kept:
allardi clown, kohl tang, domino damsel, soon to be blue tang
mushrooms, polyps, xenia, anemones
Tank Size:
90 gallons
awesome clown in anemone