Top 91 - 100 Corals & Inverts All Time

Rated #91: Corals Inverts - Protula Bispiralis - Hard Tube Coco Worm

Rated #91: Corals Inverts - Protula Bispiralis - Hard Tube Coco Worm - My 9 Month Old Coco-Worm

85g (uk) Bow Front Tank, 4x54 T5 Luminare / Deltec Aqua+ Tubes, Deltec MCE600 Skimmer, Eheim Pro 3 Ex-Filter, TMC UV15, Tunze 6060 / Maxi-Jet 1200 PH Combo, Auto Top-Up, 3 Stage 6" DSB, Hydor ETH 300 heater.
Username: Daniel Cryer
Country: United Kingdom
Rank: #91 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: Daniel Cryer on
Ratings: 5.93
Number of votes: 40
Description: My 9 Month Old Coco-Worm 85g (uk) Bow Front Tank, 4x54 T5 Luminare / Deltec Aqua+ Tubes, Deltec MCE600 Skimmer, Eheim Pro 3 Ex-Filter, TMC UV15, Tunze 6060 / Maxi-Jet 1200 PH Combo, Auto Top-Up, 3 Stage 6" DSB, Hydor ETH 300 heater.

Rated #92: Corals Inverts - Procambarus Sp. - Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster Stocking In 60 Gallons Tank

Rated #92: Corals Inverts - Procambarus Sp. - Hammers Cobalt Blue Lobster Stocking In 60 Gallons Tank - the elusive Sapphire Lobster
Username: Robert A Moore
Country: United States
Rank: #92 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: Robert A Moore on
Ratings: 5.92
Number of votes: 12
About Yourself: Recently got back into fish tanks after a childhood of breeding prize winning Betas. (My brother was the real master at this). I build high-end Muscle Cars, Hot Rods and Customs. The care I take with the cars I build has flowed over into my tank, leading me towards making the most beautiful tank I can while trying to provide the most pleasant and natural setting for the fish.
Fish Kept: Two perfectly identical albino Oscars, 4 misc. African Chiclids, 1 Red Jeweled Chiclid, 1 Peacock Chiclid, 1 Texas Chiclid, 1 (very, very rare), Silver African Chiclid, 1 Snowflake Morey eel, 1 Sapphire Blue Lobster, 3 misc. crabs, 2 dozen (if they're not eaten yet), ghost shrimp.
Corals/Plants: Hawaiian- Cactus Coral, Brain Coral, and Spiked Coral. Barnacle Coral. African Reef Rock. Natural preserved Tree Root. Misc. ivy and fern plants. (The rocks create incredible natural caverns and dens which the fish and shellfish manipulate to their own needs.)
Tank Size: 60 gallons
Advice: Let your tank cycle thoroughly before adding fish. Don't be afraid to try multiple species, just be sure to provide adequate territories for all animals. Enjoy your tank and don't become lazy with the care. Don't be afraid to spend the extra money to buy top food. Your fish will be happier and thrive. Give your fish the ability to create they're own environment while keeping it simple for you to maintain. Remember if they keep changing what you set up,- oblige them. After all- it is their tank.
Description: the elusive Sapphire Lobster

Rated #94: Corals Inverts - Margarites Pupillus - Margarita Snail Stocking In 29 Gallons Tank

Rated #94: Corals Inverts - Margarites Pupillus - Margarita Snail Stocking In 29 Gallons Tank - Margarita snail
Username: Kevin
Country: United States
Rank: #94 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: Kevin on
Ratings: 5.91
Number of votes: 11
Fish Kept: Naso Tang, Pajama Cardinals, Flameback Angel.
Corals/Plants: Finger Leather and many different mushrooms
Tank Size: 29 gallons
Advice: Just take it slow, it's not a race.
Description: Margarita snail

Rated #95: Corals Inverts - Macrodactyla Doreensis - Long Tentacle Anemone, Purple Stocking In 55 Gallons Tank

Rated #95: Corals Inverts - Macrodactyla Doreensis - Long Tentacle Anemone, Purple Stocking In 55 Gallons Tank - 55 gallon cube, mixed reef
Username: DANNY
Country: Canada
Rank: #95 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: DANNY on
Ratings: 5.91
Number of votes: 11
About Yourself: 6 years in saltwater
Fish Kept: Currently: Yellow tang, flame angel, yellow watchman goby, green spotted manderine, cleaner shrimp
Corals/Plants: Acros, caps, brains, shrooms, leathers, zoos, LPS of all kinds.
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Advice: Don't add anything too fast.
Description: 55 gallon cube, mixed reef

Rated #96: Corals Inverts - Astropecten Polycanthus - Sand Sifting Sea Star Stocking In 80 Gallons Tank

Rated #96: Corals Inverts - Astropecten Polycanthus - Sand Sifting Sea Star Stocking In 80 Gallons Tank - Sandsifter seastar without sand
Username: Lars Schnuck
Country: Ireland
Rank: #96 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: Lars Schnuck on
Ratings: 5.9
Number of votes: 40
Quote: Fish and visitors smell in three days
About Yourself: I had so much fun watching marine fish while scuba diving that I hoped I could return the favour one day
Fish Kept: 1x Randall's Shrimp Goby, 1x Azure Damselfish, 4x Green Chromis, 2x Cleaning Shrimp, 1x Foxface Rabbitfish, 1x Cinnamon Clownfish, 1x Sixline Wrasse, 1x Coral Beauty Angel, 2x Bangai Cardinal, 1x Citrinis Clown Goby
Corals/Plants: Just a bunch of live rock from places I will never get to visit
Tank Size: 80 gallons
Advice: Patience is a virtue
Description: Sandsifter seastar without sand

Rated #97: Corals Inverts - Stichodactyla Haddoni - Green Carpet Anemone Stocking In 125 Gallons Tank

Rated #97: Corals Inverts - Stichodactyla Haddoni - Green Carpet Anemone Stocking In 125 Gallons Tank - Green carpet anemone
Username: Jeremy
Country: United States
Rank: #97 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: Jeremy on
Ratings: 5.86
Number of votes: 44
Quote: .
Fish Kept: Blue tang, Yellow tang, Scopas tang, Red and purple firefish, Green manderin goby, Chevron tang, Coral beauty angel, Green chromis, Blue line (catalina) gobies, Orange diamond goby, Snake skin starfish, Arrow crab, Sally lightfoot, Skunk cleaner shrimp, Pepperment shrimp
Corals/Plants: Watermelon/ricordea/striped/elephant mushrooms, Carpet/rose/condylactus/sebae anemones, Orange/purple tree corals, Green star polyp's, Fox coral, Xenia, Hawian feather duster, Sun coral, Finger leather, Green tiped purple frog spawn, Blue maxima clam, Flame scallop, Brain coral
Tank Size: 125 gallons
Advice: Take it slow and enjoy it
Description: Green carpet anemone

Rated #98: Corals Inverts Stocking In 10 Gallons Tank

Rated #98: Corals Inverts Stocking In 10 Gallons Tank - Blastomussa Merletti
Username: Dana Jackson
Country: United States
Rank: #98 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: Dana Jackson on
Ratings: 5.86
Number of votes: 14
Fish Kept: True Percula Clownfish - Tank-Bred, Arabian Pseudochromis, Blue Damselfish
Corals/Plants: Toadstools Hammer coralRock flower anemones Various ZoasBirdsnestVarious PlaysYuma RicordeaBlastomussa MerlettiDuncan's
Tank Size: 10 gallons
Advice: Research EVERYTHING before you buy it! Don't add anything you can't test for.
Description: Blastomussa Merletti

Rated #99: Corals Inverts - Epicystis Crucifer - Rock Flower Anemone Stocking In 210 Gallons Tank

Rated #99: Corals Inverts - Epicystis Crucifer - Rock Flower Anemone Stocking In 210 Gallons Tank - Anemone
Username: Teresa
Country: United States
Rank: #99 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: Teresa on
Ratings: 5.83
Number of votes: 12
About Yourself: We started a 30 Gallon tank for our Grandson. He passed away the day after he turned 11 months. The tanks we have are in his memory. He always loved going with mom mom and pop pop to go see the fishes
Fish Kept: Majestic angel 7" Vlamingi tang 10"+ 2 Hippo tangs 8" Sohal tang 8" doctorfish 9" yellow tang 6" Naso tang 8" a pair of maroon clowns a pair of oscellaris clowns a pair of anthias a pair of Domino damsels
Corals/Plants: 12" squamosa clam, 5" crocea clam, RBTA, GBTA, Purple tube anemone rare anemone from Indonesia, extra large Bubble coral assorted leathers paly's mushrooms australian orange torch, neon green hammer
Tank Size: 210 gallons
Advice: Take your time. This is not hobby you can just rush into. Do your homerwork
Description: Anemone

Rated #100: Corals Inverts - Diadema Setosum - Longspine Urchin, Black Stocking In 100 Gallons Tank

Rated #100: Corals Inverts - Diadema Setosum - Longspine Urchin, Black Stocking In 100 Gallons Tank - Long Spine Urchin, 
Koran Angel.
Username: RayJ
Country: United States
Rank: #100 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: RayJ on
Ratings: 5.82
Number of votes: 17
Fish Kept: Lionfish, Koran Angel, many inverts.
Corals/Plants: Live Rock
Tank Size: 100 gallons
Advice: Have fun and learn your own way. All tanks seem to be a little different.
Description: Long Spine Urchin, Lionfish, Koran Angel.



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