Top 21 - 30 Corals & Inverts All Time

Rated #21: Corals Inverts - Favites Spp. - Brain Coral, Favites Stocking In 28 Gallons Tank

Rated #21: Corals Inverts - Favites Spp. - Brain Coral, Favites Stocking In 28 Gallons Tank - grapes of wrath
Username: Robert
Country: United States
Rank: #21 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: Robert on
Ratings: 7.18
Number of votes: 11
About Yourself: I have been keeping sw tanks for 9 years. I curently have 3 peaceful reef tanks and a 47g column scorpion fish reef tank, and 4 tanks for my clownfish breeding projects, 3 tanks for culturing rotifers,tigger pods,and grass shrimp
Fish Kept: helfrichi firefish, maine blizzard clowns(platinum variant), pair of warpaint gobies, cleaner shrimp peppermint shrimp fire shrimp grass shrimp
Corals/Plants: acans 3 kinds 19 colors, clove polyps, ausi platygyra, ausi favid's, ausi open brain, purple duncans,
Tank Size: 28 gallons
Advice: take your time and lots of reading is a must
Description: grapes of wrath

Rated #22: Corals Inverts - Trachyphyllia Radiata - Wellso Folded Brain Coral Stocking In 65 Gallons Tank

Rated #22: Corals Inverts - Trachyphyllia Radiata - Wellso Folded Brain Coral Stocking In 65 Gallons Tank - Rainbow trachy
Username: Tyler
Country: United States
Rank: #22 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: Tyler on
Ratings: 7.13
Number of votes: 16
About Yourself: I have been in to the hobby for about 13 years and I love it, I also work at a salt water fish store doing what I love.
Fish Kept: Magnificent Foxface, Firefish, Purple, Mystery Wrasse, Sailfin Tang, Desjardini, Black and White Ocellaris Clownfish, Black ice snowflake clownfish, gold Midas Blenny
Corals/Plants: 2 rainbow acans lord, 3 acan lord, 2 war coral, rainbow trachy, 2 lobo, Pom Pom Xenia, 1 acan bowerbanki, green slimmer sps, strawberry short cake sps, red milly, fluorescent orange fungia plate, purple death pally, sunny delight pally, nuclear green pally, magician pally, have a tyree mummy eye chalice, and a Miami hurricane chalice, also have hyndiphora, meteor shower cyphastria, tri color sps, orange crush acan echinata, rainbow echinata, Hawkins echinata, blue tort, green table sps, orange and purple zoa, fuzzy green ricordia mushrooms, frogspawn, Duncan polyps, and 2 Aussie chalice. I also have a gold tear drop maxima clam. And an Orange leptoceris. Green favia, pink and white favia.
Tank Size: 65 gallons
Advice: Have patience and ask questions, don't rush
Description: Rainbow trachy

Rated #24: Corals Inverts - Zoanthus Sp. - Colony Polyp, Eagle Eye Stocking In 66 Gallons Tank

Rated #24: Corals Inverts - Zoanthus Sp. - Colony Polyp, Eagle Eye Stocking In 66 Gallons Tank - upclose and personal of some eagle eye zoanthids
Username: Tanner Mertlich
Country: United States
Rank: #24 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: Tanner Mertlich on
Ratings: 7.06
Number of votes: 17
About Yourself: I got into the hobby when i was about 7. i got involved in helping my dad maintain a 210 gallon reef, later when i wass 15 i began working at a LFS and gained A TON of knowlegde and experiance. though i don't know everything, i hope i will one day!
Fish Kept: Kole Yellow Eye Tang, Ocellaris Clownfish, Yellow Tang - Hawaii, Yellow Watchman Goby, Diamond Watchman Goby, Green Mandarin, Firefish, Purple, Firefish, Blue Tang, Naso Tang, Sailfin Tang, Lyretail Anthias, Pictilis Anthias, Dispar Anthias
Corals/Plants: i keep a lot of softies and LPS i'm really not that into the sps hard coral type deal, though i do like chalice's.
Tank Size: 66 gallons
Advice: Dont frag yet, just let it grow
Description: upclose and personal of some eagle eye zoanthids

Rated #25: Corals Inverts - Trachyphyllia Geoffroyi - Brain Coral, Trachyphyllia Stocking In 100 Gallons Tank

Rated #25: Corals Inverts - Trachyphyllia Geoffroyi - Brain Coral, Trachyphyllia Stocking In 100 Gallons Tank - brain coral
Username: pete
Country: United States
Rank: #25 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: pete on
Ratings: 7
Number of votes: 12
Fish Kept: Yellow tang, percula clowns, chromies , mandarin, cleaner shrimp and clean up crew
Corals/Plants: Torch, kenya ,zoas,mushrooms, button and brain vitals
Tank Size: 100 gallons
Advice: Keep it easy
Description: brain coral

Rated #26: Corals Inverts - Zoanthus Sp. - Colony Polyp, Assorted Stocking In 150 Gallons Tank

Rated #26: Corals Inverts - Zoanthus Sp. - Colony Polyp, Assorted Stocking In 150 Gallons Tank - Zoo's
Username: Faizan Ashraf
Country: Canada
Rank: #26 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: Faizan Ashraf on
Ratings: 7
Number of votes: 11
Quote: "look mommy its nemo"
About Yourself: I like photography and I like reefs. I put two and two together which lead me to this...
Fish Kept: many
Corals/Plants: many
Tank Size: 150 gallons
Advice: Don't cheap out
Description: Zoo's

Rated #27: Corals Inverts - Trachyphyllia Geoffroyi - Brain Coral Stocking In 10 Gallons Tank

Rated #27: Corals Inverts - Trachyphyllia Geoffroyi - Brain Coral Stocking In 10 Gallons Tank - Red and Green Trachophyllia
Username: Jeremy
Country: United States
Rank: #27 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: Jeremy on
Ratings: 7
Number of votes: 12
About Yourself: I got into the hobby right out of college...Thought it would be fun to get a gold fish in a little 3 gallon aquarium and it just kind of exploded from there. I now have the nano reef, as well as two fresh water tanks and a couple of reptiles to go along with my cat. I work part time in the fish department of a local pet store and don't really consider it work. It's my hobby and I love seeing people get excited about fish and corals!
Fish Kept: Fish kept: Yellow Watchmen Goby paired with a Michael's Target Pistol Shrimp, Green Clown Goby, Purple Fire Fish, Tail Spot Blenny, Skunk Cleaner Shrimp, Pom Pom Crab, Pink Emerald Crab, 2 margarita snails, 3 astrea snails, 1 turbo snail (off and on...replace when he dies and need another), 5 hermit crabs, Pink with Green center Tube Anemone
Corals/Plants: Corals: Blastumossa Welsii, Blastumossa Merleti, Pavona Maldivensis, Orange Eye Chalice, Green Trachophylia/Wellsophyllia, Red and Green Trachophyllia, Candy Cane Calaustria (Trumpet), Blue Anthelia, Green Spongodes, Blue/Purple Mushrooms, Red Mushrooms, 2 or 3 different kinds of Zooanthids, Purple and Green Favia Brain, Metallic Green Star Polyps, Duncanopsammia (Duncan), Orange Carpet Lobophyllia, ....I think that's it
Tank Size: 10 gallons
Advice: My advice is to take it slow, don't over feed, do it right, invest some money in the set up, read a book or two, don't rely entirely on the internet for resources because there is a lot of incorrect info out there, and most importantly TAKE IT SLOW AND DON'T OVER FEED!
Description: Red and Green Trachophyllia

Rated #28: Corals Inverts - Zoanthus Sp. - Button Polyp Stocking In 46 Gallons Tank

Rated #28: Corals Inverts - Zoanthus Sp. - Button Polyp Stocking In 46 Gallons Tank - A good shot of my red and green zoos
Username: Matt Hale
Country: United States
Rank: #28 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: Matt Hale on
Ratings: 6.92
Number of votes: 61
Quote: Sometimes you have to cross the valleys to reach the top of the mountain
Fish Kept: 1 Ocellaris Clown 1 Yellow Tang 1 Engineering Goby 1 Yellowhead (Pearly) Jawfish 1 Tiger Striped Serpent Star 1 Rose Urchin 1 Rock Clam Many Cerith, Nassarius, Astrea, and Turbo Snails Many Scarlet Reef Hermit Crabs
Corals/Plants: Lots of Mushrooms... (Hairy, Lavender, Metallic Purple, Red and Green, and Bubbles), Ricordia, Mushroom Anemones, Colt Coral, 4 Tree corals, Large Feather Dusters, Green Star Polyps, Purple, Red, Green and Orange Zoos.Large Green Brain. Lots of White Pulsing Xenia. orange Ball Sponge.
Tank Size: 46 gallons
Advice: Be Patient and do not cut short when buying equipment. Make sure you have plenty of filtration and live rock. Making your own rock at home saves a lot of money and aggravation in trying to keep algae down. I have also had more luck keeping my temp. at around 82 degrees F. My corals get larger and also multiply much faster at this temperature.
Description: A good shot of my red and green zoos

Rated #29: Corals Inverts - Acanthastrea Echinata - Acan Brain Coral Stocking In 90 Gallons Tank

Rated #29: Corals Inverts - Acanthastrea Echinata - Acan Brain Coral Stocking In 90 Gallons Tank
Username: Sean
Country: United States
Rank: #29 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: Sean on
Ratings: 6.88
Number of votes: 17
Quote: You play to Win the Game!
About Yourself: I like sports, fishing, girls, betting, and fish tanks.
Fish Kept: 2 clownfish, 6 line wrasse,1 royal gramma,cleaner shrimp, Yellow tang, flasher wrasse,and 2 cardinals
Corals/Plants: frogspawns, random polyps,mushrooms, acropora, clam, echinata, chalices, tachy,war coral,acans....
Tank Size: 90 gallons
Advice: Research, be patient, research, be patient, be patient, research, then buy, be patient, research.........

Rated #30: Corals Inverts - Cherax Destructor - Blue Knight Lobster Stocking In 36 Gallons Tank

Rated #30: Corals Inverts - Cherax Destructor - Blue Knight Lobster Stocking In 36 Gallons Tank - Our electric blue crayfish
Username: Michelle
Country: United States
Rank: #30 out of 716 Corals & Inverts submitted all-time
Submitted By: Michelle on
Ratings: 6.85
Number of votes: 27
About Yourself: We love our crayfish!!
Corals/Plants: No plants yet
Tank Size: 36 gallons
Advice: Make sure you cycle!!!
Description: Our electric blue crayfish



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