Top 21 - 30 Reef Tanks 2010
Rated #21: 90 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: James Register
Country: United States
#21 out of 133 Reef Tanks submitted 2010
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
James Register on
Number of votes:
Fish Kept:
Pajama Cardinals
6 Line wrasse
yellow tang
Christmas wrasse
Mated Percula Clowns
Sailfin Blenny
Softies, mainly mushrooms
Tank Size:
90 gallons
Tank your time and research, research, research.
Front view
Rated #22: 72 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: Jamie Slade
Country: United States
#22 out of 133 Reef Tanks submitted 2010
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Jamie Slade on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
Reef tank owner 1 yr
Fish Kept:
1 Tomato Clown, 1 bicolor Pseudochromis, 1 rock blenny, 1 naso tang, 1 Red banded shrimp, 1 conk, snails, hermit crabs.
giant leather toadstool, green montipora, red Lobophyllia, frogspawn, orange sun coral, yellow sun coral, metallic green flowerpot, daisy star polyps, xenia coral, blue mushrooms, green hairy mushrooms, orange mushrooms, green zoanthids, orange zoanthids, green favites brain coral, plate shelf coral, yellow scroll coral, blue maxima clam.
Tank Size:
72 gallons
Reef Tank
Rated #23: 125 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: buttons
Country: United States
#23 out of 133 Reef Tanks submitted 2010
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
buttons on
Number of votes:
Will I ever get it right?????
About Yourself:
I started with a 10 gal freshwater tank over 13yrs ago. I finally made my way up to a 125 gal. I never had the nerve to start a saltwater aquarium until a friend of mine started one. I started mine a few months later kept the 125 freshwater and made a 75g. salt tank. About 9 months later I took down my freshwater and made my 125 into a saltwater tank. I love my fish and stive to do better and learn as much as I can.
Fish Kept:
6 green chromis, 1 maroon clown...tank raised..1b/w percula clown, two percula clowns, 2pajama cardinals.2 hippo tangs, 1 yellow tang, 1 scooter blenny, 1 sally lightfoot, 1 coral bandedshrimp, 1 skunk cleaner, 1 sixline wrasse, 1flame angel, 1 mandrine goby and cleanup crew.
green plate coral, pulsing polyp, yellow polyp, duncan coral...just fragged...2 feather dusters, frog spawn, colt coral, candcane, red chili, umbrella coral, young kenya tree coral, many mushrooms, hard corals,,,some... starpolyps.
Tank Size:
125 gallons
Take it slow, take your time and never use damsels to cycle your tank. I waited about a mo. then added 6 green chromis. I still have them...they will not attack and try to kill everything you try to put into your tank once fully est. the tank
yello tang, hippo tang, flame angel having some fun playing around the rocks.
Rated #24: 37 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: Dennis
Country: United States
#24 out of 133 Reef Tanks submitted 2010
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Dennis on
Number of votes:
don't sweat the petty stuff, just pet the sweaty stuff!
About Yourself:
Managed a pet store in 80's, had 23 freshwater tanks, bred central american cichlids bred true chameleons and Phelsuma (Gieco Gecko LOL!)went into the AF and have kids now, so thought it was time to expose them to the wonderful hobby of fish keeping.
Fish Kept:
1-Banghaii Cardinal, 1-Firefish goby, 1-six-line wrasse, 1-yellow watchman goby, 1-painted clown goby, 1-green chromis, 1-pygmy hawk.
2-Acans (1 red, 1 green)
2-Monti Cap (1 orange, 1 green)
1-Green Psammacora
1-Acro sp.
1-Duncan w/new head
1-Blasto wellsi w/3 new heads
1-Candy Cane
1-Robokaki Chalice
1-Alien Eye Chalice
1-Galaxia (it was on the bottom got bumped by the mag cleaner and all but bad not checking it's location after the bottom relocation)
1-Green Favia
1-kenyan tree softie
2-Neon Green Sinularia
1-Green Polyped Leather
12+ assorted colored Ricordea
4+ hairy mushrooms
2 Metallic green elephant ears
2-Red Rhodactis
5 or 6 Green Rhodactis
Many different color Discsomas
Many different color Zoanthids
2 species Pulsing Xenia
Electric Green Colve polyps that have orange tips
Daisy Cloves
Micro blue cloves
Orange Gorgonian (captive frag doing good so far)
6-8 blue leg hermits
2-peppermint shrimp
1-Scarlet cleaner shrimp
1-growing brittle star ( came as a hitchhiker)
Tank Size:
37 gallons
RESEARCH_RESEARCH_RESEARCH! Go slow buy the best of all the equipment you can not skimp even if it delays setting up your dream tank, cause in the end you WILL pay for it anyways! Try to use cultured frags whenever possible, join a local reef club and get to know the folks at your LFS well and ask questions that you know the answer to and see the response to check the level of their knowledge.
Full tank shot 2/15/2010
Rated #25: 140 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: Kevin Reim
Country: United States
#25 out of 133 Reef Tanks submitted 2010
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Kevin Reim on
Number of votes:
Once I thought I was wrong,but I was mistaken.
Fish Kept:
Purple Tang
Hippo Tang
Fox Face- (now 10 years in captivity)
Midas Blenny
Bicolor Dwarf Angel
Cleaner Shrimp
Coral Banded Cleaner Shrimp
Misc Red & Blue Leg Hermit Crabs
Red/White HardTube Worm
Firefish - (Goby)
Torch Coral
Green Gonipora (hard)
Zenia (soft)
Green Star Polyps (soft)
Green Mushrooms (soft)
Brown Zoo's
Misc tubeworms
Tree Coral (soft)
Tank Size:
140 gallons
Take your time and don't enter hobby if you cannot be patient. Research fish and corals for compatibility.
Ask Questions. Devote a budget to maintain your investment.
Enjoy your hobby. That's the point isn't it?
Main Display Tank- Present day
Rated #26: 58 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: Scott
Country: United States
#26 out of 133 Reef Tanks submitted 2010
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Scott on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
I started with a 29 tall which was a disaster size, moved to a 40 breeder which was great but not reef ready, and then acquired my current tank, a 58 gallon center overflow by Oceanic.
Fish Kept:
1 True Percula clown, 1 Coral Beauty Angelfish, 1 Coral Goby, 1 Yasha Hase Goby with Pistol Shrimp.
SPS, Montis, T. Maxima, T. Crocea, T. Derasa, T. Squamosa, various LPS, etc.
Tank Size:
58 gallons
Drill your tank for a sump, it will make your life so much easier in all aspects, being forced to use HOB things only makes more work; get the biggest skimmer you can, I don't think you can overskim a reef tank; perform water changes twice as many times as you think necessary, water changes are the best thing you can do for the health of your system; use proper lighting and leave room for upgrades down the road, test your levels weekly for dkh, calcium, and mag, and dose accordingly for low levels.
new tank, new equipment, its all new. pic taken 3-4-10.
Rated #27: 78 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: Matthew Gowland
Country: United Kingdom
#27 out of 133 Reef Tanks submitted 2010
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Matthew Gowland on
Number of votes:
Fish Kept:
Purple Tang, Goldrim Tang, Regal Tang, Kole Tang, Flame Angel, Breeding Pair Bangaii Cardinals, Breeding Pair Mandarins, Algae Blenny, Breeding Pair Common Clowns, Tri-Colour Damsel, Yellow Tail Blue Damsel, Unknown Damsel, Black Brittle Star, White Brittle Star, Serpent Star, Sand Sifter Star, Numerous Snails & Hermits.
Giant Green Scolly, Green/Peach Lobo, Pink/Green Lobo, 3x Green/Pink Hammerhead LPS, Aussie Yellow Torch LPS, Green Plate, 2x Ultra Green Alovepora, Yellow Gorgonian, Green Frogspawn LPS, Green Tipped Acro, Rare Carebean Bubble Mushroom, Furry Mushroom + Lots of other Leathers, Polyps, Mushroom etc.
Tank Size:
78 gallons
Front View
Rated #28: 12 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: Jake
Country: United States
#28 out of 133 Reef Tanks submitted 2010
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Jake on
Number of votes:
The only main cost is the tank it's self
About Yourself:
Hey this is my second reef tank had a 55 but moved away for college now im back with a nano and im running out of room!!!! Got the cup coral the cabbage and the eagle eyes off petsolutions amazing neon leather and the scans from ABC reef in Syracuse it's worth the drive
Fish Kept:
hopefully frog fish soon
button polyps eagle eyes ricordea large green shrooms cabbage leather red shrooms acan bubble coral cup coral star polyps anenome neon tipped leather white clove polyps super neon green hammer and candy cane
Tank Size:
12 gallons
water changes make a plan don't just go buy something you know nothing about that's how you waste money
Most recent of my CUBE
Rated #29: 34 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: Matthew
Country: Australia
#29 out of 133 Reef Tanks submitted 2010
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Matthew on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
I first got into this hobby by loving the colours of the marine fish, but being discouraged from different people I decided to do alot more research into the hobby and decided to start small with a Red Sea Max. and so far it has been the best hobby I have ever gotten into.
Fish Kept:
percula clown pair, Regal tang, flame angel, pajama cardinalfish, turbo snail, blue-legged hermit crab.
frogspawn, bubble-tip anemone, flower pot, branching hammer, anchor, toadstool mushrom, bubble, lobed brain, leather finger, long-tentacled pate
Tank Size:
34 gallons
always be patient when dealing with saltwater fishtanks, otherwise you will pay for it.
Updated Red Sea Max '2010
Rated #30: 120 Gallons Reef Tank

Username: Brian Dimech
Country: Canada
#30 out of 133 Reef Tanks submitted 2010
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Brian Dimech on
Number of votes:
Fish Kept:
1 Yellow Tang, 1 Chevron Tang, 1 Powder Blue Tang, 1 Flame Angel, 2 Blue Damsels, 1 Six Line Wrasse, 2 Clowns, 1 Mandarin Goby, 1 Blue-Green Chromis, 1 Blue Throat Triger, 2 Crocea Clams, 2 fire shrimp, 2 Candy Cane shrimp, 2 pepermint shrip, 1 Orange star fish, 1 Porcelian Crab, Multi Snails & blue hermit crabs
Hammers, Leathers, Acro's, Elkhorn, Multi Zoo's, Multi Mushrooms, Open Brains, Plate Coral, Feather Dusters, Duncan, Rose Tip Anemone, Pagoda
Tank Size:
120 gallons
As much light and water movement that you can afford. What ever size tank you choose to buy, double it and save yourself the upgrade at a later date.
2 yrs old - 2010 March