Top 11 - 20 Planted Tanks 2017

Rated #11: 72 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #11: 72 Gallons Planted Tank - 55 gallon scape. Crypt. Wendtii, Ludwigia Repens, Rotala Indica, Christmas Moss. Petrified wood from Cedar Mountain, Utah in the center.
Username: benny
Country: United States
Rank: #11 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: benny on
Ratings: 5.73
Number of votes: 110
Quote: .
About Yourself: .
Fish Kept: .
Corals/Plants: .
Tank Size: 72 gallons
Advice: .
Description: 55 gallon scape. Crypt. Wendtii, Ludwigia Repens, Rotala Indica, Christmas Moss. Petrified wood from Cedar Mountain, Utah in the center.

Rated #12: 92 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #12: 92 Gallons Planted Tank - my overgrown jungle
Username: ian hemmings
Country: United Kingdom
Rank: #12 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: ian hemmings on
Ratings: 5.67
Number of votes: 112
Corals/Plants: bacopa (caroliniana), anubias (barteri var. nana), cryptocoryne wentil green, cryptocoryne undulatur kasselman, java fern, theres two others but cant think of their names
Tank Size: 92 gallons
Advice: dunno really
Description: my overgrown jungle

Rated #13: 55 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #13: 55 Gallons Planted Tank - This is a new image of the tank.
Username: Russ
Country: United States
Rank: #13 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Russ on
Ratings: 5.63
Number of votes: 134
Fish Kept: Giant Danio, Blue Gourami, Albino Aeneus Cory Cat
Corals/Plants: Amazon SwordAnubiasBacopaDwarf Sagittarius Java FernOctopus PlantWisteria
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Advice: I'm a new hobbyist myself!
Description: This is a new image of the tank.

Rated #14: 180 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #14: 180 Gallons Planted Tank - My 180
Ecotech radions
Vecter return
Fluval fx6 mechanical only
Co2 dosed
6 auto dosers
Smart ato 
24 watts uv sterilizer
Username: Trevor Joseph Fisher
Country: United States
Rank: #14 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Trevor Joseph Fisher on
Ratings: 5.61
Number of votes: 127
Quote: Keep your friends close but your enemy's closer
Fish Kept: German Blue Ram, Bala Shark (, Neon Tetra Jumbo
Corals/Plants: To many to list
Tank Size: 180 gallons
Advice: Spend the money you can afford dont cut corners.
Description: My 180 Ecotech radions Mp10 Vecter return Fluval fx6 mechanical only Co2 dosed 6 auto dosers Smart ato 24 watts uv sterilizer

Rated #15: 55 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #15: 55 Gallons Planted Tank - 55 gallon community
Username: James
Country: United States
Rank: #15 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: James on
Ratings: 5.61
Number of votes: 127
Corals/Plants: Lots of plants
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Advice: Not much pretty new myself
Description: 55 gallon community

Rated #16: 143 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #16: 143 Gallons Planted Tank - Planted South American/Discus biotope
Username: Stendker tank
Country: United Kingdom
Rank: #16 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Stendker tank on
Ratings: 5.54
Number of votes: 134
About Yourself: Got in to fishkeeping from a very young age; ended up having 20+ tanks in a small council flat! Growing up, jobs, relationships then meant it took a backseat. Restarted in my late 40's with community tank, then Malawi tank. My son has this one now and he is starting a Sumatra tank.My tank that I have submitted, was bought off an auction site. I built the stand myself as well as the sump, which was converted from an old acrylic shop display. it contains amongst other things, 15kgs of alfagrog. My biggest challenge in fishkeeping is resisting the urge to fiddle! Always tweaking this and adjusting that.
Fish Kept: 4-pigeon bloods, 3-brilliant turqs, 1-solid turq, 7-Marbled Hatchets, 10-Cardinal Tetra, 25-Rummy Nose Tetras, 12-Panda Cory, 13-Otolinclus, 1-Green Phantom Pleco
Corals/Plants: Valis, Cryptocoryne, Anubias, Amazon Sword, Bacopa
Tank Size: 143 gallons
Advice: Do your homework and sign up to as many forums as you can.
Description: Planted South American/Discus biotope

Rated #17: 29 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #17: 29 Gallons Planted Tank - My Tank
Username: Andy Dodd
Country: United States
Rank: #17 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Andy Dodd on
Ratings: 5.52
Number of votes: 136
Corals/Plants: Java Fern, Ludwigia, Anubias.
Tank Size: 29 gallons
Advice: you gotta keep on keepin' on.
Description: My Tank

Rated #18: 10 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #18: 10 Gallons Planted Tank - Super.
Username: Garth Roberts
Country: Canada
Rank: #18 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Garth Roberts on
Ratings: 5.46
Number of votes: 133
Fish Kept: Platy, Neon Tetra, Guppy
Corals/Plants: sowrd fern, Rotalla, java moss, lobelia cardinalis,
Tank Size: 10 gallons
Advice: Don't pee in your tank
Description: Super.

Rated #19: 20 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #19: 20 Gallons Planted Tank - Back in the hobby after a 10 year break, with a new setup. Can't wait for it to mature.
Username: Benjamin B
Country: Denmark
Rank: #19 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Benjamin B on
Ratings: 5.45
Number of votes: 143
Corals/Plants: Lilaeopsis brasiliensisAnubias barteri 'Coffeefolia'Cryptocoryne wendtii 'Tropica'Microsorum pteropusVallisneria spiralis 'Tiger'Murdannia keisak
Tank Size: 20 gallons
Advice: Read!
Description: Back in the hobby after a 10 year break, with a new setup. Can't wait for it to mature.

Rated #20: 135 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #20: 135 Gallons Planted Tank - My first planted tank. my first shrimp tank, and the first time my albino cories  had babies that survived.
Username: Edward
Country: United States
Rank: #20 out of 57 Planted Tanks submitted 2017
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Edward on
Ratings: 5.39
Number of votes: 126
About Yourself: Received my first tank, a 10gal for a ninth grade Graduation present and kept going since. I have had just about every size, color, and species of fish from one time to another including Marine since the 80's. Then I took a few well needed years away from even looking at a tank. i think it gave me a new outlook on the hobby when I ran across pictures of different types of Shrimp and the many colors. I dove in, I started my first "Live Plant" tank. After several disappointments trying all kinds of plants, I found a few that work for the equipment I owned already. Shrimp followed soon after and I purchased eight Cherry Shrimp. Now I have hundreds. I sell the excess back to the same pet shop that sold me the first eight and I have a gift card that continues to build equity, Since, I have had Cory babies and I am hopeful that the Kuhlies will begin breeding as well.
Fish Kept: 3-Panda Cory Cat, 3-Peppered Cory Cat, 11-Albino Aeneus Cory Cat, 3-Dwarf Cory, 7-Kuhlii Loach, 1-Assassin Snail, 300-Cherry Shrimp, 4-Crystal Shrimp, 4-Amano Shrimp, 1-Bamboo Shrimp, 2-Rubber lip Pleco, 2-Candy Stripe Pleco
Corals/Plants: Rotala Indica, Valisneria Spiralis, Giant Hair Grass, Spike Rush, Pigmy Sword, Java Moss, Moss Ball, Pellia Moss, Baby Tears
Tank Size: 135 gallons
Advice: Start small, but always think big. Trial and error is the fastest way to learn what not to do. just keep using common sense, have a lot of patience, and your vision will come true.
Description: My first planted tank. my first shrimp tank, and the first time my albino cories had babies that survived.
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