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The Average Score for this picture is: 5.54
This picture has been rated : 134 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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United Kingdom
5ft x 2ft x 2.5ft, 540 litres. Home-made sump @ 110 litres, Eheim Compact 5000+ return. Media; pot-scourers, foam mats and alfagrog. Lighting; Fluval Fresh&Plant 20.0 x 2 with WiFi controller.
Do your homework and sign up to as many forums as you can.
Fish Kept:
4-pigeon bloods, 3-brilliant turqs, 1-solid turq, 7-Marbled Hatchets, 10-Cardinal Tetra, 25-Rummy Nose Tetras, 12-Panda Cory, 13-Otolinclus, 1-Green Phantom Pleco
Valis, Cryptocoryne, Anubias, Amazon Sword, Bacopa
Tank Size:
143 gallons
About Yourself:
Got in to fishkeeping from a very young age; ended up having 20+ tanks in a small council flat! Growing up, jobs, relationships then meant it took a backseat. Restarted in my late 40's with community tank, then Malawi tank. My son has this one now and he is starting a Sumatra tank.My tank that I have submitted, was bought off an auction site. I built the stand myself as well as the sump, which was converted from an old acrylic shop display. it contains amongst other things, 15kgs of alfagrog. My biggest challenge in fishkeeping is resisting the urge to fiddle! Always tweaking this and adjusting that.