Top 51 - 60 Planted Tanks 2008

Rated #51: 45 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #51: 45 Gallons Planted Tank - 45 Gallons:
    2 SAE, 10 oto, 3 Pelco, 1 German blue ram, 3 yo yo loach, 1 Blue Gourami, 2 dwarf Gourami, 1 Pearl Gourami, 1 Gold Gourami, 1 Male and 1 Female Betta, 1Golden Killifish, 2 Boesemani Rainbow, 1 Electric Yellow, 1 Kribensis Cichlid, 9 Tiger Brab
Username: sokam
Country: United States
Rank: #51 out of 339 Planted Tanks submitted 2008
all-time top 10
Submitted By: sokam on
Ratings: 5.5
Number of votes: 123
Fish Kept: 45 Gallons: SAE, oto, Pelco, German blue ram, yo yo loach, Blue Gourami, dwarf Gourami, Pearl Gourami, Gold Gourami, Male and Female Betta, Golden Killifish, Boesemani Rainbow, Electric Yellow, Kribensis Cichlid, Tiger Brab
Corals/Plants: All live plants
Tank Size: 45 gallons
Advice: Be patient
Description: 45 Gallons: 2 SAE, 10 oto, 3 Pelco, 1 German blue ram, 3 yo yo loach, 1 Blue Gourami, 2 dwarf Gourami, 1 Pearl Gourami, 1 Gold Gourami, 1 Male and 1 Female Betta, 1Golden Killifish, 2 Boesemani Rainbow, 1 Electric Yellow, 1 Kribensis Cichlid, 9 Tiger Brab

Rated #52: 85 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #52: 85 Gallons Planted Tank - its my cardenal tetra
Username: mamoon mohammed jaber hmoud
Country: Jordan
Rank: #52 out of 339 Planted Tanks submitted 2008
all-time top 10
Submitted By: mamoon mohammed jaber hmoud on
Ratings: 5.48
Number of votes: 121
Quote: 1979
About Yourself: i love fis, istart the hobby from along time ago about 20years really i love aquariums plants & fish.
Fish Kept: discus fish cardinal tetra rummy nose tetra neone tetra corydoras algae eater cooli loach
Corals/Plants: 1.Microsorum pteropus 2.Ludwigia repens 3.Ludwigia arcuata 4.Lilaeopsis mauritiana 5.Vallisneria americana (gigantea) 6.Echinodorus martii (maior) 7.Echinodorus x barthii 8.Echinodorus subalatus 9.Aponogeton crispus 10.Heteranthera zosterifolia 11.Nesaea crassicaulis 12.Nymphaea lotus (zenkeri) 13.Hygrophila polysperma
Tank Size: 85 gallons
Advice: you must be patient and start with easy fish and plants and develop your self by reading .
Description: its my cardenal tetra

Rated #53: 90 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #53: 90 Gallons Planted Tank - End on.
Username: chris
Country: Canada
Rank: #53 out of 339 Planted Tanks submitted 2008
all-time top 10
Submitted By: chris on
Ratings: 5.47
Number of votes: 150
Fish Kept: Mostly tetras.
Corals/Plants: Stem / Swords.
Tank Size: 90 gallons
Advice: Take it slow.
Description: End on.

Rated #54: 30 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #54: 30 Gallons Planted Tank - 30 gallon cube
Username: Toby Wood
Country: United States
Rank: #54 out of 339 Planted Tanks submitted 2008
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Toby Wood on
Ratings: 5.46
Number of votes: 129
Fish Kept: 2 otto's 10 amano shrimp
Corals/Plants: Tonina Manaus E. Cinereum Rotala sp mini type 1 and 2 Downoi Hygro Compacta Rotala sp Green Rotala rotoundfolia Rotala Vietnam Blyxa Japonica Blyxa Abuertii Dwarf hairgrass
Tank Size: 30 gallons
Advice: Keep up with water changes and siphon out all die off to prevent algae.
Description: 30 gallon cube

Rated #55: 55 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #55: 55 Gallons Planted Tank - photo taken 07.25.08
Username: josh vito
Country: United States
Rank: #55 out of 339 Planted Tanks submitted 2008
all-time top 10
Submitted By: josh vito on
Ratings: 5.45
Number of votes: 132
Quote: information is worth little if it is not easily accessable and well organized
About Yourself: been keeping freshwater habitats for 16 years; hope to move onto a salt reef setup soon.
Fish Kept: african rift lake cichlids, oscars, headstanders, bettas, and currently discus
Corals/Plants: too mamny plants to list. many swords, anubias, and moss species
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Advice: keep at it and ask a lot of questions to your fellow hobbiest! the internet has a wealth of info, but it's better to chat with someone who has had the same experiences.
Description: photo taken 07.25.08

Rated #56: 47 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #56: 47 Gallons Planted Tank - my 3 months old tank long view
Username: Prasanna
Country: India
Rank: #56 out of 339 Planted Tanks submitted 2008
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Prasanna on
Ratings: 5.44
Number of votes: 139
Quote: pune
About Yourself: Prasanna Bile working as asst manager it in a logistics company running a small aquarium shop to get the recurring out for my hobby and is fond of keping different and rare variety of fishes and trying luck if in cas can create enviroment to breed them 9890998986
Fish Kept: blue neon tetra 30 nos, black neon tetra 12 nos , 12 serpi tetra, 6 copper tetra, 2 algea eaters 2 gotia loach, 2 rani loach, 4 green cooridoros, 2 cango tetra , 2 siamese fighter (male & female)
Corals/Plants: around 20 different variety of plants
Tank Size: 47 gallons
Advice: try it on your own just take hints from other and act on ur inner instinct
Description: my 3 months old tank long view

Rated #57: 125 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #57: 125 Gallons Planted Tank - This photo was taken 2.5 months after I set it up from nothing; at that time I didn't have any discus and the tank was still setting in.
Username: Kris
Country: United States
Rank: #57 out of 339 Planted Tanks submitted 2008
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Kris on
Ratings: 5.43
Number of votes: 115
Fish Kept: Not yet on the photo: Discus, Guppy, Flying Fox, Cory Cat, Plecostomus, Farrawela
Corals/Plants: Rotala, Ludwigia, Lotus, Wisteria, Dwarf Baby Tears, Rice Paddy Herb (Limnophila aromatica), Anubias, Java Fern
Tank Size: 125 gallons
Description: This photo was taken 2.5 months after I set it up from nothing; at that time I didn't have any discus and the tank was still setting in.

Rated #58: 50 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #58: 50 Gallons Planted Tank - 55 gallon planted tank
Username: Keith
Country: United Kingdom
Rank: #58 out of 339 Planted Tanks submitted 2008
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Keith on
Ratings: 5.4
Number of votes: 121
About Yourself: 1st planted tank as a centre piece of my restaurant.
Fish Kept: Glowlight tetras, Columbian tetras, gold gouramis, amano shrimps, blank neon tetras, corydoras total about 40 excluding shrimps
Corals/Plants: Hygrophilla polysperma, vallisneria (thinner ones), Hygrphilla stricta (thai), java fern, java moss, cryptocoryne (not sure which variety), hairgrass, echinodorus (reddish colour)
Tank Size: 50 gallons
Advice: Do your research and find a local fish shop and speak to the dealer before buying anything. Most important step is to do the fishless cycle and make sure all equipment is functioning properly before putting any plants or livestock in.
Description: 55 gallon planted tank

Rated #59: Planted Tank

Rated #59: Planted Tank - 250 litre plant tank. Recent scape.
Username: Emelie
Country: Sweden
Rank: #59 out of 339 Planted Tanks submitted 2008
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Emelie on
Ratings: 5.38
Number of votes: 149
Quote: If you can you shall
About Yourself: Plant nerd
Fish Kept: Dwarf rasboras, botia striata, botia kubotai.
Corals/Plants: Anubias var. nana Anubias var. bonsai Vallisneria americana Crinum calamistratum Cryptocyrone undulata, wendtii brown, wendti tropica, beckettii Hygrophila difformis & polysperma Hydrocotyle leucocephala Echinodorus ozelot & osiris Pogestemon helferi Microsorium Pteropus Vesicularia dubyana
Advice: Go big!
Description: 250 litre plant tank. Recent scape.

Rated #60: 14 Gallons Planted Tank

Rated #60: 14 Gallons Planted Tank - New setup
Username: Janus Meg
Country: Hungary
Rank: #60 out of 339 Planted Tanks submitted 2008
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Janus Meg on
Ratings: 5.38
Number of votes: 149
Quote: Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.
About Yourself: Addicted to fishtanks
Fish Kept: 6 Black Ruby Barbs 3 Bristlenose Plecos 2 Red Fire Gouramis 4 Guppies 1 Shrimp I know it's too many! 1 Male Betta R.I.P. I have no idea why he died.
Corals/Plants: Java moss, Vallisneria, Anubias nana etc.
Tank Size: 14 gallons
Advice: Patience. never rush it! Wash your gravel well! Try to keep your fish as happy as they would be in their natural environment!
Description: New setup



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