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The Average Score for this category is: 5.76
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United Kingdom
Tank Size: 65cm cube made by Aqua One. Stock filter. D&D CO2 kit with solenoid valve and 500g disposable bottle. 2x55w Interpet T5 compact tubes mounted using home made clear perspex cover stock tank tubes plus 30W stock lighting unit totalling 140W. Stock heating tube. Some green pan scourers for cleaning algae on glass.
Do your research and find a local fish shop and speak to the dealer before buying anything. Most important step is to do the fishless cycle and make sure all equipment is functioning properly before putting any plants or livestock in.
Fish Kept:
Glowlight tetras, Columbian tetras, gold gouramis, amano shrimps, blank neon tetras, corydoras total about 40 excluding shrimps
Hygrophilla polysperma, vallisneria (thinner ones), Hygrphilla stricta (thai), java fern, java moss, cryptocoryne (not sure which variety), hairgrass, echinodorus (reddish colour)
Tank Size:
50 gallons
About Yourself:
1st planted tank as a centre piece of my restaurant.