Top 91 - 100 Freshwater Tanks 2012

Rated #91: 55 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Rated #91: 55 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank - 55 gallon with angel fish
Username: Mike schilling
Country: United States
Rank: #91 out of 301 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2012
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Mike schilling on
Ratings: 4.36
Number of votes: 113
About Yourself: Just really enjoy being creative when setting up the tank, and just mostly enjoy watching the fish!
Fish Kept: Angel fish,
Corals/Plants: Fake plants different variety, two types of rocks, small pieace of driftwood.
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Advice: Its a fun thing to do, enjoy it
Description: 55 gallon with angel fish

Rated #92: 56 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Rated #92: 56 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank - 56 gallon, coarse gravel, assorted artifical plants, 40lbs of black slate, 1 month fully stocked...
Username: Scott
Country: United States
Rank: #92 out of 301 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2012
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Scott on
Ratings: 4.36
Number of votes: 119
Quote: Once you learn to quit, it becomes a habit. ------ Vince Lombardi
About Yourself: My son and I started a tank, well I got hooked and now have 3, one is his so he says... The time I spend maintaining and designing the tanks is a very relaxing part of my day to come home and enjoy them...
Fish Kept: 56 gallon Gouramis, ??loach, Black Skirt and Columbian Tetras, Albino Bristlenose Pleco, Golden Killiefish, Rainbow Shark, Blue Cray (Clarki I was told)------ 20 Gallon Rosy Barbs, Serpea Tetras, Glass catfish, Bristlenose Pleco, a Zebra Danno ------ 29 Gallon Orange Crayfish (I don't know what kind it is supposed to stay small) African Cichlids and before anyone says anything about Cichlids in a small tank they are 1" - 2" and we are planning on building a 60 to 75 gallon tank for them as they grow...
Corals/Plants: artificial, reading up on planting not dabbling in them yet plan on turning my 20 gallon into a 100% planted tank.
Tank Size: 56 gallons
Advice: water changes again water changes.... slow slow slow do not do anything fast.....
Description: 56 gallon, coarse gravel, assorted artifical plants, 40lbs of black slate, 1 month fully stocked...

Rated #93: 30 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Rated #93: 30 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank - African 30g
Username: david nunes
Country: United States
Rank: #93 out of 301 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2012
all-time top 10
Submitted By: david nunes on
Ratings: 4.36
Number of votes: 115
About Yourself: My first real aquarium.i had a few 10g as I was growing up but,now im really into the hobby and im upgrading to a 70g
Fish Kept: Yellow lopps and one purple guy not sure what kind of cichlid
Corals/Plants: texas holey rock,rainbow rock and lava rock.some fake plants.
Tank Size: 30 gallons
Advice: Get a very good filter that over powers the aquarium it keeps the water much cleaner
Description: African 30g

Rated #94: 72 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Rated #94: 72 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank - Month Three
Username: Shawn Copp
Country: United States
Rank: #94 out of 301 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2012
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Shawn Copp on
Ratings: 4.33
Number of votes: 111
About Yourself: I've been keeping freshwater fish for for about 10 years. Im not interested in huge extravagant tanks, just simple and self sufficient environments. Cichlid's are my fish of choice and I have recently taken up freshwater plant keeping as a challenge.
Fish Kept: 2 Firemouth Cichlid, Red Zebra Cichlid, OB Peacock Cichlid, Rubber Lip Pleco, Leopard Sailfin Pleco, 4 Nerite Snails.
Corals/Plants: Anubias Nana, Cabomba, Ludwigia, Red Wendtii, Balansae, Marimo.
Tank Size: 72 gallons
Advice: Stay away from the chemicals! A stable environment is key, and there are many natural ways to accomplish this. Don't over stock and research your fish.
Description: Month Three

Rated #95: 55 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Rated #95: 55 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank - Fish paradise but still working on it.
Username: Carol Davis
Country: United States
Rank: #95 out of 301 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2012
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Carol Davis on
Ratings: 4.33
Number of votes: 112
Quote: It's ALIVE!
About Yourself: housewife with a purpose
Fish Kept: Building our new salt-water tank next.
Corals/Plants: bleached and cleaned plastic plants
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Advice: Take out 1/4 water weekly and add fresh water about the same temperature. Rinse filter pads. Add a dash of aquarium salt.
Description: Fish paradise but still working on it.

Rated #96: 75 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Rated #96: 75 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank
Username: Andrew
Country: United States
Rank: #96 out of 301 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2012
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Andrew on
Ratings: 4.31
Number of votes: 110
Fish Kept: South American Chichlids
Corals/Plants: None
Tank Size: 75 gallons
Advice: Good planing and research

Rated #97: 40 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Rated #97: 40 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank - Freshwater Planted
Username: Kasey Harris
Country: United States
Rank: #97 out of 301 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2012
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Kasey Harris on
Ratings: 4.31
Number of votes: 110
Fish Kept: 2 marbled veil angels, 2 black veil angles, 2 mixed veil angels, 3 Dojos, 1 Kuhli loach, 3 Clown loaches (1 5 inch, 2 inch and 1 inch, I had a breading pair of angels and the Male died because of old age and the female soon followed after his death.
Corals/Plants: Plants= Cabomba, Amazon sword, Moss Balls.
Tank Size: 40 gallons
Advice: Trial and Error is the key to learning about the aquatic hobby.
Description: Freshwater Planted

Rated #98: 120 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Rated #98: 120 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank - see profile for specs.

thank the old owners for the scratches caused by those stupid under gravel cleaners.
Username: peter
Country: Australia
Rank: #98 out of 301 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2012
all-time top 10
Submitted By: peter on
Ratings: 4.31
Number of votes: 118
Fish Kept: 1x red tail black shark. 5x leopard danios. 1x zebra danio. 8x plattys.(breeding pair/s) 1x Pakistani loach. 1x bristlenose catfish. 5x kuhli loach. 1x kissing gourami. 1x red eye tetra. 1x cowntail fighter fish. 2x Corydoras.(breeding pair)
Corals/Plants: java moss. Anacharis. Fanwort. red Cryptocoryne wendtii ? horse tail. grass ? banana lilly
Tank Size: 120 gallons
Advice: save and get quality products. good cheap cannister filter is the sun sun wh302 on e-bay, every 6 months or so i clean it. Save for top shelf lighting.
Description: see profile for specs. thank the old owners for the scratches caused by those stupid under gravel cleaners.

Rated #99: 125 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Rated #99: 125 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank - Ive had this tank for under a year
now. I have a 125 gallon tank made
into a community tank with assorted
South African Cichlids, a Albino and
a Tiger Oscar, Afra Cichlid, Tiger
Barbs, Severums, Tire Track and a
Peacock Eel, Danio Minnows, Red Tail
Rainbow Shark, Silver Dollars,
Plecos and more...

I use a 48" T5 double ballast light,
a Fluval405 filter, Aqueon 30-60
waterfall filter.  I have Led lights
for a little extra color and a
curtain wand to keep the fish more
active.  Most of my plants are
artificial but I have 50 lbs of live
rocks in there for the new small
cichlids that were born. I have a
splitter in tank to separate Albino
Oscar since he ate a dozen of my
other cichlids in there.  I have a
little over 50 fish in there right
now. I had an addiction to buy. 
Slowing down letting it chill and
run their course.  Enjoyable little
Username: Mark
Country: United States
Rank: #99 out of 301 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2012
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Mark on
Ratings: 4.31
Number of votes: 118
Fish Kept: Fish Inventory: Ive had this tank for under a year now. I have a 125 gallon tank made into a community tank with assorted South African Cichlids, a Albino and a Tiger Oscar, Afra Cichlid, Tiger Barbs, Severums, Tire Track and a Peacock Eel, Danio Minnows, Red Tail Rainbow Shark, Silver Dollars, Plecos and more...over 50 fish in there right now Removed: Leporinus-Violent killed high fin banded shark Red Belly Pacu-Too big too fast and pretty aggressive
Corals/Plants: Live Rocks, Variety of fake plants. I place life plants here and there for the fish to feed on.
Tank Size: 125 gallons
Advice: Plan what you want to do with the tank otherwise be ready to spend a whole lot of money on fish. Also if your starting community and unaware if they are compatible keep a night light for them cause they may get eaten over night
Description: Ive had this tank for under a year now. I have a 125 gallon tank made into a community tank with assorted South African Cichlids, a Albino and a Tiger Oscar, Afra Cichlid, Tiger Barbs, Severums, Tire Track and a Peacock Eel, Danio Minnows, Red Tail Rainbow Shark, Silver Dollars, Plecos and more... I use a 48" T5 double ballast light, a Fluval405 filter, Aqueon 30-60 waterfall filter. I have Led lights for a little extra color and a curtain wand to keep the fish more active. Most of my plants are artificial but I have 50 lbs of live rocks in there for the new small cichlids that were born. I have a splitter in tank to separate Albino Oscar since he ate a dozen of my other cichlids in there. I have a little over 50 fish in there right now. I had an addiction to buy. Slowing down letting it chill and run their course. Enjoyable little hobby

Rated #100: 72 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Rated #100: 72 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank - discus home
Username: Bryan
Country: United States
Rank: #100 out of 301 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2012
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Bryan on
Ratings: 4.28
Number of votes: 113
About Yourself: Just a guy who likes fish.
Fish Kept: Discus, cards, Cory cats, snails lots of snails!
Corals/Plants: Amazon swords, onions.
Tank Size: 72 gallons
Advice: Dive in, just don't get swept away!
Description: discus home



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