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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United States
Starter community tank just figuring out species.
Simple set up with live rocks, 2 40 inch L.E.D. tubes with bubble 48" curtain bubbler. 2 set of dome lights 240w output daylights. T5 HO Lights on the way with lumen moonlighting. I also have a 225 L.E.D. for them at night.All lights on remote control switch relay. I have 2 waterfall filters up top One with a Ammonia Nitrate Nitrite Pouch and Other a Sponge and a Fluval405 (8 Compartments for filters) Cannister Filter below that has zeocarb, biomax, and carb filter, and ammonia nitrate nitrite remover.
Plan what you want to do with the tank otherwise be ready to spend a whole lot of money on fish. Also if your starting community and unaware if they are compatible keep a night light for them cause they may get eaten over night
Fish Kept:
Fish Inventory:
Ive had this tank for under a year now. I have a 125 gallon tank made into a community tank with assorted South African Cichlids, a Albino and a Tiger Oscar, Afra Cichlid, Tiger Barbs, Severums, Tire Track and a Peacock Eel, Danio Minnows, Red Tail Rainbow Shark, Silver Dollars, Plecos and more...over 50 fish in there right now
Leporinus-Violent killed high fin banded shark
Red Belly Pacu-Too big too fast and pretty aggressive
Live Rocks, Variety of fake plants. I place life plants here and there for the fish to feed on.
Tank Size:
125 gallons