Top 91 - 100 Freshwater Fish 2007

Rated #91: Freshwater Fish - Otopharynx Lithobates - Sulphur Crested Lithobate Stocking In 52 Gallons Tank

Rated #91: Freshwater Fish - Otopharynx Lithobates - Sulphur Crested Lithobate Stocking In 52 Gallons Tank - african cichlid  lithobate
Username: steve
Country: Australia
Rank: #91 out of 392 Freshwater Fish submitted 2007
all-time top 10
Submitted By: steve on
Ratings: 4.52
Number of votes: 50
Quote: Go round
About Yourself: Started out breeding livebearers now going into planted tanks this was first one with plastics real plants next project.
Fish Kept: platties pearl gouramis
Corals/Plants: All plastic plants
Tank Size: 52 gallons
Advice: Be willing to take advise because u can never learn enough
Description: african cichlid lithobate

Rated #92: Freshwater Fish - Metriaclima Greshakei - Ice Blue Red Top Zebra Stocking In 135 Gallons Tank

Rated #92: Freshwater Fish - Metriaclima Greshakei - Ice Blue Red Top Zebra Stocking In 135 Gallons Tank - male greshakei
Username: skrib21
Country: United States
Rank: #92 out of 392 Freshwater Fish submitted 2007
all-time top 10
Submitted By: skrib21 on
Ratings: 4.51
Number of votes: 35
Quote: a
Fish Kept: 55g 4 yellow labs, 4 greshakei 135g 4 green severum, 2 sveni pikes,lima shovelnose catfish, pleco
Corals/Plants: a
Tank Size: 135 gallons
Advice: research.
Description: male greshakei

Rated #93: Freshwater Fish - Amphilophus Labiatus - Red Devil Stocking In 110 Gallons Tank

Rated #93: Freshwater Fish - Amphilophus Labiatus - Red Devil Stocking In 110 Gallons Tank - this is my 6 month old red devil. he grew up in 30 gallons
Username: jared
Country: United States
Rank: #93 out of 392 Freshwater Fish submitted 2007
all-time top 10
Submitted By: jared on
Ratings: 4.51
Number of votes: 53
Quote: look and learn
Fish Kept: no fish have died with all 3 tanks.
Corals/Plants: none at the moment
Tank Size: 110 gallons
Advice: take your time, water changes, buy a mud filter, and get as much live rock and lighting as possible.
Description: this is my 6 month old red devil. he grew up in 30 gallons

Rated #94: Freshwater Fish - Metriaclima Lombardoi - Kenyi Cichlid Stocking In 55 Gallons Tank

Rated #94: Freshwater Fish - Metriaclima Lombardoi - Kenyi Cichlid Stocking In 55 Gallons Tank - And then there were babies.......
Username: pittsburgh
Country: United States
Rank: #94 out of 392 Freshwater Fish submitted 2007
all-time top 10
Submitted By: pittsburgh on
Ratings: 4.5
Number of votes: 36
Quote: whoo whoo!
About Yourself: 26 Year old Marine station in Pittsburgh PA. Couldnt have any dogs or any other animals so I decided to buy a fish tank. Still a little new to all this but it interests me.
Fish Kept: -8 Brichardi Cichlids -1 Cobalt Blue Cichlid -4 Convict Cichlids (1 female) -2 Electric Blue Cichlid -2 Frontosa Cichlid -2 Jack Dempseys -3 Kenyi Cichlid (1 Male) -2 Raphael Cats (Stripped) -1 Plecostomus Cat
Corals/Plants: No coral and a couple of artificial plants.
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Advice: I started off to big with my tank. I'd suggest starting with a 20 gal or smaller and see if you can manage that. I've found that having a tank requires some sort of care every day. Monthly water changes (filter, PH check) is a must.
Description: And then there were babies.......

Rated #95: Freshwater Fish - Heros Severus X Amphilophus Citrinellum - Blood Parrot Stocking In 120 Gallons Tank

Rated #95: Freshwater Fish - Heros Severus X Amphilophus Citrinellum - Blood Parrot Stocking In 120 Gallons Tank - Tank Placid side
Username: Marco
Country: South Africa
Rank: #95 out of 392 Freshwater Fish submitted 2007
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Marco on
Ratings: 4.5
Number of votes: 40
Quote: "Rather loose a second in your life than your life in a second"
About Yourself: Wiil update with a better pic once I figure out a better angle to take the pic. Cheers
Fish Kept: 6 x Mixed Malawi's 1 x King-Kong Parrot (cichlid) 1 x Love Heart Parrot (Cichlid) 2 x Blood Parrots 1 x Talking catfish 1 x Algae Eater
Corals/Plants: Lava Rocks
Tank Size: 120 gallons
Advice: Go for the biggest tank you can afford.
Description: Tank Placid side

Rated #96: Freshwater Fish - Periophthalmus Modestus - Mudskipper Stocking In 150 Gallons Tank

Rated #96: Freshwater Fish - Periophthalmus Modestus - Mudskipper Stocking In 150 Gallons Tank - my mudskipper
Username: T-rev
Country: United States
Rank: #96 out of 392 Freshwater Fish submitted 2007
all-time top 10
Submitted By: T-rev on
Ratings: 4.47
Number of votes: 36
Quote: froot loop
About Yourself: im cool
Fish Kept: it is a community tank with over 30 fish we stopped counting after 20
Corals/Plants: none
Tank Size: 150 gallons
Advice: dont listen to all advice that pepole/internet give you, we had about ten fish die from putting 2 peas (the ones you eat) in the tank, it was pretty deadly.
Description: my mudskipper

Rated #97: Freshwater Fish - Poecilia Latipinna - Golden Sailfin Molly Stocking In 24 Gallons Tank

Rated #97: Freshwater Fish - Poecilia Latipinna - Golden Sailfin Molly Stocking In 24 Gallons Tank - The big ol Sailfin, Goldmember
Username: Barryo
Country: United Kingdom
Rank: #97 out of 392 Freshwater Fish submitted 2007
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Barryo on
Ratings: 4.44
Number of votes: 36
Quote: There is only one difference between a madman and me. The madman thinks he is sane. I know I am mad!
Fish Kept: Probably too many. 2 black & white angels, 1 gold angel and 1 black,white & gold angel. 2 Gold dust sailfins and 3 silver mollies. 2 cats (not sure what type) and 1 3-line cory. 1 albino shark and 1 rainbow shark, 2 zebra danios, 2 red eye tetras and 9 black neons. 1 beautiful male fighter and 1 pleco we never effin see... Dont Panic... Another tank is cycling for the mollies so that should sort out the population problem!!!
Corals/Plants: Plastic
Tank Size: 24 gallons
Advice: Seek other fish lovers....their help and advice is 100 times better than what you'll get from a book or the pet store staff.
Description: The big ol Sailfin, Goldmember

Rated #98: Freshwater Fish - Tilapia Buttikoferi - Zebra Tilapia Stocking In 125 Gallons Tank

Rated #98: Freshwater Fish - Tilapia Buttikoferi - Zebra Tilapia Stocking In 125 Gallons Tank - 8 inch ;)
Username: Steve taylor
Country: United States
Rank: #98 out of 392 Freshwater Fish submitted 2007
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Steve taylor on
Ratings: 4.44
Number of votes: 52
Quote: eatme
Fish Kept: chiclids
Corals/Plants: na
Tank Size: 125 gallons
Advice: get as big a tank as you have room for and can aford. You can find large tanks used if ya look. make sure you house can suport the tank my 125 gal is about 1800 lb
Description: 8 inch ;)

Rated #99: Freshwater Fish - Hemichromis Bimaculatus - Jewel Cichlid Stocking In 70 Gallons Tank

Rated #99: Freshwater Fish - Hemichromis Bimaculatus - Jewel Cichlid Stocking In 70 Gallons Tank - The Jewel (Hemichromis stellifer)conceals himself from my big ol' Jack Dempsey ('Cichlasoma' octofasciatum).
Username: Tim C
Country: United States
Rank: #99 out of 392 Freshwater Fish submitted 2007
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Tim C on
Ratings: 4.44
Number of votes: 57
Fish Kept: 18 fish total, 9 cichlids, 2 corys, 1 pleco, 4 algae eaters, 2 rosy barbs. Also 3 prawn that managed to hide and grow big enough to fend off the fish. Cichlids are a mix, but they all have their own spot and get along. The largest, which is hiding in the back left corner, is a Jack Dempsey measuring about 8" long. The rosy barbs were doomed/moved to this tank while cleaning the small tank. They're not much bigger than some of the feeder fish we buy. I probably breaking all the rules, but here are my cichlids (best guesses on some): 2 - Jack Dempseys (Jack & JJ) 1 - Yellow Lab (Stripe) 1 - Super VC10 (Spot) 1 - Hap Ahli (Ice) 1 - Tropheus duboisi (Ringo) 1 - Julidochromis marlieri Burundi (Grid) 1 - Blood Parrot (Bubbles) 1 - Hemichromis stellifer (Jewel) (you guys name your fish, right?)
Corals/Plants: none
Tank Size: 70 gallons
Advice: Bigger tanks are easier.
Description: The Jewel (Hemichromis stellifer)conceals himself from my big ol' Jack Dempsey ('Cichlasoma' octofasciatum).

Rated #100: Freshwater Fish - Amphilophus Labiatus - Red Devil Stocking In 300 Gallons Tank

Rated #100: Freshwater Fish - Amphilophus Labiatus - Red Devil Stocking In 300 Gallons Tank - This is a close up of some of the fish in  my 265 gal tank. This tank drips 4 gph and has a nitrate of less then 20
Username: Steve
Country: United States
Rank: #100 out of 392 Freshwater Fish submitted 2007
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Steve on
Ratings: 4.43
Number of votes: 44
Quote: why can't you repair me if your name is *Gen*Repair?
About Yourself: I'm an admin on Monsterfishkeepers and the leader of the MCAIndy fish club.
Fish Kept: cichlids
Corals/Plants: none
Tank Size: 300 gallons
Advice: Research and talk to other hobbyist that keep tanks like you plan on having. Join a local club.
Description: This is a close up of some of the fish in my 265 gal tank. This tank drips 4 gph and has a nitrate of less then 20



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