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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.5
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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
More Info
United States
-55 Gallon Aquarium
-Model 1255X Black Stand
-2 Model 350 Penguin Power Filters
-300 Watt Visi-Therm Deluxe Heater
I started off to big with my tank. I'd suggest starting with a 20 gal or smaller and see if you can manage that. I've found that having a tank requires some sort of care every day. Monthly water changes (filter, PH check) is a must.
Fish Kept:
-8 Brichardi Cichlids
-1 Cobalt Blue Cichlid
-4 Convict Cichlids (1 female)
-2 Electric Blue Cichlid
-2 Frontosa Cichlid
-2 Jack Dempseys
-3 Kenyi Cichlid (1 Male)
-2 Raphael Cats (Stripped)
-1 Plecostomus Cat
No coral and a couple of artificial plants.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
whoo whoo!
About Yourself:
26 Year old Marine station in Pittsburgh PA. Couldnt have any dogs or any other animals so I decided to buy a fish tank. Still a little new to all this but it interests me.