Top 21 - 30 Freshwater Tanks 2006
Rated #21: 53 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Username: Martin Grimes
Country: United Kingdom
#21 out of 482 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Martin Grimes on
Number of votes:
Bigger the better
About Yourself:
I actually work in the business so i think i have a sneaky upper hand on most people but i do not compromise on cost or time for my fish tank and thats one thing i would always say to everyone else to do... i love creating an enviroment for my fish and hopefully they will appreciate it
Fish Kept:
8" Synodontis Angelicus, 1 Plec, 2 Flying Foxes, 1 Banjo cat, 1 Angelfish, 2 Black Knife Fish, 2 Silver Dolars, 3 Pangasius Cat, 4 Clown Loach, 4 Redline Torpedo Barb, 5 Silver Shark
Just a range of freshwater plants... Picked so the fish won't eat!!
Tank Size:
53 gallons
Buy as big as you can cos after a while you'll want bigger and the higher the ammount of water the easier it is to keep the fish usually
A slog of twelve hours for this display but worth it i think
Rated #22: 200 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Username: bill
Country: United Kingdom
#22 out of 482 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
bill on
Number of votes:
big up
Fish Kept:
american cichlids and plecos
bogwood/ rocks/driftwood/sand/
the plants i keep are vallisneria gigantea / vallisneria spiralis
Tank Size:
200 gallons
keep your fish tank clean and maintain well regular 25% water changes when you buy new fish have a good look a what your buying and get info on the fish you are buying
chocolate cichlids/oscars/convits/plecos
Rated #23: 30 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Username: Jeff
Country: United States
#23 out of 482 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Jeff on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
6 months in and totally addicted to cichlids. I have two tanks, one 30 gal. and one 125 gal, that i will post up now and then. Im always changing environments so keep your eyes peeled for updated pics on the regular.
Fish Kept:
125 Gallon has 1 x Green Texas, 1 x Red Peacock, 1 x Electric Blue Hap, 1 x Frontosa, 1 x Gold Saum/Green Terror, 1 x Tiger Oscar, and 1 x Pleco. 30 Gallon has 1 x Frontosa, 1 x Gold Saum/Green Terror, and 1 x Turquoise Severum. Though these fish arent from the same regions they have been raised together since they were very small and have become aclimated to the same water conditions, temperatures, and environments.
All fake plants but im thinking of trying some live ones soon.
Tank Size:
30 gallons
With Cichlids, get a game plan together before you stock your tank. Think about mature size of all your fish and be ready to supply them with an appropriate size tank as they grow...and they will grow fast. Also, if you buy similar size fish as babies, they will stay relatively peacefull as they grow up. All agressive cichlids will quarrel from time to time but this is a good way to avoid all out combat. After you get your clan going for awhile, dont bring new fish in or they might well be outcasted, tortured, and if left unchecked, killed. Im still new to this so im learning new stuff every day. Ill share as much as i can along the way.
125 Gallon Front View (5-14-06)
Rated #24: 55 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Username: richard whited
Country: United States
#24 out of 482 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
richard whited on
Number of votes:
go deep
Fish Kept:
many fake plants
Tank Size:
55 gallons
have fun and dont worry if you kill all of your fish the first couple of times you will get it evenually.
this is my cichlid tank with plenty of river rocks and fake plants. I have also built homemade moon lights for it and the fish seem to like it because they breed well.
Rated #25: 150 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Username: Brian Lineweaver
Country: United States
#25 out of 482 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Brian Lineweaver on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
Fish Kept:
Red Devil, Jack Dempseys, slavinis, Jewels, Green Terrors, Texas Cichlids, YoYo Loach, Blue red tail Botia, Pictus Catfish, Convicts
Tank Size:
150 gallons
Don't give up. Be patient and read, read, read.
Large South and Central American Cichlids
Rated #26: 180 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Username: Ashtray00
Country: Canada
#26 out of 482 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Ashtray00 on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
10 yrs in the making...
Fish Kept:
Cyprichromis Leptosoma Mupingu ( Wild Caught )
Quantity: 2 ( Male/Male)
Bismarck Frontosa ( F1 )
Quantity: 8 ( Unsexed )
Neolamprologus Pulcher Daffodil
Quantity: 3 ( Male / Male / Male )
Altolamprologus Calvus
Quantity: 2 ( Male / Female )
Sunshine Peacock
Quantitiy: 1 ( Male )
Pseudotropheus Demasoni
Quantity: 1 ( Male )
Neolamprologus Leleupi
Quantity: 2 ( Male / Female )
Male Female
Cobalt Blue Zebra
Quantity: 2 ( Male/Male )
Pseudotropheus “Red x Red / Cherry “ Zebra
Quantity: 4 ( Unsexed )
Clown Loach
Quantity: 5 ( Unsexed )
Labidochromis Caeruleus
Quantity: 4 ( Unsexed )
Pseudotropheus Acei
Quantity: 4 ( Unsexed )
Gold Nugget Pleco
Quantity: 2 ( Unsexed )
Cyrtocara Moorii
Quantity: 2 ( Male / Male )
Tank Size:
180 gallons
Go Big Or Go Home!
180 Cichlid Tank 6x2x2
Rated #27: 15 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Username: Lealon
Country: United States
#27 out of 482 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Lealon on
Number of votes:
Words are like shoes, they're something to stand on, and isn't life better with a pair of good shoes?
Fish Kept:
(3) GloFish Red Zebra Danios, (2) Pristella Tetra, (1) Peppered Cory Cat, (2) Red Eye Tetras (1) Cardinal Tetras (2) Neon Tetras (1) Glass Shrimp, (3) Mystery Snails
Mixture of Real and Artificial - Real Java Fern, Mondo and Hair Grass
Tank Size:
15 gallons
Natural is always better- no one really lives in a pineapple under the sea!
15 Gallon
Rated #28: 90 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Username: Blair Skinner
Country: Canada
#28 out of 482 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Blair Skinner on
Number of votes:
Fish Kept:
7 Labidochromis Caeruleus (2M/5F)
1 Heros Efasciatus (White/Gold - M)
1 Aulonocara sp. "German Red" (M)
2 Sciaenochromis Fryeri (1M/1F)
3 Cynotilapia Afra "Cobue" (F1 - 1M/2F)
3 Aulonocara OB (3M)
2 Protomelas sp. Steveni "Taiwan Reef" (1M/1F)
1 Heros Efasciatus (Green - M)
1 Metriaclima Callainos (M)
1 Aulonocara sp. Lwanda (M)
Silk, Java Fern, Anubias Nana
Tank Size:
90 gallons
30% water change once a week.
African cichlid tank
Rated #29: 75 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Username: Maria
Country: United States
#29 out of 482 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Maria on
Number of votes:
Some people are like Slinkies...
Not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
About Yourself:
12 years in the hobby..this is my first go at an African tank! trying my hardest to not get another tank! haha I also have a 55 gallon American cichlid tank and a 10 gallon community tank
Fish Kept:
4 yellow labs, 4 red zebras, 2 cobalt blue, 1 ice blue, 1 yellow tailed acei, 2 red peacocks, 1 sunhine peacock, 1 OB peacock, 1 freyeri, 1 venustus and 1 chinese algae eater
Tank Size:
75 gallons
Buy the biggest tank you can afford! read up on the fish you want to get and how big they will grow.
corner shot
Rated #30: 69 Gallons Freshwater Fish Tank

Username: Miguel C. R. R.
Country: Australia
#30 out of 482 Freshwater Tanks submitted 2006
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Miguel C. R. R. on
Number of votes:
What you sow, so shall you reap (its my old high school motto and its something I take with me and associate with fishkeeping - you have to work at it to make it work)
About Yourself:
The actual tank and cabinet, rocks and coral sand are approximately 5 years old. I've kept African Cichlids, South & Central American Cichlids, Fancy Goldfishes and the general Tropical Freshwater community fishes ever since I can remember. Its safe to say that if there's one type of fish community that appears to be relatively resistant to disease and can withstand less than perfect water conditions (except pH and hardness needs to be correct) it is African Cichlids.
I've never had any diseases affect my previous African Cichlids. Most of my fish have died because a particular fish was chasing and bullying it constantly. I had a small group of these fish before but unfortunately, they all fought with one another and eventually only two fish were left, a male and female Metriaclima lombardoi. I got sick of the prospect of looking at 2 fish in one big tank so I tried all sorts of fish (again!).
In the end, I decided to try African Cichlids again, this time with plenty of filtration, better care and management, more hiding places and overstocking. I plan to do 40-60% water changes every fortnight. If anyone can suggest a better regime, please let me know.
I've only had these fish for just over 2 weeks and they are doing exceptionally well. These fish are so active, so energetic, some mischevious and so entertaining. They constantly look hungry and desperate for food but the one thing I would definitely advise is to have one day without food and to not overfeed no matter how tempting it is and how hungry your fish appear to be.
The LFS told me to put around 22-34 fish in my size tank; suggesting to throw some Clown Loaches, Pakistani Loaches, Synodontis eupterus and golden Sucking Catfish in the mix. I decided to only go for the Clown Loaches and Synodontis ocellifer. I have 23 fish in all. As tempting as it was, I decided to not add any more fish - unless hyperdominance was to occur with one of the species.
Anyways, thank you very much for looking at my tank - I am very proud of it and hope to update it with better pictures. If anyone can suggest a way of capturing good pictures especially of the fish, please let me know.
God bless, take care of yourself(selves) and the best of luck with your fishkeeping!
Peace,Migs C
Fish Kept:
2 Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos (Maingano)
4 Metriaclima greshakei (albino strain)
2 Metriaclima callianos (Cobalt Blue Zebra)
2 Labidochromis caeruleus (Electric Yellow Lab)
2 Metriaclima lombardoi (Kennyi)
1 Pseudotropheus acei 'Ngara'
1 Pseudotropheus acei 'Msuli'
4 Botia macranthus (Clown Loach)
2 Labidochromis species 'Perlmutt'
2 Metriaclima zebra 'Puli Pt'
1 Synodontis ocellifer
<p>Originally I had no plants. African Rift Valley lakes are, by nature, devoid of any aquatic vegetation except in minute patches where the lakes meet tributaries and streams. But I was advised to add some vegetation so I added some synthetic plants - the species replicates are Cryptocoryne wendtii, Hygrophila polysperma, Vallisneria biwaensis & Banana Lilly<p>
Tank Size:
69 gallons
3 pointers from me:
Number 1: KNOW what you want and STICK TO IT till the end. There is always a temptation to add one more fish just to spoil yourself but in the end, if you let temptation take over you and fool you, you may never be fully satisfied. I learnt that the hard way and I hope you don't have to.
Number 2: Be MINDFUL OF THE FISH. When you feed your fish, clean their home, etc - think about what they are feeling. Sounds freakish I know but simply think about what implications your actions can produce on your fish alone not on you. If you feel that you are doing the right thing by them and for their benefit then it might be right thing to do after all. When in doubt, just consult a professional aquarist.
Number 3: Last but certainly not least is DON'T GIVE UP. Everyone says this all the time but from my perspective, if you really like something and have a passion for something, then I would advise on keeping at it no matter what failures and achievements result from your efforts. If you are persistant enough and enjoy the hobby then you really cannot go wrong. I hope you do not lose the passion or the love of fishkeeping because of all things, that is suppose to be the true driving force for you.
(04/11/2006) I just changed the set-up today. I had to clean the tank so I took some rocks out and changed the set-up a bit. Added the rocks towards the back more and dug the sand out to make bigger and deeper caves. I wedged the mangrove root into a sort of angle, threw some rocks one on top of the other at random to make it look more natural then decided to use my synthetic plants by bunching the Val and Hygrophilia together, leaving the Banana Lilly on its own and putting the large Cryptocoryne next to the mangrove root. I hope the change is a welcoming one! Happy fishkeeping to you all! God bless and all the best!