Top 31 - 40 Freshwater Fish 2014
Rated #31: Freshwater Fish - Astronotus Ocellatus - Albino Oscar Stocking In 75 Gallons Tank

Username: Glenn
Country: United States
#31 out of 63 Freshwater Fish submitted 2014
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Glenn on
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About Yourself:
Iv got a few other tanks an would enjoy haven other people rate an see them if this goes well an y'all don't tear me up to bad I'd like to show the rest
57 gallon bow front corner tank salt water bin goes for 2 years strong
20 gallon African tank nothin special but iv got it decorated well an my fish get along together an have for a lil wile
Fish Kept:
Tiger Oscar
None in this tank
Tank Size:
75 gallons
I believe no animal should be bought with a enclosure large anough to hold them there I tire life at the same time
This goes for any animal certainly y I have these to guys I don't
Close up
Rated #32: Freshwater Fish - Glyptoperichthys Gibbiceps - Sailfin Pleco (l-83) Stocking In 13 Gallons Tank

Username: stuart
Country: United Kingdom
#32 out of 63 Freshwater Fish submitted 2014
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
stuart on
Number of votes:
Fish Kept:
Common Pleco, Black Ghost Knifefish, Red Marlboro Discus, African Butterflyfish, Texas Cichlid
a mixture of real plants
Tank Size:
13 gallons
take the time needed to look after all fish and plants so your tank reaches its potential.
injured pleco.
Rated #33: Freshwater Fish - Microgeophagus Altispinosa - Bolivian Ram Stocking In 200 Gallons Tank

Username: Mack
Country: Canada
#33 out of 63 Freshwater Fish submitted 2014
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Mack on
Number of votes:
Fish Kept:
Blue Peacock Cichlid, Frontosa Cichlid, Electric Yellow Cichlid, Electric Yellow Cichlid
No plants
Tank Size:
200 gallons
Fish leaping is a never ending hobby
Bolivian blue ram
Rated #34: Freshwater Fish - Papiliochromis Ramirezi - German Blue Ram Stocking In 135 Gallons Tank

Username: James
Country: United States
#34 out of 63 Freshwater Fish submitted 2014
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
James on
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About Yourself:
I've had a fish tank since I was a kid. At 40 years old and successful, I am able to afford all of the more exotic wild-caught fish and goodies. I've been around the world and am multi-lingual. I have seen many beautiful aquariums and built this one the way I've always wanted it.
Fish Kept:
Neon Tetra, Black Neon Tetra, Black Skirt Tetra, Red Minor Serpae Tetra, Glowlight Tetra, Gold Pristella Tetra, Bleeding Heart Tetra, Head and Tail Light Tetra, True Rummynose Tetra, X-Ray Pristella Tetra, Red Eye Tetra, German Blue Ram, Marble Veil Angel, Altum Angel, Zebra Danio, Zebra Pleco, True (L-46), Panda Cory Cat, Peppered Cory Cat, False Julii Cory Cat
lots and lots and lots of Plastics
(not very successful with live plants)
Tank Size:
135 gallons
Start with the biggest and best you can afford. It will pay off in the long run. Spend time understanding H2O chemistry and read and learn about everything you're trying to accomplish before you try anything.
German Blue and Golden Rams
Rated #35: Freshwater Fish - Melanochromis Auratus - Auratus Cichlid Stocking In 45 Gallons Tank

Username: Andy
Country: United Kingdom
#35 out of 63 Freshwater Fish submitted 2014
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Andy on
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About Yourself:
I started with small tanks and now I just want bigger and bigger...
Fish Kept:
Convict Cichlids. Albino pleco.
bog woods, plastic plants, large polyresin roots.
Tank Size:
45 gallons
Keep your fish happy :)
My lovely Auratus Male!
Rated #36: Freshwater Fish - Hemichromis Bimaculatus - Jewel Cichlid Stocking In 120 Gallons Tank

Username: Amarchao
Country: Canada
#36 out of 63 Freshwater Fish submitted 2014
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Amarchao on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
Nothing more relaxing then watching the fish when i get in
Fish Kept:
Electric Yellow Cichlid, Cobalt Blue Zebra Cichlid, Jewel Cichlid, blue crayfish, albinos and some kind of african convict, red zebra, Large fresh water claims and Blue Turbo Snails
Tank Size:
120 gallons
Take you time and dont rush into anything
Jewel with her eggs
Rated #37: Freshwater Fish - Cichlasoma Urophthalmus - Mayan Cichlid Stocking In 55 Gallons Tank

Username: stratefyte
Country: United States
#37 out of 63 Freshwater Fish submitted 2014
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
stratefyte on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
I started with a 29 gallon aquarium and now I'm married to the fish store owners daughter. You get the point... We all know how addictive this hobby is!!
Fish Kept:
Balloon Molly, Archer Fish, Dalmatian Molly, Angel Fish, Black Angel
Amazon swords, micro swords, baby dwarf tears
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Do your water changes. Just do them.
Mayan Cichlids. 29 gal. Freshwater.
Rated #38: Freshwater Fish Stocking In 60 Gallons Tank

Username: Scott Pierce
Country: United States
#38 out of 63 Freshwater Fish submitted 2014
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Scott Pierce on
Number of votes:
Fish Kept:
Angelfish, Bala Shark, Rainbow Shark, Assorted Swordtail, Bristle-nose Catfish, Rubberlip Pleco
Tank Size:
60 gallons
Don't buy from Walmart.
60 gal freshwater
Rated #39: Freshwater Fish - Pterophyllum Sp. - Koi Angel Stocking In 36 Gallons Tank

Username: Spencer
Country: United States
#39 out of 63 Freshwater Fish submitted 2014
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Spencer on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
Started fish keeping about 6 months ago and got into it on a whim b/c my wife liked a couple of fish at the LFS.. and have been addicted ever since.. I have been an RN for 3 yrs and currently a Full time student Working on my Masters in Nurse Anesthesia! Would love to one day have a 300+ Saltwater Aquarium.. Down the road of course when i'm not living on student loans! Thanks for taking the time to view my profile enjoy my tank!
Fish Kept:
In my 36 gallon 1-Powder Blue Dwarf Gourami, 1Gold superveil Angelfish, 1 Marble Angelfish, 4 neon tetras, 2 Gold Doubloon lyretail molly, and 1 angelicus botia (polka-dot Loach)
In my 10 gallon i have 4 platy fish (1 Mickey mouse platy, 2 wag platy, and 1 high fin platy) 1 Amano Shrimp, 1 Ghost Shrimp, and 1 Nerite Snail
None all Fake Plants for now! I would like to have a planted down the road once i get a little experience
Tank Size:
36 gallons
Be patient when setting up your tank with fish keeping is all about patience.. Do your RESEARCH and learn as much as possible about nitrogen cycle, Aquarium Care and the Fish you want to keep before ever making a purchace then set your system up accordingly! When it comes to aquarium size Bigger is Better.. Even though it may seem crazy to go with the biggest aquarium you are comfortable with and your space can handle.. especially if you intend to keep fish other than just platy and guppies.. Trust me this will save you money and heart ache in the long run. Change your Water as frequently as possible and always keep an eye on your water prameters this is the key to a healthy aquarium.. Finally i would have to say never listen to the people at pet stores for the most part do your research before hand!.. Now what your buying and what will work best for your aquarium..
UABSleeper89's Juvenile Angelfish
Rated #40: Freshwater Fish - Astronotus Ocellatus - Tiger Oscar Stocking In 240 Gallons Tank

Username: Zachary
Country: Australia
#40 out of 63 Freshwater Fish submitted 2014
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Zachary on
Number of votes:
About Yourself:
brought a tiger oscar and havnt looked back. i research alot! and have keeped a variety of fish to gain expirence Currently have a South American community mixed in with a few natives and a couple Africans, and raising some amazing catfish in another tank to join the community when there big enough :)
Fish Kept:
Tiger Oscar, Red Oscar,wild Oscar, albino Oscar, Featherfin Catfish, Bumble Bee Catfish, Jack Dempsey, mbuna, Green Horseface, red horseface, striped catfish, pictus catfish, yellow tailed eeltail, common tandanus eeltail, salvini, blue eyed cichlid, lethrinops red capuz, longfin common and albino bristlenose, black gohost knife, Green Terror, Bala Shark, Black Angel, Marble Veil Angel, flag cichlid, rainbow cichlid, mollies,
java fern fox tail amazon swords floating plants not sure of the name, also I grow some pond plant out the top of my pleco tank.
Tank Size:
240 gallons
Research research research, Commit!! dont be cheap your fish wont appreciate it.
Rusta and Fury