Top 21 - 30 Freshwater Fish 2011

Rated #21: Freshwater Fish - Astronotus Ocellatus - Albino Oscar Stocking In 75 Gallons Tank

Rated #21: Freshwater Fish - Astronotus Ocellatus - Albino Oscar Stocking In 75 Gallons Tank - Albino Oscar, poor beast is no longer with us
Username: MisterPogo
Country: United States
Rank: #21 out of 170 Freshwater Fish submitted 2011
all-time top 10
Submitted By: MisterPogo on
Ratings: 6.22
Number of votes: 18
About Yourself: just another cichlidophile
Fish Kept: Oscars, convicts, dempsey, texas, plecos, firemouths, mayan, africans, angels, rosy barbs, killies, betta
Corals/Plants: mostly swords and banana plants
Tank Size: 75 gallons
Advice: fish dont know theyre not supposed to eat each other
Description: Albino Oscar, poor beast is no longer with us

Rated #22: Freshwater Fish - Betta Splendens - Betta Stocking In 200 Gallons Tank

Rated #22: Freshwater Fish - Betta Splendens - Betta Stocking In 200 Gallons Tank - Dragonscale betta
Username: Aleesha
Country: Australia
Rank: #22 out of 170 Freshwater Fish submitted 2011
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Aleesha on
Ratings: 6.21
Number of votes: 14
Quote: have faith in yourself
About Yourself: I have been keeping fish for about 10 years now and have enjoyed every minute of it! Im also a huge photography enthusiast who love taking photos of my fish.
Fish Kept: Kribensis Gouramis Betta splendens black widow tetras Bristlenose catfish neon tetras guppies angelfish mollies
Corals/Plants: Crypts swords blue stricta Ludwiga
Tank Size: 200 gallons
Advice: Patience!
Description: Dragonscale betta

Rated #23: Freshwater Fish - Pseudotropheus Demasoni - Demasoni Cichlid Stocking In 56 Gallons Tank

Rated #23: Freshwater Fish - Pseudotropheus Demasoni - Demasoni Cichlid Stocking In 56 Gallons Tank - My young Ps. Demasoni (Pombo Rocks)
Username: Alan
Country: United States
Rank: #23 out of 170 Freshwater Fish submitted 2011
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Alan on
Ratings: 6.21
Number of votes: 14
About Yourself: I enjoy the water and decided to get a tank. Everything I've learned has been through trial and error. I eventually would like to have a planted tank with Tetras and maybe Discus.
Fish Kept: 1 Melanochromis sp. "Brown" 1 Metriaclima Greshakei 1 Pseudotropheus Demasoni (Pombo Rocks) 3 Labidochromis Caeruleus 3 Hemichromis Guttatus 4 Tiger Barb 1 Odessa Barb 1 Golden Algae Eater
Corals/Plants: All Fake
Tank Size: 56 gallons
Advice: Try it. If it doesn't work, learn from it.
Description: My young Ps. Demasoni (Pombo Rocks)

Rated #24: Freshwater Fish - Protomelas Steveni - Taiwan Reef Stocking In 54 Gallons Tank

Rated #24: Freshwater Fish - Protomelas Steveni - Taiwan Reef Stocking In 54 Gallons Tank - Taiwan Reef
Username: TimC
Country: United States
Rank: #24 out of 170 Freshwater Fish submitted 2011
all-time top 10
Submitted By: TimC on
Ratings: 6.21
Number of votes: 19
Fish Kept: African Cichlids
Corals/Plants: Artificial Plants.
Tank Size: 54 gallons
Advice: Keep up with water changes and DON'T OVER-FEED. I only feed once a day. Don't use cheap filters.
Description: Taiwan Reef

Rated #25: Freshwater Fish - Cichlasoma Sp. - Flower Horn Cichlid Stocking In 15 Gallons Tank

Rated #25: Freshwater Fish - Cichlasoma Sp. - Flower Horn Cichlid Stocking In 15 Gallons Tank - my albino flowerhorn.i bought it on 14 february 2011 from a was in a miserable state when i bought is fine and healthy now,growing well and its KOK is just starting to grow.
Username: Akshay
Country: India
Rank: #25 out of 170 Freshwater Fish submitted 2011
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Akshay on
Ratings: 6.15
Number of votes: 13
Quote: live and let live
Fish Kept: group of three spot gourami, group of kissing gourami, 1 flowerhorn , 7 bettas(fighter fishes), a school of feeder fishes, hundereds of gold ,fish,sharks,tinfoils,angel fishes,etc(when i was a kid), fancy oranda gold fish(the best i've enery seen in my life).
Corals/Plants: no planted or coral tanks yet.:..(
Tank Size: 15 gallons
Advice: 1)always buy a tank as big as possible. 2)research your fish before you buy them i.e. their compatibility & suitable tank size required for your fish . 3)buy nice filter/s ,heater and air stone,bubblers,etc.
Description: my albino flowerhorn.i bought it on 14 february 2011 from a was in a miserable state when i bought is fine and healthy now,growing well and its KOK is just starting to grow.

Rated #26: Freshwater Fish - Symphysodon Sp. - Red Marlboro Discus Stocking In 80 Gallons Tank

Rated #26: Freshwater Fish - Symphysodon Sp. - Red Marlboro Discus Stocking In 80 Gallons Tank
Username: Holy
Country: United States
Rank: #26 out of 170 Freshwater Fish submitted 2011
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Holy on
Ratings: 6.15
Number of votes: 13
Fish Kept: 6 Discus (2 Red Fujis, Bulldog, Blue Tourque, Yellow Pigeon and 1 Red Leopard) 8 Cardinal Tetras 3 Torpedo barbs 2 Cory cats 15 Khuli loaches 1 L114 Pleco
Tank Size: 80 gallons

Rated #27: Freshwater Fish - Glossolepis Incisis - Red Irian Rainbow Stocking In 55 Gallons Tank

Rated #27: Freshwater Fish - Glossolepis Incisis - Red Irian Rainbow Stocking In 55 Gallons Tank - Male and female red irian rainbow and SAE
Username: natalie
Country: United States
Rank: #27 out of 170 Freshwater Fish submitted 2011
all-time top 10
Submitted By: natalie on
Ratings: 6.07
Number of votes: 14
Fish Kept: , 55 gallon--peacock cichlids, black calvus, 16 gallon--female bettas, 10 gallon split--2 male bettas
Corals/Plants: vallisneria, java fern, java moss, cryptocoryne wendtii, Amazon sword
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Advice: Make frequent water changes and avoid unnecessary chemicals. Don't over crowd the fish and keep schooling fish in schools.
Description: Male and female red irian rainbow and SAE

Rated #28: Freshwater Fish - Symphysodon Sp. - Pigeon Blood Discus Stocking In 45 Gallons Tank

Rated #28: Freshwater Fish - Symphysodon Sp. - Pigeon Blood Discus Stocking In 45 Gallons Tank
Username: Nate
Country: United States
Rank: #28 out of 170 Freshwater Fish submitted 2011
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Nate on
Ratings: 5.93
Number of votes: 15
Fish Kept: Many
Corals/Plants: None
Tank Size: 45 gallons
Advice: Buy a RO system if you are going to get seriouse. I spent too much time and money (and fish) trying to remedy tap water - the RO system has made it so easy!

Rated #29: Freshwater Fish - Astronotus Ocellatus - Red Oscar Stocking In 55 Gallons Tank

Rated #29: Freshwater Fish - Astronotus Ocellatus - Red Oscar Stocking In 55 Gallons Tank - One special caracter named "Oscar"
Username: Martin et Karen
Country: Canada
Rank: #29 out of 170 Freshwater Fish submitted 2011
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Martin et Karen on
Ratings: 5.93
Number of votes: 14
Fish Kept: Big mix of fish... -Gouramis -Barb's -Platies -Neons ... And 1 special caracter named "Oscar"!
Corals/Plants: Will come back with plant name...
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Advice: Have fun, try different things
Description: One special caracter named "Oscar"

Rated #30: Freshwater Fish - Labidochromis Caeruleus - Electric Yellow Cichlid Stocking In 20 Gallons Tank

Rated #30: Freshwater Fish - Labidochromis Caeruleus - Electric Yellow Cichlid Stocking In 20 Gallons Tank - Electric Yellow Cichlid
Username: Arun Prabhu Louis
Country: India
Rank: #30 out of 170 Freshwater Fish submitted 2011
all-time top 10
Submitted By: Arun Prabhu Louis on
Ratings: 5.83
Number of votes: 18
About Yourself: I am from India. I had setup this tank on November 2010 in my new house.
Fish Kept: False Percula Clown Fish (Nemo)
Corals/Plants: None
Tank Size: 20 gallons
Advice: Be patient and decide the fishes you wish to keep before setting up the tank.
Description: Electric Yellow Cichlid



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