Top 21 - 30 Corals & Inverts 2012
Rated #21: Corals Inverts - Condylactis Sp. - Haitian Reef Anemone Stocking In 55 Gallons Tank

Username: mike
Country: United States
#21 out of 27 Corals & Inverts submitted 2012
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
mike on
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Fish Kept:
Angel fish bala shark gourami tetras pleco and catfish
Green ones
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Have fun
Haitian pink tip anemone
Rated #22: Corals Inverts - Stenopus Hispidus - Banded Coral Shrimp Stocking In 70 Gallons Tank

Username: Brian
Country: United States
#22 out of 27 Corals & Inverts submitted 2012
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Brian on
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A man has to know his limitations. Clint Eastwood
About Yourself:
My dad first started my interest when I was 10 and he bought me my first tank. It was freshwater and I loved breeding guppies and swordfish. I gradually switched to saltwater as new technology improved the ability to keep saltwater aniamls alive. I have well over 25 years of aquarium keeping and consider myself an experienced aquarist.
Fish Kept:
My critters: 2 firefish gobies they are a mated pair. A six-line wrasse. A mean little skunkback psuedochromis. A true percula clown mated to a false percula clown. My odd couple. A bi-color angel. A yellow-tail damsel. A pixy hawkfish. A scotter blenny.
I have 1 anemone crab lives on a rock anemone. 1 urchin crab. 2 blue legged hermit crabs. 1 coral-banded shrimp and a few snails.
Corals : Frogspaw which the clowns are hosting in. Torch coral. Orange/golden acropora. Plating montipora. Neon green candy cane coral and blue center candycane coral. Spiny pectinia coral. A beautiful piece of neon green coral that appears to be encrusting. Hawaian fetherduster. Tan and green neon kenya tree. Toadstool leather and an umbrella leather. Yellow polyps and green buttom polyps. Green zooanthids. Red mushroom green mushrooms. Solid green star polyps. Neon green with white center star polyps. Yellow sponge white sponge and purple sponge all thriving and growing. 5 different rock anemones. 1 mini-max carpet anemone. Keato, featherbladed calupra, and halimeda macroalgea.
Tank Size:
70 gallons
Read read read. Then find someone with experience and pick their brain. Listen to what worked for them and what didnt. Through it all you will still learn the most from trial and error but you can save a lot of time and money by listening to veteran aquarists.
coral banded shrimp hanging out by my large flower anemone
Rated #23: Corals Inverts - Pomacea Canaliculata - Apple Snail Stocking In 30 Gallons Tank

Username: honey
Country: India
#23 out of 27 Corals & Inverts submitted 2012
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
honey on
Number of votes:
get inspired
About Yourself:
i jus started this hobby ,its been months back i bought my first bowl with gouramis..i hope i,ll go much further in breeding and keeping successfully all types of fish..
Fish Kept:
goldfish(common) two oranda red cap, one lionhead, two tiger sharks, two ghost angelfishes, two white carps, two snails,one black moore and one glass fish
Tank Size:
30 gallons
search for evry fish properly before buying them.Most people have an impression that fishes die due to keeping in tanks, dont let their beleif encouraged.
apple snail in my freshwater tank
Rated #24: Corals Inverts - Pomacea Canaliculata - Apple Snail Stocking In 75 Gallons Tank

Username: Jessica
Country: United States
#24 out of 27 Corals & Inverts submitted 2012
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Jessica on
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Fish Kept:
I have gouramis-1 pair of kissing and the other pair a weird kind with tenticles (lol) and a spot, 3 small angel fish, 2 frogs, a rainbow fish with sparkly scales (I have a pair but the other mate is in a quarintine tank) pleco, 4 clear cats and a fish we call "big mamma" (can't remember what she is)
In a quarantine tank I have a peacock eel, clown loach, swordtail, a pair of Boseman rainbow fish, 1 other rainbow fish with sparkly scales, a larger angel fish, two small barbs and some sort of loach.
watersprite floating on top.
Tank Size:
75 gallons
I don't have any, I'm new too!! LOL!!
"Gary" my apple kids named him..
Rated #25: Corals Inverts - Pomacea Bridgesii - Mystery Snail Stocking In 10 Gallons Tank

Username: Eryn
Country: United States
#25 out of 27 Corals & Inverts submitted 2012
all-time top 10
all-time top 10
Submitted By:
Eryn on
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About Yourself:
I am a nursing student with a very stressful schedule and academic load. It is nice to come home and watch my fish or zone out while maintaining them. I have only kept goldfish in the past (Black Moore and Calico Ryunkin). I am new to tropical tanks, but so far my fish are happy and healthy. I have two tanks and am getting another (my largest yet) in 2 days. It will be 30 gallons.
Fish Kept:
In the 10 gallon, I have 7 Molly Fry, 1 Pleco (1.5 inches), and a Mystery Snail.
In the 5.5 Gallon, I have 3 Mollies, 1 Bumblebee Goby and 1 mystery snail & an amazon sword.
I have to live plants: An Amazon Sword and an Anubis
Tank Size:
10 gallons
Water changes, talk to experienced people, get to know your local aquarium shop's owner (they can help you), check out a library book or do online research (on reputable sites), don't buy fish on a whim (I know it's hard), give the tank time to establish itself. Meet the needs of your fish.
My Mystery Snail. His name is Gary as a reference to the Spongebob Squarepants tank theme.