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The Average Score for this category is: 5.47
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United Kingdom
Tank: Juwel Rio 180 black with stand
Lighting: 2x 45W tubes one nature and one day
Filtration: Juwel Bioflow, pump 600gb. 900LpH external
Co2: Yeast method
Fertilising: Using some tetra plantmin, really need more concentrated stuff though.
Plants: Anubis, vallis, giant vallis, java fern, java moss, glossostigma elatinoides, *checking other names*
Decor: Some slate to form slate cave, bogwood, * minds gone blank what is the wood in the middle!*
Heater: 200W juwel.
Needs more fish in it now1
Always do a fishless cycle no matter what.
Fish Kept:
In this tank at the moment:
9 bronze corydoras
2 albino longfin bristlenose plecos
3 hamburg cross breed swordtails
3 pinapple swordtails
3 guppies
2 orange mollies
3 pin tail yellow platies
3 coral red platies
Hopefully adding a couple more
Giant vallis, straight vallis, anubis, glossostigma elantinoides, java moss, vava fern, a couple of crypts and a lot more thay I can't think of.
Tank Size:
40 gallons