Photo #1 - My Tiny 5 Gal Aa Tank After 2 Months. It Hous...

5 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - My tiny 5 gal AA tank after 2 months. It houses a few neons and Double tail betta (butterfly pattern I think)--you can see him on top of the tank in full view. I also have 2 pigmy cories waiting to join the fun, they are in a small quarantine tank for now.
freshwater fish - corydoras pygmaeus - pygmy cory cat stocking in 5 gallons tank - 5 of my pygmy cories.
My tiny 5 gal AA tank after 2 months. It houses a few neons and Double tail betta (butterfly pattern I think)--you can see him on top of the tank in full view. I also have 2 pigmy cories waiting to join the fun, they are in a small quarantine tank for now.
Submitted By: MissQuark on
Photo Caption: My tiny 5 gal AA tank after 2 months. It houses a few neons and Double tail betta (butterfly pattern I think)--you can see him on top of the tank in full view. I also have 2 pigmy cories waiting to join the fun, they are in a small quarantine tank for now.

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5 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - My tiny 5 gal AA tank after 2 months. It houses a few neons and Double tail betta (butterfly pattern I think)--you can see him on top of the tank in full view. I also have 2 pigmy cories waiting to join the fun, they are in a small quarantine tank for now.
freshwater fish - corydoras pygmaeus - pygmy cory cat stocking in 5 gallons tank - 5 of my pygmy cories.

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Ranked #422 out of 2712 planted tanks pictures worldwide
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More Info

Country: Canada
Description: - 5 gallon Hex tank from AA (I use the Fluvial carbon mix in the embedded filter, it does wonders) - Elite Mini Heater from Hagen (25W) - Floating feeding ring - Floating betta mirror - 4 kg of river gravel - a fake 'live rock' cavern - lots of patience and dedication.
Advice: I'm a new hobbyist myself, I have this tank since 2 months only! All I'd say for now is: Try stuff, get some info, use common sense and have fun!
Fish Kept: - 1 doubletail betta (he's blue and red with transparent fins and a brown face) - 6 neon tetras
Corals/Plants: Theres 4 different types of plants in my tank, I don't remember the names though... and yes, that bright pink plant is real! I squeezed fake plants btw my tank and the wall to hide the wires and create a background, the result is nicer IMO than all the ugly wallpapers they sells in petstores.
Tank Size: 5 gallons
Quote: Neons are way sturdier than what people generally claims.
About Yourself: This is my 1st fish tank in more than 20 years (every kid had their goldfish in the '80s yknow!) and I intended to do things the right way with this one. I always liked fish, and I realize how much I missed looking at them swim around gracefully. So far so good, I'm hooked!


noice man fish avatar
Your tank shows beautifully how creativity and a good eye for design make a tank a work of art. Thanks for sharing and challenging me to do better! fish avatar
Were you able to find a full spectrum light to fit this tank, or is this the same light that came in the box? I have the same tank and my plants never seem to get enough light. The size is weird and I've had trouble finding a better replacement. fish avatar
This Tank is a Master peace. Awesome! fish avatar
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