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The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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aprx.100 lbs of rocks-(petrified rock, gey slate, texas holy rock,clay cylinders,
reef rock.)
50lbs of crushed onyx sand & 50lbs of carib sea african cichlid sand mix.
1 eheim 2226 canister filter.
1 marinland c-360 canister filter.
2 aqua clear 802 power head with sponge/carbon filter.
rena air pump & 24" flexible bubble wand.
2 x 36" aqua glo lamps.
250 w Jager heater.
the best advice i can give is keep your water as clean as possible. over filter and do your water changes on a weekly basis.
Fish Kept:
2 protomelas red empress m/f
2 clown loaches
albino zebra
2 frontosa burundi m/f
2 venustus m/f
borleyi (kadango)
sunshine peacock
2 electric blue hap.
synodontis eupterus
2 yellow labs m/f
Tank Size:
125 gallons
how you doin?
About Yourself:
started with a 5 gallon 2 years ago now i have a 125 gallon. this hobby is like drugs, once you get hooked you only fall in deeper and deeper.