More Info
tank#1.100 gallon, 2x 4ft power glo 2x 200watt heaters 2x 60 gal aquatech topfilters
tank#2.100 gallon, 1 4ft powerglo 2x200 watt heaters 1 rena filster 300 gallon canister
do ur home work and b careful its addicting
Fish Kept:
asst african ciclids red devils peacocks parrots angels sharks
tank#1 40kgs of silica sand 60kgs of slate
Tank #2 40kgs of silica sand and 3 pieces of drift wood and 15 kgs of slate
Tank Size:
100 gallons
a man that never took a chance never had a chance
About Yourself:
I cant get enough I saw a nice tank at a store once and ever since I have been hooked I have a total of five tanks now 2-100 gallon ciclid tanks one is african and the other is south american a 46 gallon bow front with african ciclids a 33 gallon hospital tank and a 55 gallon with asst africans as well