Rank Info
This picture looks better than 94.43% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 5.41
This picture has been rated : 166 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
More Info
Tank is 5"x2"x2" with an ocean sand substrate along with natural rocks and drift wood. It has a custom made latex rock background and is lit up using a large Halide light and a coral marine blue tube. Heating is supplied by the Jager heater and the water is kept crystal clear with the huge Wet Dry filter.
Do it right the FIRST time!!.. go all out cos there addictive!
Fish Kept:
Assorted lake malawi and other species such as the electric blues and yellows, mainganos, mpanas, peacocks, lombadi, bumble bees, red zebras, red empress, black and albino sharks, bristlenose, convicts, texas, and a others..
Oh yeh and a big blue Yabbi called Clampy
GonE FishN!
About Yourself:
I like things n stuff!...