Photo #1 - Semi-planted Cichlid Tank. Old Oceanic Flat-back ...

Submitted By: Will on
Photo Caption: Semi-planted cichlid tank. Old Oceanic flat-back hex tank with simple dual fluorescent hood light. Rock is a variety of rock gathered from outside that was cleaned and boiled to prevent parasites. Filtration is an emporer filter rated to 70 gallons on one side and an extra filter rated for a 20 gallon aquarium that I threw in to help circulate water.
65 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - Semi-planted cichlid tank. Old Oceanic flat-back hex tank with simple dual fluorescent hood light. Rock is a variety of rock gathered from outside that was cleaned and boiled to prevent parasites. Filtration is an emporer filter rated to 70 gallons on one side and an extra filter rated for a 20 gallon aquarium that I threw in to help circulate water.
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Ranked #1196 out of 5264 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 77.28% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 4.64
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.06

More Info

State: Pennsylvania
Country: United States
Description: Semi-planted cichlid tank. Old Oceanic flat-back hex tank with simple dual fluorescent hood light. Rock is a variety of rock gathered from outside that was cleaned and boiled to prevent parasites. Filtration is an emporer filter rated to 70 gallons on one side and an extra filter rated for a 20 gallon aquarium that I threw in to help circulate water.
Advice: cycle your tank and ask for advice from a knowledgeable local fish store, petsmart or petco employees will always offer advice...and although well intentioned is not always accurate.
Fish Kept: 2x Jack Dempsey 1x Green Terror 3x Yellow Lab 1x "assorted cichlid" (Blue kenyi I think) 1x glo fish (from old setup but is doing well nonetheless) 1x Female neon swordtail (same as above) 1x Green Spotted Puffer 1x Cory cat 1x Striped Raphael Cat 1x Common Pleco
Corals/Plants: 4x Gold Ribbon 1x Anubias 2x Kyoto grass 1x Amazon Sword 4x Unknown (similar to gold ribbon)
Tank Size: 65 gallons
About Yourself: 19 year old student majoring in Bio with a minor in Philosophy in my sophomore year of college. From NJ, but currently studying in PA looking to go onto vet school.


65 Gallon and yes a couple... some doing better than others they are 4x Gold Ribbon 1x Anubias 2x Kyoto grass 1x Amazon Sword 4x Unknown (similar to gold ribbon) fish avatar
Love the tank. How many gal? Do yo have live plants in there? fish avatar


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