Photo #2 - 60g Malawi Tank... Filtered By Two Penguin 350 B...

60g malawi tank... filtered by two penguin 350 biowheel filters, and a 660gph under gravel jet system with fine sponge on the intake tube... lighting is a home depot light fixture with two phillips 40w bulbs... one large piece of egg crate cut to accomodate the undergravel jet system... substrate is target play sand from home depot... rock background is ...
Submitted By: gumbii on
Photo Caption: 60g malawi tank... filtered by two penguin 350 biowheel filters, and a 660gph under gravel jet system with fine sponge on the intake tube... lighting is a home depot light fixture with two phillips 40w bulbs... one large piece of egg crate cut to accomodate the undergravel jet system... substrate is target play sand from home depot... rock background is three tiles of slate made to fit... aeration via 48" marineland flexible bubble wand powered by a whisper 100 pump... heated by a 300w ebo-jager...

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fish tank picture - ob peacock in yellow lab colony...
60 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 60g malawi tank... filtered by two penguin 350 biowheel filters, and a 660gph under gravel jet system with fine sponge on the intake tube... lighting is a home depot light fixture with two phillips 40w bulbs... one large piece of egg crate cut to accomodate the undergravel jet system... substrate is target play sand from home depot... rock background is three tiles of slate made to fit... aeration via 48" marineland flexible bubble wand powered by a whisper 100 pump... heated by a 300w ebo-jager...

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Ranked #640 out of 5264 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08

More Info

State: California
Country: United States
Description: 60g malawi tank... filtered by two penguin 350 biowheel filters, and a 660gph under gravel jet system with fine sponge on the intake tube... lighting is a home depot light fixture with two phillips 40w bulbs... one large piece of egg crate cut to accomodate the undergravel jet system... substrate is target play sand from home depot... rock background is three tiles of slate made to fit... aeration via 48" marineland flexible bubble wand powered by a whisper 100 pump... heated by a 300w ebo-jager...
Advice: be carefull with sand... i had to cut the tube so that the main strainer touches the midwater skimmer, then i made the skimmer itself higher by cutting the bent intake tube... also, don't let the sponge for the powerhead be close to the sand... i had to raise it with an elbow...
Fish Kept: healthy young colony of Labidochromis caeruleus, a new colony of Labidochromis sp. "Hongi", a couple of OB peacocks for color, and 6 killing fish that are growing out...
Corals/Plants: a thick layer of green and purple algae that the mbuna LOVE to eat... i only get purple algae in this tank... maybe for the high PH... coraline algae maybe...???
Tank Size: 60 gallons
Quote: fayt...
About Yourself: this is my one of my 7 tanks... i probably put more thought into this one than all of my other tanks... sorry for the horrible pic... will update soon...


EXCELLENT Tank!rnYou paid attention to several details and it showsrnDefinitwly a 10 in my book!rnNice Job fish avatar
nice put some thought into it u sure did fish avatar
nice tank and fish selection...? regarding sand do you have a screen on the gravel filter? is it reverse flow?can u syphon sand like normal or do u just stir it up to get the stuff sucked into the penguin filters? i wanna do sand in my cichlid tank. thanx fish avatar
OMG looks like you dropped sum bricks in your tank..yr fisdh are like tiny. when do u feed them? once a year.hahahahahha fish avatar
I have a 60 gallon tank I'm preparing to set up. How many fish do you have in your tank? By the way nice tank! fish avatar
Holy Cow! That's a great Malawi Tank! fish avatar
cool tank. Nice peacocks. fish avatar
Nice looking tank and fish. fish avatar
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