Photo #1 - New 60 Gallon Mixed African Cichlid Tank . I'...

Submitted By: Martin on
Photo Caption: New 60 gallon mixed african cichlid tank . I'm running a fluval 303 canister. I have some driftwood and some large rocks from backyard, small hand polished rocks spread around the tank, fake plants and 3 1/2 bags of aragonite sand. Please tell me what you think and if you have suggestions to make better. Thanx

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60 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - New 60 gallon mixed african cichlid tank . I'm running a fluval 303 canister. I have some driftwood and some large rocks from backyard, small hand polished rocks spread around the tank, fake plants and 3 1/2 bags of aragonite sand. Please tell me what you think and if you have suggestions to make better. Thanx
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freshwater fish - cyphotilapia frontosa - frontosa cichlid stocking in 60 gallons tank - My frontosa

Rank Info

Ranked #1542 out of 5264 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 70.71% of pictures in this category
10 1
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.44
This picture has been rated : 104 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13

More Info

State: California
Country: United States
Description: New 60 gallon mixed african cichlid tank. I'm running a fluval 303 canister. I have some driftwood and some large rocks from backyard, small hand polished rocks spread around the tank, fake plants and 3 1/2 bags of aragonite sand. Please tell me what you think and if you have suggestions to make better. Thanx
Advice: Get all the information you can. Take your time and don't just ask one guy at one fish store for advice.
Fish Kept: I have 1 Psuedotsopeus Acei, 1 Polit, 1 Haplocromis Venustus, 1 Chewere Elongatus, 1 Frontosa, 1 Yellow lab, 2 rubber lip plecos, 3 unknown bottom feeders and 1 unknown african at the moment.
Corals/Plants: plastic plants, rocks from yard, driftwood, and small hand polished rocks
Tank Size: 60 gallons
Quote: If you can't cook it don't eat it!
About Yourself: Been out of the aquarium game for some years now, but ready to start this wonderful hobbie again


Here are the improvements that i would recommend: 1) i would put a wallpaper on the back panel (monochrome or with some kind of picture), 2) i would choose plants made of fabric (they look much nicer than plastic ones), 3) i would try to arrange the rocks in some kind of pattern (now they look as if they fell off the roof) 4) is that the outlet tube on the upper right corner? You can put it above the water level to create a waterfall effect and gain in aeration. You can also hide the filter hoses with a tall plant. The fish look nice. I think that a dark background would increase the contrast and improve the fish colors. fish avatar
For all those who score my tank if you would please leave a commment as to why you gave the score you did, just so I know what I need to improve on. Thanx fish avatar
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