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This picture looks better than 42.33% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 3.75
This picture has been rated : 129 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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Standard 75g tank equipped with an eheim 2217, pool filter sand, lava rock, fake plants, heater.
Fish Kept:
75g> 2 Labidochromis Caeruleus, 3 Pseudotropheous Acei, 2 Labidochromis Perlmutt, 3 Aulonocara sp. Lwanda, 3 Aulonocara OB, 3 Iodotropheus Sperengerae, 3 Synodontis Eurpterus.
28g> 2 Gold Ram, 3 Black Mollies, 3 Guppies, 6 Herlequin Rasboras, 1 Neon Tetra, 1 Flame Tetra, 10 Black Molly Fry, 1 Clown Loach, 1 Synodontis Eurpterus, 1 Bushynose Pleco.
10g> 1 Lamprologus Occelatus
6g> 25 Iodotropheus sperengerae fry.
Java fern and crypt, everything else has died!!
Tank Size:
75 gallons
It's Sofa King Cheap!!!!!
About Yourself:
I'm Josh, I've been in the hobby of fshkeeping for a little over a year and a half and am absolutely loving it!!