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This picture looks better than 38.03% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4
This picture has been rated : 16 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 7.13
More Info
Its a 66 gallon Community tank 3/8 pane 48"w 20"h 16"d. 2 filters one canister filter and one aqua clear. 2 48" floresent lights. Three Under water lights for great night time viewing. 300 watt hydor heater and CO2 setup
stay away from java moss!! it makes one hell of a mess.
Fish Kept:
1 purple spot gudgeon
1 banded leponius
2 albino tiger barbs
1 albino P. Socolofi
2 giant Danios
1 Bristlenose pleco
1 Feather fin catfish
2 crabs
1 African Clawed Frog
And a handfull of stripped danios and tetras
9 plants some are swordleafs 2 look like onion plants but they dont have a bulb on the end. 1 looks like grass
Tank Size:
66 gallons
About Yourself:
Just got bit by the Aquarium bug last year!! Ifyoui have any advice for me or see any problems with my tank please let me know thanks.