View pictures of corals inverts below

corals inverts - platygyra sp. - brain worm platygyra coral stocking in 72 gallons tank - Red/Green Brain Coral
Description: Red/Green Brain Coral
Category: Corals & Inverts
Fish Scientific Name: Platygyra Sp.
Fish Popular Name: Brain Worm Platygyra Coral
Tank Size: 72 gallons
Country: United States

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corals inverts - actinodiscus sp. - mushroom coral stocking in 29 gallons tank - mushroom up close
Description: mushroom up close
Category: Corals & Inverts
Fish Scientific Name: Actinodiscus Sp.
Fish Popular Name: Mushroom Coral
Tank Size: 29 gallons
Country: United States

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corals inverts - zoanthus sp. - button polyp, pink stocking in 65 gallons tank - zoanthus
Description: zoanthus
Category: Corals & Inverts
Fish Scientific Name: Zoanthus Sp.
Fish Popular Name: Button Polyp, Pink
Tank Size: 65 gallons
Country: United States

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corals inverts - dardanus spp. - hermit crab with anemone stocking in 75 gallons tank - What ya lookin at?
Description: What ya lookin at?
Category: Corals & Inverts
Fish Scientific Name: Dardanus Spp.
Fish Popular Name: Hermit Crab With Anemone
Tank Size: 75 gallons
Country: United States

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corals inverts - acropora sp. - acropora coral stocking in 120 gallons tank - Garf purple bonsai
Description: Garf purple bonsai
Category: Corals & Inverts
Fish Scientific Name: Acropora Sp.
Fish Popular Name: Acropora Coral
Tank Size: 120 gallons
Country: United States

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corals inverts - undescribed zoanthid - colony polyp, yellow stocking in 55 gallons tank - Zoo's and Angel
Description: Zoo's and Angel
Category: Corals & Inverts
Fish Scientific Name: Undescribed Zoanthid
Fish Popular Name: Colony Polyp, Yellow
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Country: United States

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corals inverts - echinophyllia sp. - chalice coral stocking in 37 gallons tank - Tyree LE Robokaki Chalice
Description: Tyree LE Robokaki Chalice
Category: Corals & Inverts
Fish Scientific Name: Echinophyllia Sp.
Fish Popular Name: Chalice Coral
Tank Size: 37 gallons
Country: United States

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corals inverts - euphyllia paradivisa - frogspawn coral stocking in 55 gallons tank - Frogspawn.
Description: Frogspawn.
Category: Corals & Inverts
Fish Scientific Name: Euphyllia Paradivisa
Fish Popular Name: Frogspawn Coral
Tank Size: 55 gallons
Country: United States

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corals inverts - euphyllia ancora - hammer / anchor coral stocking in 44 gallons tank - Hammer Coral. This coral has also done much better in the larger tank with correct lighting, better water flow and better filtration and water quality.
Description: Hammer Coral. This coral has also done much better in the larger tank with correct lighting, better water flow and better filtration and water quality.
Category: Corals & Inverts
Fish Scientific Name: Euphyllia Ancora
Fish Popular Name: Hammer / Anchor Coral
Tank Size: 44 gallons
Country: Australia

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corals inverts - goniopora sp. - flower pot coral stocking in 72 gallons tank - This was a couple months ago, I came home to find this "flower pot" blown up like a softball, it has since went back to normal! So cool!
Description: This was a couple months ago, I came home to find this "flower pot" blown up like a softball, it has since went back to normal! So cool!
Category: Corals & Inverts
Fish Scientific Name: Goniopora Sp.
Fish Popular Name: Flower Pot Coral
Tank Size: 72 gallons
Country: United States

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