Reef Aquariums
An overview of the reef aquarium along with a short history. Online reef references.
This article provides a brief introduction to reef aquariums. It will first provide an overview of the reef aquarium along with a short history. Then we'll discuss how reef aquariums fit into the larger category of saltwater aquariums. After that we'll go into more detail about what you might find in a reef aquarium. A lively discussion of pros and cons for keeping a reef aquarium follows that. Finally, we'll conclude this article with online reef references for you.

Overview of a Reef Aquarium
In its most basic form, the reef aquarium is a tank full of invertebrates such as corals, anemones, and other neat creatures. Instead of the fish being the focus, the focus of the tank is on the reef itself.

Saltwater aquarium hit it big around the 1950s due to advances in filtration systems over anything else. That and the commercial success of air transportation to help move saltwater fish from the wild to your local fish store. But actually focusing on the reef as opposed to the reef fish is a much newer explosion in the fish hobby world. The advent of the Internet over the past 10 years has really helped disseminate information to reef hobbyists around the globe.

FO, FOWLR, and Reef
Reef Aquariums are saltwater aquariums where the focus is on invertebrates that you'd find on a reef. The focus isn't on the fish the way they are in a FO or FOWLR tank. FO what?!?! Here we go:
Reef tanks usually don't have that many fish in them and if they do, the fish will be small or limited in number. Basically, you're growing your reef and you don't want to have fish in there that can damage or eat it.
Most Popular components to a Reef Aquarium
Besides your live rock and some fish for show, most everything you're going to find in a reef aquarium is an invertebrate. Invertebrates are basically animals without backbones. But here are some of the most popular invertebrates you're likely to find in a reef tank:
  • soft coral
  • hard coral
  • anemones
  • sea urchins
  • starfish
  • crustaceans (crabs and shrimp)
  • tube worms
  • mollusks (clams, snails, and octopuses).
Why keep a reef tank? Anybody who's ever stood in front of one will tell you. They are mesmerizing. You can't take your eyes off a reef tank. It's like having a little bit of the ocean, right there in front of you. Pros to keeping reef tanks include:
  • Reef tanks provide a welcome challenge
  • The beauty and uniqueness found in a reef tank is unparalleled
  • Keeping reef tanks helps raise interest in protecting wild coral
Some people just like a challenge. You tell them "it can't be done" or "it's really hard to do," and what do they do? Turn away? No way, they're drawn towards the reef tank and make it their life's dream to successfully keep a reef tank in their home. With a reef tank, you're replicating even more of an ecosystem than a FO or FOWLR tank. You need to account for not just how fish interact with each other, but how fish, corals and invertebrates interact with each other to help support each other in a more sustainable environment. You'll learn more about the biology of organisms and how ecosystems manage themselves than you would with other set-ups.
In terms of the beauty of a reef tank, truly, there is not another experience in the world except for reef snorkeling or scuba diving that will let you appreciate up close what makes a reef tank special. Reef tanks are like none other. The beauty of the corals, anemones, and other invertebrates are unparalleled. There's simply nothing else like it. The relationship between all the different animals in a reef tank just adds to the experience.
Finally, the interest that reef tank owners have in their hobby helps protect the reef environment in the wild. It's hard to appreciate something when you never see it or have no way of understanding what is truly at stake. With reef tank hobbyists, you'll find owners who make it a life style, a life's goal even to protect their "babies" out in the wild, too.
The decision to start a reef tank is not for everybody. Here are some of the main reasons that people find reef tanks too much to take on:
  • The challenge above and beyond keeping saltwater tank
  • Tank considerations
  • Must keep the water circulating
  • Costs more
  • More filtering required
  • Fish selection limited
Keeping invertebrates happy in a tank sounds hard, doesn't it? Corals and anemones are extremely sensitive to their environment. Many people won't even consider just jumping into keeping a reef tank once they learn of all the intricacies. They prefer instead to start with a freshwater tank, then maybe a saltwater tank, and then begin tinkering with keeping a reef tank.
Tank size is another serious consideration. Keeping a reef tank means you can't go small with the aquarium size. The tank shouldn't be too narrow and it needs to be big. Most experts suggest that you should never start with anything smaller than 40 gallons (we're leaving pico and nano tanks out of the picture for the purposes of this article). While the 55 gallon size tank works well for a saltwater tank, you'll want to consider the 70 gallon tank over it for a reef tank since the 70 gallon tank is 18 inches deep whereas the 55 gallon tank is only 13 inches deep (a little shallow from front to back to house a reef). Keep in mind also that with corals, the more brilliant colors comes from strong lighting. The taller your aquarium is, the stronger your lighting will have to be to adequately light the coral.

Letss look at the impact that overcrowding can have on corals. Corals can't be too close to each other or they'll fight for space and food (corals release chemicals and use nematocysts to duke it out with each other). Once corals are stressed out, they'll become susceptible to various diseases. Just like the black plague of the 14th century, disease can wipe out your entire coral population in just days.

One big difference between reef tanks and saltwater tanks without invertebrates is that you must keep the water circulating in an invertebrate tank. Reef tanks require sump pumps to simulate that ocean motion. Otherwise, your corals, anemones and other inverts will all starve to death in a pool of stale water. The water in a reef tank has to be in constant motion to help simulate a real reef out in the wild. While inverts do move, they don't move enough to go out and stalk their prey. Most of them require a lot of help with the currents in the water out in the ocean. You'll need to mimic that action for them at home.

Compare freshwater fish to saltwater fish to keeping a reef tank. Which do you think is the most expensive? By now you've probably guessed it correctly. Keeping a reef tank can be much more expensive. Just about everything costs more. Your tank will cost more, your supplies will cost more (now you've got to worry about salinity plus different foods for your inverts), and you've also got to include your sump equipment. Besides that, corals and other invertebrates are usually more expensive than fish. Even if you can get them at reasonable prices, because they are so much more difficult raising than just freshwater fish or saltwater fish, you'll find that in some cases, until you get your system just right, you'll be keeping a pretty transient population in your reef tank! Some experts estimate that the increase in electrical power requirements can raise your power bill from $10 to $70 more a month!

With reef tanks, you'll find that Protein Skimming needs to be added to your filtering system. Protein skimmers work by collecting organic pollutants before they break down. They catch the organic pollutants by skimming the foam air bubbles that come out of air pumps after they break to the water surface. Protein skimmers usually range between $100 and $500 but really, you'll need to consider how big your tank is before you pick one. The other thing about protein skimmers is that you constantly have to fiddle with their settings to make sure they're working optimally. Another consideration is that you'll need more aeration than you'd find in a freshwater tank. That's because saltwater holds less oxygen than freshwater of the same volume.

Corals and other invertebrates in your tank can limit your selection of fish, as some marine fish will eat or otherwise damage those corals. In general, larger, more aggressive fish (which are often quite pretty) are inappropriate for reef tanks that are more dense with rock and have tasty coral for them to eat. Here is a short list of fish that have been successfully kept in reef tanks (deemed "reef-safe"): Watch out, though, most of these fish are EXTREMELY territorial.
  • Damselfish - these will be the last fish you'll want to introduce to your tank or you'll have a very hard time getting other fish into the tank once these guys set up shop.
  • Clownfish - keep just a pair per species for the best harmony in your tank.
  • Blennies - work well in a reef tank and you don't have to worry about them eating other fish as much as you would with some of the other reef fish
Online Sites related to Reefs
Reef Central is a great online source for more information on reef tanks
CaptiveReefing - is a great online forum for those interested in reef aquariums.
Doctors Foster and Smith - sell saltwater fish, live rock, invertebrates, and plants as well as aquarium supplies.
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What You Need to Know About pH in Marine Aquariums
What You Need to Know About pH in Marine Aquariums
Maintaining proper water quality in your tank is essential but many aquarium hobbyists overlook one important aspect - pH.
What is a Nano Reef?
A nano reef is a miniature reef environment less than 30 gallons in size.
Whether you are looking for a new challenge as a saltwater aquarium enthusiast or you are trying your hand at a reef tank for the first time, a nano reef is a great way to go.


The Basics of Freshwater Fish Compatibility
Whether you are new to the aquarium hobby or not, there are a few things you should know about freshwater fish compatibility.
How to Keep Your Saltwater Aquarium from Overheating
Learn how to keep your saltwater aquarium from overheating.
Jewel Cichlid Species Profile
Jewel Cichlids are a group of brightly colored cichlids from Africa.

Rate This Tank:

corals inverts - ophiothrix sp. - brittle sea star stocking in 55 gallons tank

corals inverts - ophiothrix sp. - brittle sea star stocking in 55 gallons tank - brittle star
State: Louisiana
Country: United States
Photo Caption: brittle star
Fish Kept: Negro Percula Clownfish (1), Flame Angel (1), Green Mandarin {male} (1), Spotted Mandarin {female} (1), Royal Gramma Basslet (1), Blue-Green Chromis (5), Serpent Star (1), Brittle Star (1), Sandsifting Star (1), Clam (1), Spiney Oyster (1), Blue Carpet Anemone (1), Rock Flower Anemone (1), Snorkle Snail (1), Coral Baned Shrimp (1), Peppermint Shrimp (1), Strawberry Hermit Crab (1), Emerald Crab (3)
Corals/Plants: Superman Mushrooms, Rainbow Favia, Green Ricordea, Blue Ricordea, Orange Ricordea, Bright Green Ricordea, Blue Yuma, Red Yuma, Frogspawn, Red/Orange Button Polyps, Pur/Green/Org Button Polyps, Xenia, Orange/Grn/Pur Starburst Polyps, Red/Green Brain Coral, Green Brain Coral, Bright Green Leather, Horn Coral, Lt Pink Leather, Staghorn Acro, Acan, Purple & Green Acan, Yellow Gorgonia, Green Murlina, Christmas Tree Worms, Night Coral, Starburst Polyps, Metalic Green Starburst Polyps, Pink Stylopora, Yellow Leather, Pink Leather, Purple & Green Acro, Golden Polyps
Tank Size: 55 gallons



Cultivating a saltwater reef tank can be a rewarding experience but it can also be a challenge. The articles in this section will provide you with the information you need to set up your reef tank and to make sure that it thrives.

Beginner Coral Species: Low-Light Corals
Beginner Coral Species: Low-Light Corals
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Bristle Worms in the Marine Tank
Bristle Worms in the Marine Tank
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Reef Aquariums
Reef Aquariums
An overview of the reef aquarium along with a short history.
The Top 5 Most Colorful Corals for a Saltwater Tank
The Top 5 Most Colorful Corals for a Saltwater Tank
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How to Care for Marine Blue Sponges
How to Care for Marine Blue Sponges
The blue sponge makes a great addition to the marine tank.
Types of Coral for Reef Tanks
Types of Coral for Reef Tanks
Stocking a reef tank can be a challenge because there are so many different types of coral to choose from.
What is a Nano Reef?
What is a Nano Reef?
Whether you are looking for a new challenge as a saltwater aquarium enthusiast or you are trying your hand at a reef tank for the first time, a nano reef is a great way to go.
Feeding Corals -  Keeping Your Saltwater Invertebrates Healthy
Feeding Corals - Keeping Your Saltwater Invertebrates Healthy
If you want to keep your saltwater or reef tank healthy, you need to learn the basics of feeding corals.
Common Myths and Problems Regarding Nano Reef Tanks
Common Myths and Problems Regarding Nano Reef Tanks
Cultivating a nano reef tank can be an exciting challenge.
Recommended Species for Nano Tanks
Recommended Species for Nano Tanks
Cultivating a nano tank can be an exciting challenge but unless you choose the right fish for your tank, you may be in trouble.
Tips for Using Rockwork in Saltwater and Reef Aquariums
Tips for Using Rockwork in Saltwater and Reef Aquariums
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Reef Aquariums: Is Bigger Really Better?
Reef Aquariums: Is Bigger Really Better?
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Set-up Guide for a Reef Tank
Set-up Guide for a Reef Tank
If you have ever considered starting a reef tank, read this setup guide to make sure you start your reef tank off right.
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Types of Saltwater Tanks: Fish-Only, FOWLR and Reef Tanks
Types of Saltwater Tanks: Fish-Only, FOWLR and Reef Tanks
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Stocking a Brackish Aquarium
Stocking a Brackish Aquarium
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Setting Up A Saltwater Tank System
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Preparing Saltwater for your Marine Tank
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Handy Aquarium Accessories and Devices
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How to Start a Brackish Tank
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Tips for Keeping Nocturnal Fish in the Marine Aquarium
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Getting The Tank Ready
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Creating an ecosystem.
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A brief introduction to saltwater aquariums.
What Are the Biggest Saltwater Aquarium Mistakes and How Do You Fix Them?
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Aquarium Maintenance (18)
Salinity Requirements in a Saltwater Aquarium
Salinity Requirements in a Saltwater Aquarium
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Choosing the Correct Temperature for a Marine Aquarium
Choosing the Correct Temperature for a Marine Aquarium
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How to Modify PH in a Saltwater Tank
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How to Solve Common Saltwater Tank Problems
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Getting Rid of Aiptasia in Your Reef Aquarium
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Why is Water Flow So Important in a Reef Tank?
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Why Do Fish Disappear from the Saltwater Tank?
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Maintenance Schedule for Reef Tanks
Maintenance Schedule for Reef Tanks
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The Benefits of Algae in Saltwater Tanks
The Benefits of Algae in Saltwater Tanks
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The Dangers of High Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate
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Saltwater and Reef Tank Cycling
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Kalkwasser for the Marine Tank
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What NOT to do with a Saltwater Tank
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Aquarium Lighting (3)
UV Sterilizers for Reef Aquariums
UV Sterilizers for Reef Aquariums
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Tips for Lighting a Reef Tank
Tips for Lighting a Reef Tank
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Heating and Filtration (8)
Saltwater Aquarium Filtration
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How to Keep Your Saltwater Aquarium from Overheating
How to Keep Your Saltwater Aquarium from Overheating
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Common Problems with Heating in Saltwater Tanks
Common Problems with Heating in Saltwater Tanks
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Foam Build-up on Saltwater Tank Surface
Foam Build-up on Saltwater Tank Surface
Foam build-up is a common problem in the saltwater tank.
Reverse Osmosis for the Saltwater Tank
Reverse Osmosis for the Saltwater Tank
If you want to keep a healthy and thriving saltwater tank, you need to start with high-quality water.
What is Protein Skimming?
What is Protein Skimming?
Learn about protein skimming, why it's important, and which aquarists should use it.
What is an Aquarium Sump?
What is an Aquarium Sump?
If you are new to the aquarium hobby you may not be familiar with the term "sump".
Wavemakers for Saltwater Tanks
Wavemakers for Saltwater Tanks
If you want to keep your saltwater tank healthy, you need to consider the ideal level of water flow.
Nutrition and Feeding (6)
Tips for Getting Fussy Fish to Eat
Tips for Getting Fussy Fish to Eat
Feeding saltwater aquarium fish can be tricky, especially when your fish refuse to eat.
Live Foods for Marine Fish
Live Foods for Marine Fish
Feeding your fish a proper diet is the key to keeping them healthy.
How to Raise Brine Shrimp
How to Raise Brine Shrimp
Brine shrimp are an excellent source of protein for aquarium fish and they are very easy to raise at home.
Tips for Feeding Saltwater Aquarium Fish
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What you feed your fish will determine whether or not their reach their full potential.
Nutritional Needs of Saltwater Aquarium Fish
Nutritional Needs of Saltwater Aquarium Fish
In order to keep your saltwater aquarium fish healthy you need to understand and meet their basic nutritional needs.
Top Commercial Foods for Saltwater Fish
Top Commercial Foods for Saltwater Fish
What you feed your saltwater aquarium fish will play a major role in determining their health and vitality.
Saltwater Fish Diseases (5)
How to Deal with Marine Ich in the Saltwater Aquarium
How to Deal with Marine Ich in the Saltwater Aquarium
Marine Ich is a common disease affecting saltwater aquarium fish and, unless you know how to deal with it, it can spread quickly throughout your tank.
Common Saltwater Aquarium Fish Diseases
Common Saltwater Aquarium Fish Diseases
No matter how hard you try, you cannot completely protect your fish from falling ill.
Good Medications to Keep on Hand
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How to Treat Saltwater Aquarium Parasites with Freshwater
How to Treat Saltwater Aquarium Parasites with Freshwater
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How to Prevent Saltwater Fish Diseases
How to Prevent Saltwater Fish Diseases
There is nothing quite so heartbreaking as losing one of your fish to disease.
Aquarium Decorations (3)
Creating Your Own Live Rock for Saltwater Tanks
Creating Your Own Live Rock for Saltwater Tanks
Live rock is the foundation for any thriving saltwater tank and it is the base for saltwater aquarium decor.
How to Cure Your Live Rock Before Placing it in Your Aquarium
How to Cure Your Live Rock Before Placing it in Your Aquarium
Learn how to properly cure live rock before placing it in your tank.
Stocking the Tank (27)
Guide for Keeping Anemones in a Reef Tank
Guide for Keeping Anemones in a Reef Tank
Keeping anemones in a reef tank can be a challenge if you are not fully prepared.
Establishing up a Clean-up Crew in Your Saltwater Aquarium
Establishing up a Clean-up Crew in Your Saltwater Aquarium
Learn how to properly select and establish a clean-up crew in a saltwater or reef aquarium.
Choosing the Right Butterflyfish for Your Reef Tank
Choosing the Right Butterflyfish for Your Reef Tank
Cultivating a reef tank is a unique challenge, not only because caring for corals is tricky but because it can be difficult to find reef-safe fish.
Sea Urchins in the Saltwater Tank
Sea Urchins in the Saltwater Tank
If you are looking for a unique invertebrate to add to your saltwater tank, consider the sea urchin.
What's That? The Top 10 Strangest Looking Saltwater Fish
What's That? The Top 10 Strangest Looking Saltwater Fish
There are some odd=looking animals out there but these ten saltwater fish are among the strangest.
Keeping Lionfish in the Home Aquarium
Keeping Lionfish in the Home Aquarium
The lionfish is a beautiful but deadly fish that makes a unique addition to the saltwater aquarium.
Hermit Crabs in Saltwater Tanks
Hermit Crabs in Saltwater Tanks
Hermit crabs do more than just add decoration to the saltwater tank -- they can also help to keep your tank clean.
Stocking Salt Water Reef Tanks
Stocking Salt Water Reef Tanks
Learn how to select the right quantity and combination of fish for your saltwater aquarium.
Keeping Moray Eels in the Marine Tank
Keeping Moray Eels in the Marine Tank
Moray eels can be a challenge to keep in the home aquarium but they are well worth it.
Keeping and Breeding Mandarinfish
Keeping and Breeding Mandarinfish
Mandarinfish are a small, colorful species of saltwater aquarium fish.
Selecting and Caring for Saltwater Angelfish
Selecting and Caring for Saltwater Angelfish
Saltwater angelfish are some of the most colorful saltwater fish available.
Sea Cucumbers for Reef Tanks
Sea Cucumbers for Reef Tanks
Sea cucumbers are found throughout the ocean but they are a popular addition to saltwater reef tanks.
Understanding the Coloration of Saltwater Fish
Understanding the Coloration of Saltwater Fish
Have you ever been dazzled by the bright colors and bold patterns of a school of saltwater fish?
Commonly Available Reef-Safe Fish & Invertebrates
Commonly Available Reef-Safe Fish & Invertebrates
Learn about commonly available reef-safe fish and invertebrates that are good candidates for your reef aquarium.
Marine Shrimp for the Saltwater or Reef Tank
Marine Shrimp for the Saltwater or Reef Tank
Marine shrimp can be a useful addition to the saltwater tank - just be sure to pick the right species.
What Are Good Saltwater Fish For Beginners
What Are Good Saltwater Fish For Beginners
What makes a saltwater fish a good candidate for beginners?
Why Are Tangs Some of the Best Fish for Reef Tanks?
Why Are Tangs Some of the Best Fish for Reef Tanks?
Tangs are not just some of the most brightly colored species of tropical saltwater fish - they are also great additions to the reef tank.
Clownfish in the Reef Aquarium
Clownfish in the Reef Aquarium
Clownfish are one of the most recognizable types of saltwater aquarium fish.
The Benefits of Snails in the Saltwater Tank
The Benefits of Snails in the Saltwater Tank
While snails are often viewed as a nuisance in the freshwater tank, they can serve a valuable purpose in the saltwater aquarium.
Saltwater Species That Should Not be Kept by Beginners (and Sometimes not Even by the Experienced)
Saltwater Species That Should Not be Kept by Beginners (and Sometimes not Even by the Experienced)
Learn about saltwater animals that beginners (and sometimes experts) should avoid keeping.
Caring for Saltwater Gobies
Caring for Saltwater Gobies
The Goby family is one of the largest families of marine fishes, having over 2,000 unique species.
Tips for Caring for Tangs Properly
Tips for Caring for Tangs Properly
Tangs are a group of fish that make excellent additions to the saltwater tank.
Tank-Raised Fish for Saltwater Aquariums
Tank-Raised Fish for Saltwater Aquariums
Stocking the saltwater aquarium can be an exciting challenge, especially when you have so many options to choose from.
The Secret to Keeping Seahorses
The Secret to Keeping Seahorses
If you are looking for a unique inhabitant to add to your saltwater tank, consider the seahorse.
The Benefits of Purchasing Saltwater Fish Online
The Benefits of Purchasing Saltwater Fish Online
If you are thinking about buying some new fish for your saltwater tank, think about purchasing them online!
Top Recommendations for Tank-Raised Saltwater Fish
Top Recommendations for Tank-Raised Saltwater Fish
When purchasing saltwater aquarium fish, you need to think about whether the fish are tank-raised or captive-bred.
Saltwater Fish Article Database
Saltwater Fish Article Database
Articles on dozens of saltwater fish and appropriate care.