Photo #4 - 120 Gal Tank 48x24x24 , 1 Lg & 1 Med African ...

Submitted By: Kevin on
Photo Caption: 120 Gal Tank 48x24x24 , 1 Lg & 1 Med African Drift Wood, 2 caves made of Sleigh Rock, 1 Lg. Marine Filter, 1 Heater for 100 gal + tank, 100 lbs of Black Gravel, 2 x Whisper 100 Air Pumps, 1 x 48 inch Blue Moonlight Strip, 1 x 48 inch Twin Fluerescent Lights Occupants: 2 x 8 inch Red Belly Piranhas (Males) and 1 x 9 inch Red Belly Piranha (Female who is Spawning)

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freshwater fish - pygocentrus nattereri - redbellied pirhana stocking in 120 gallons tank - 6 inch Red Belly Piranah Feed them Goldfish, Shrimp, Beefheart, Nightcrawlers and the Baby Red Belly Fry I feed Baby Brine Shrimp and Frozen Bloodworms when they are bigger
freshwater fish - pygocentrus nattereri - redbellied pirhana stocking in 120 gallons tank - 2 x 8" Red Belly Piranhas (Males) & 1 x 9" Red Belly Piranha ( Female who is Spawning ) in the middle
freshwater fish - pygocentrus nattereri - redbellied pirhana stocking in 120 gallons tank - 1 x 8" Red Belly Piranha (Male)
120 gallons freshwater fish tank (mostly fish and non-living decorations) - 120 Gal Tank 48x24x24 , 1 Lg & 1 Med African Drift Wood, 2 caves made of Sleigh Rock, 1 Lg. Marine Filter, 1 Heater for 100 gal + tank, 100 lbs of Black Gravel, 2 x Whisper 100 Air Pumps, 1 x 48 inch Blue Moonlight Strip, 1 x 48 inch Twin Fluerescent Lights Occupants: 2 x 8 inch Red Belly Piranhas (Males) and 1 x 9 inch Red Belly Piranha (Female who is Spawning)

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Ranked #2398 out of 5264 freshwater tanks pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 54.45% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this category is: 4.08

More Info

State: South Dakota
Country: United States
Description: 120 Gal Tank 48x24x24 , 1 Lg & 1 Med African Drift Wood, 2 caves made of Sleigh Rock, 1 Lg. Marine Filter, 1 Heater for 100 gal + tank, 100 lbs of Black Gravel, 2 x Whisper 100 Air Pumps, 1 48 inch Blue Moonlight Strip, 1 48 inch Twin Fluerescent Lights
Advice: Start of with a Big Tank I currently have a 120 gal tank, a 55 gal Nursery tank for Baby Red Belly Fry and a 20 gal tank for feeder fish when i feed them
Fish Kept: 2 x 8 inch Red Belly Piranhas (Males) and 1 x 9 inch Red Belly Piranha (Female who is Spawning) Feed them Goldfish, Shrimp, Beefheart, Nightcrawlers and the Baby Red Belly Fry I feed Baby Brine Shrimp and Frozen Bloodworms when they are bigger
Corals/Plants: Had some did not like them.
Tank Size: 120 gallons
Quote: Love Peace and Chicken Grease
About Yourself: I have been into fish tanks since 1997 and it is a relaxing hobby for me. I work as a Police Officer and Love it.


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