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The Average Score for this category is: 4.91
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United States
43 Gallon Octagon with a 15 gallon homemade eco-system style refugium/sump (deep sand bed, chaeto, and live rock) and a algae waterfall style supplemental filter. I have had no skimmer on this system for well over a year and no longer have to do water changes. Nitrates and phosphates are 0 and seem to be staying there. My system has in-line UV (now rarely used), 150W 20K metal halide lighting, live rock straight from Fla. to my tank (no "curing"), rock is mounted on a PVC frame as the arrangement is vertical, 2 Koralin and 2 Maxi-jet power heads.
Design your system around the creatures you want to keep and try to use nature for filtration as much as possible rather than mechanics. Either build an eco-system or you will give yourself a part time job every weekend.
I would not advise an octagon as a first reef tank as lighting and arrangement is very difficult.
Fish Kept:
2 Black Ocellaris Clownfish, Red Hawkfish, Coral Beauty Angelfish, and a Mandarin Dragonet.
Some Acro's, Cup Coral, Blasto, Wellsophylia, lots of Trumpet Corals, Zoos, Xenia, Pectina, Frogspawn and Hammer Corals, lots of Muchrooms, Green Star Polyps, etc.
Tank Size:
43 gallons
About Yourself:
I run an appraisal business and have two tanks in my office, this one and a 150 fowler.