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This picture looks better than 98.81% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 7.17
This picture has been rated : 349 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.23
More Info
New Zealand
Aquarium Profile: Main Tank: 2.4 x .850 x 720 approximately 1500 Litres Sump Tanks: Two 1.20 x .50 x .400 approximately 500 Litres 3 year old tank Filtration: Protein skimmer.. Deltec AP1004 Calcium Reactor.. aquacare Computer system.. GHL. Main Pump .. Deltec 5250, 6000L Top up.. Tunze Osmolator, IKS dosing pump Water Flow .. Tunze Streams, 4 x 6100(12000L) 1 x 6200 (20000L)
Use PRODIBIO products to reduce nutrients and improve coral colours
Fish Kept:
Tank Size:
500 gallons