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This picture looks better than 99.71% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 7.68
This picture has been rated : 123 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.96
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New York
United States
I have a twenty gallon and a five and a half gallon. Both are heavily planted tanks with a bunch of filtration. The tanks are heavily stocked with small freshwater fish and inverts.
Get the biggest tank you can, test water parameters and change water. If you get more fish, get more plants and filtration.
Fish Kept:
Platy, Betta - Male, Neon Tetra, Glolite Tetra, Dwarf Gourami, Endler Livebearer, Cherry Barb, White Cloud Minnow, Corydora Catfish, Pygmy Corydora Catfish, Bristlenose Pleco, Kuhli Loach, Ottocinclus, Snails, Vampire Shrimp, Pompom Crab, Thai Micro Crabs, CPO Crayfish, Bamboo Shrimp, Amano Shrimp, Red Cherry Shrimp
alternanthera reineckii minilobelia cardinalisdwarf hairgrassmini christmas mossmacrandra mini butterflycryptocoryne wendtii brownanubias nana petiterotala vietnamnesea pedicelleta
Tank Size:
20 gallons
"To know nature is to love her smallest creations"