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This picture looks better than 5.93% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 2.69
This picture has been rated : 140 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 4.13
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United Kingdom
4ft tank with external filter fluval 305 and internal filter, air stone, t5lighting 1 marine glo & 1 aqua glo lights
I would recomend that you buy a second hand tank to start to ensure that fish are the right pets for you!
Fish Kept:
We have a number of tanks and will put all of them on in due course, We mainly keep guppies, swords, platy's, silver sharks, rainbow sharks, red tailed, kissing gouramies, tetra's- cardinals neon, red eye, harlequins, danios mixed and 2 discus
maily plastic in this one but I believe there are still a few amazon swords etc in there that the fish have not eaten
Tank Size:
70 gallons