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United States
standard size 48/12/18. i got a aquaclear 70 gallon filter on it. 60 gallon heater from whisper. Two oscars 1 albino tiger an 1 red. 1 common pleco.Some creek rocks from local creek few fake plants. an some feeders from the creek as well.A plain background from petstore. I always use a gigger filter than i need to keep my water clear. I would recommend that to any one looking for clear water.
Always go a step higher on the filter size when getting a filter for your tank. This will ensure clear water. also feed your fish little amounts fish dont need alot of food. clean your gravel once a month with a gravel tube they work great an are easy to use.
Fish Kept:
2 oscars an 1 pleco 1 albino tiger an 1 red the pleco is a common pleco found in any petstore
I have three or four plastic plants there water wonders from tetra I think the look so real.
Tank Size:
55 gallons
Bigger is better!
About Yourself:
Ive been into fish my whole life my mother bought me my first tank at 3 years old a ten gallon i loved it an always wanted more i have about 6 setups now an love them all. I hope to one day own my own fish store.