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This picture looks better than 45.3% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.18
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The Average Score for this category is: 6.01
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United States
Tanganyikan cichlid tank. 80 gallon perfecto bow front tank with glass canopy and rena filstar canister filtration system. Deep Blue dual t5 light strip with blue led moonlight. Marineland deep water 250 powerhead for extra waterflow and marineland fully submersible heater
If you do it the right way this can be a very addictive and fun hobby. Be patient when setting up a tank always make sure to take time and cycle your tank properly before introducing fish to your tank. Other than that enjoy your new addiction!
Fish Kept:
Frontosa Cichlid, Calvus Cichlid, Brichardi, Orange Leleupi Cichlid, julidochromis marlieri, tropheus bemba, albino long fin bushynose pleco and chocolate long fin bushynose pleco.
Java fern, jungle val, compacta sword, assorted crypts, moss balls.
Cichlid sand mixed with crushed coral substrate. Lace rock , local river rock and driftwood for decor.
Tank Size:
80 gallons
Dont talk about it be about it
About Yourself:
Got into the hobby 10 years ago. Managed a local pet store in richmond va named fin and feather. I have kept all types of fresh and brackish water fish. Just started my first saltwatermini reef tank. Ive had fully planted tetra tanks sa and african cichlid tanks, also have kept mudskipper,archerfish and pufferfish tanks