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This picture has been rated : 130 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 3.83
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250 watt metal halide 14000k
mrc2 protein skimmer
4 coralia #3 pumps
1 tunze nanostream 6055/tunze 7091 controller
little giant 4-MDQX-SC to drive the skimmer
JBJ ARCTICA chiller 1/3 hp
blueline 100hd pump to drive the filter
115 gallon refugium
18watt uv sterilizer
sand bed filter
4 65 watt blue actinic lights
strip of led's for night
saline solutions overflow box rated at 1600 gallons/hr
Take your time!!!
Fish Kept:
Pinktail Trigger
Yellow Tang
Blue Tang
Exquisite Wrasse Figi Male
Blonde Naso
2 Clarki Clowns Male/Female
Sailfin Tang
Banner fish
Pink Spotted shrimp Goby
Assorted Mushrooms
Torch Coral
Frog spawn
2 Pink tipped anemones
Christmas tree worm
Blue Linka Star fish
Sand sifting star fish
Blue Tuxedo Urchin
Green Zoanthids
Brown Zoanthids
2 Caribbean giant anemones
2 bubble tip anemones
Waving hand coral
Sea Squirts
White Caribbean zoanthid
Tank Size:
180 gallons