Photo #13 - A Pair Of My Blue Rams - Blue Rams(mikrogeophagu...

freshwater fish - papiliochromis ramirezi - german blue ram stocking in 320 gallons tank - A pair of my Blue Rams
fish tank picture - Side view 2 Ram Manor
A pair of my Blue Rams
Submitted By: honest john on
Photo Caption: A pair of my Blue Rams
320 gallons planted tank (mostly live plants and fish) - Ram Manor Community of Dwarf Cichlids & a few others. Blue Rams(Mikrogeophagus Ramerezi) Gold Rams(Papiliochromis Ramirezi) Bolivian Butterfly(Mikrogeophagus Altispinosus) Cockatoo Cichid(Apistogramma Cacatuoides) Neons, Angels, Australian Dwarf Neon Rainbows, Red Scissortail Rasbora.
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freshwater fish - apistogramma cacatuoides - orange cockatoo cichlid stocking in 320 gallons tank - 12 day old Cacatuoides fry with a belly full of Baby Brine Shrimp.
freshwater fish - apistogramma cacatuoides - orange cockatoo cichlid stocking in 320 gallons tank - Female Double Red Apistogramma Cacatuoides with 7 day old fry.
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freshwater fish - apistogramma cacatuoides - orange cockatoo cichlid stocking in 320 gallons tank - Male Apistogramma Cacatuoides Sunbust Orange.
freshwater fish - apistogramma cacatuoides - orange cockatoo cichlid stocking in 320 gallons tank - Male Apistogramma Cacatuoides Tripple Red.
freshwater fish - papiliochromis ramirezi - german blue ram stocking in 320 gallons tank - Tank bred Male Blue Ram
freshwater fish - papiliochromis ramirezi - german gold ram stocking in 320 gallons tank - My male Gold Ram
freshwater fish - papiliochromis ramirezi - german blue ram stocking in 320 gallons tank - A pair of my Blue Rams
fish tank picture - Side view 2 Ram Manor
fish tank picture - side view Ram Manor

Rank Info

Ranked #311 out of 7494 freshwater fish pictures worldwide
This picture looks better than 95.85% of pictures in this category
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The Average Score for this picture is: 6.29
This picture has been rated : 14 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 6.01

More Info

Country: Australia
Description: Ram Manor Length=5 foot, Height=20', Width=14' Running an Aqua One Aquis 750 Canister, & a sunsun 9watt UVfilter, 18' air curtain. lighting..2x4foot Phillips Aqua Relle globes.
Advice: Don't neglect your water changes. We are actually keepers of water...:)
Fish Kept: Blue Rams(Mikrogeophagus Ramerezi) Gold Rams(Papiliochromis Ramirezi) Bolivian Butterfly(Mikrogeophagus Altispinosus) Cockatoo Cichid(Apistogramma Cacatuoides) Neons, Angels, Australian Dwarf Neon Rainbows(Melanotaenia praecox), Red Scissortail Rasbora.
Corals/Plants: Vallisneria, Blue Stricta, Wisteria, Amazon Swords, Blyxa Japonica
Tank Size: 320 gallons
Quote: Life Happens, While your making other plans..
About Yourself: An animal lover...Like to think I am the animal avenger...:/


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