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This picture looks better than 41.95% of pictures in this category
The Average Score for this picture is: 4.06
This picture has been rated : 52 times.
The Average Score for this category is: 5.59
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United States
75 Gal Reef Tank, 80 pounds sand, 45 pounds live rock, Fluval 305, Pro Clear Aquatic Systems wet/dry/skimmer rated at 150 gal., 4 power heads, Prizom skimmer, 384 watt MH light (2-150 hqi mh, 4-Actinic 21 watt)
Take your time and plan things out. Look in the paper to find tanks that poeple are wanting to get rid of. You can save alot of money that way.
Fish Kept:
1-Yellowtail Damsel
1-4 Stripe Damselfish
2-Ocellaris Clownfish
1-Firefish Goby
1-Sailfin/Algae Blenny
1-Pacific Blue Tang
1-Yellow Hawaiian Tang
1-Long Tentacle Anemone
1-Sand Sifting Sea Star
7-Feather Duster
1-Flame Scallop
1-Zebra Cone Snail
15-Blue Leg Hermit Crab
3-Scarlet Reef Hermit Crab
1-Zoanthus Colony Polyp (3" dia.)
1-Kenya Tree Coral (3" tall)
1-Doughnut Coral (3" dia.)
1-Starburst Green Polyps (2" dia.)
Tank Size:
75 gallons
Go Big or Go Home
About Yourself:
I started off with a 26 gal fresh,then a 55 gal fresh, then i turned the 26 into a saltwater, then it was on to the 75 gal reef tank. Next will be a 180 or 210 saltwater shark tank.